• 如果科学哲学可以得到任何东西它们受欢迎的,不是诗歌存在原因

    If science or philosophy may gain anything from poetry, they are welcome, but that is not the reason for poetry's being.


  • 既然我们邻居如果需要任何帮助任何东西请来

    Since we are neighbors, if you need any help or anything, please come to me.


  • 如果犯错就学不到任何东西

    If you aren't making mistakes you aren't learning anything.


  • 他们可以未知的海域航行天,地区进行评估。他们知道如果没有发现任何东西的话,他们可以掉头,并借着信风迅速返回

    They could sail out for days into the unknown and assess the area, secure in the knowledge that if they didn't find anything, they could turn about and catch a swift ride back on the trade winds.


  • 正在摇摆不定的时候,律师再次打断他:“所以如果没有他们任何东西,那么又怎么会呢?”

    On a roll, the lawyer cut him off once again, "So if I don't give any money to them, why should I give any to you?


  • 如果我们承认了这个观点是不是就没有任何东西可以说是我们确定认知

    No, if we admit that notion, then is there anything we can say we know for certain?


  • 两件衣服不知怎么的给以一种强烈印象以至于现在它们出来。如果我能画出任何东西因为他们那个时候停滞我的脑海之中。

    The garments made somehow a very strong impression upon me, so that I could draw them now, if I could draw anything, as they looked when they were held up to me.


  • 而工作人员告诉如果任何东西暴露核辐射中,必须留在核电站,绝不能带出来。

    They told me that if any of my equipment was exposed, I'd be asked to leave it behind at the plant.


  • 如果真是吃不下任何东西,就试试营养蛋白质奶昔吧

    If you really can't get anything down, try a nutritious protein shake.


  • 趋势搜索完全变革了我们生活我们认为任何东西任何时候都是可以搜索的,我认为如果不是这样我们更加失望

    I guess the big trend I'd say is that search has revolutionized our lives, made us expect that anything should be searchable from anywhere and that I think we'll get more disappointed if it's not.


  • 有些愤世嫉俗者指出艺术市场伟大来源于女性领导力,这其中的主要这些妇女如果要买任何东西就会将自己丈夫卷入其中

    Some cynics say female leadership is great for the art market, largely because these women have to involve their husbands if they want to buy anything.


  • 但是如果开发商之内没有建造任何东西的话,托莱多可以原价滨水区房产

    But Toledo can buy back the waterfront property at cost if nothing is built in five years.


  • 他们痛恨移动这些垃圾,而且如果他们必须这么做的话甚至平均5更久一次)他们就会抱怨不过他们不会扔掉任何东西

    They HATE moving and they complain if they have to do it (even once every 5 years or more), but they won’t get rid of anything.


  • root权限允许访问系统任何东西如果使用不当可能造成系统无法使用

    Root privileges allow access to anything on the system and, when used incorrectly, can render a system unusable.


  • 软件往往版本更为安全(尽管如果人们选择的话没有任何东西会阻止人们去运行旧的、便宜的、也是危险浏览器电子邮件软件)。

    New software tends to be less vulnerable than old versions (though nothing prevents people running old, cheap and dangerous browsers and E-mail programs if they choose).


  • 如果没什么发生变更——或者可能的是,没有发生变更功能进行测试——您只是运行任何东西

    If nothing has changedor, more likely, you have no tests for the function that has changed — you simply do not run anything!


  • 不能改变任何东西取得任何进展如果你只是坐在那里前顾

    You can't change anything or make any sort of progress by sitting back and thinking about it.


  • 如果律师检查公司特有任何东西都不需要改变,将会十分明智

    You would be wise to have a lawyer check that nothing specific to your venture requires a change.


  • 根本就不需要任何东西——如果知道这个秘密彩票就可以破解

    Nothing needed to be scratched off—the ticket could be cracked if you knew the secret code.


  • 如果里面找到任何东西,别拿或者做其他任何事。

    If you ever find anything inside it, don't eat them or feed them to a cat or anything.


  • 告诉如果真的想到一个好的大学篮球,如果真的获得奖学金,任何东西不能阻止她,除非自己不愿意。

    He told her that if she really wanted to play for a good college, if she truly wanted a scholarship, that nothing could stop her except one thing her own attitude.


  • 如果巨大质量能量压缩足够的空间,那么扭曲就会非常严重,以至没有任何东西包括在内,能够逃脱它的引力。

    If a large enough mass or energy is crammed into a small enough space that warping becomes so severe that nothing not even light can escape.


  • 如果总是教授导师或者雇员争论,你不到任何东西

    You won't learn anything if you are constantly arguing with your professors, mentors or employers.


  • 如果我们从观察潮流中学到了任何东西的话,就是某种东西被全面推广和普及一刻,也就是不复为潮流的一刻。

    And if there is one thing that watching trends has taught us, it's that at precisely the point at which something becomes ubiquitous, that something is no longer a trend.


  • 如果对应空间存在那么删除任何东西这种情况不是异常,不会导致事务退。

    If the corresponding spatial row does not exist, there is simply nothing to delete; this condition is not an exception that causes a transaction to roll back.


  • 如果打喷嚏,朝着胳膊肘以免病菌传染你的或是身边任何东西

    If you sneeze, sneeze into your elbow so as not to transfer your germs to your handsand everything else around you.


  • 如果打喷嚏,朝着胳膊肘以免病菌传染你的或是身边任何东西

    If you sneeze, sneeze into your elbow so as not to transfer your germs to your handsand everything else around you.


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