• 如果一个具体计划银行才会非常渴望提供资助

    The other banks are going to be very eager to help, provided that they see that he has a specific plan.


  • 如果去寻找提供指引

    If you seek Him, He will provide guidance.


  • 如果作者想要自动弃权学院将会提供一份弃权证书,“

    If the author requests a waiver, the dean will provide a waiver, ” he says.


  • 但是请记住如果用户能够可移动介质启动,就提供自己的GRUB配置

    Remember, however, that if a user can boot from removable media, that user can provide his or her own GRUB configuration.


  • 同样的,如果销售人员因为超过销售配额获得奖金可能会提供一些误导性数据保持较低预期

    Similarly, if salespeople earn bonuses by beating quotas based on sales forecasts, they may supply misleading data in order to keep forecasts low.


  • 弗格森周日表示:“如果必须接受俱乐部提供的薪金。”

    Ferguson was quoted on Sunday as saying: "If he [Sneijder] wants to come, he must accept our contract offer."


  • 如果没有情侣词典(组织可以帮忙可以提供一个全是夫妇的交流平台,教你如何说出来不是出来

    If there aren't any, a couple's counselor can help or refer you to a couple's group. Learn to talk it out, rather than to argue it out.


  • 最终如果团队开发的软件并不能为企业提供价值,那么其项目出资人得不偿失—这一点最终会发现的。

    In the end, if the software your team makes doesn't provide value to the business, it's not worth whatever your project sponsor paid for it — a fact he'll eventually discover.


  • 如果提供汇率自动调整货币

    If the exchange rate is supplied, it can even adjust the currency to the base value automatically.


  • 站点提供客户服务会话如果Ken无法通过FAQ玩家指南解决遇到的问题,就可以客服人员咨询。

    Your site also offers the option to open a chat session to customer service, if Ken is unable to answer his questions using the FAQ or tutorial information provided.


  • 如果没有接受子女的邀请不要提供决定改变的意见。”

    "Do not offer to fix or change something unless you've been invited to do it," he said.


  • 到底应该怎样实现——如果实现的话——承认仍有待通过展会导游提出问题提供历史信息的方式来予以充实

    Exactly how that might be accomplished, if it can be, he admitted remains to be fleshed out in the questions and historical information presented by the exhibition and the tour guides.


  • 但是这一信息却是很重要,森林生态系统提供有价值的服务如果保护它们人们必须的有所付出

    Yet his message is an important one. Forests and other eco-systems provide valuable services; and if they are to be conserved, people must pay for them.


  • 另外如果窗口输入个人电话号码,系统能进行搜索提供相关的信息等。

    And if he typed someone else's phone number in the window, it would look it up and provide me info there too.


  • 现在如果需要这样帮助并且贫困单身的,国家将会他提供免费家庭救助如果他一个小资必须自己支付所有的钱。

    At present, if a man needs such help and is poor and alone, the state will provide assistance at home free of charge; if he has a little money, he must pay for it all himself.


  • 例如如果消极对抗的员工允诺某个日期之前提供数据需要这些数据面前这个员工确认承诺

    For instance, if a passive aggressive worker promises to get you data by a specific date, confirm that commitment with the employee in front of someone who needs that data.


  • 如果某些方面需要帮助学校辅导员是不能提供的,信息治疗师名字

    If you need help in some way that the school counselor can't provide, he or she can give you information about other resources, such as the name of a therapist.


  • 如果拥有具有说服力的证据,并且成员没有提供可信辩解那么离开这个小组

    If they have a valid case, and the team member is unable to provide a credible defense, then he is fired from the team.


  • 如果牧师奎因记录通过了这些测试,那么教区需要提供至少两个证据证明牧师后有奇迹而发生。

    If Monsignor Quinn's record passes those tests, the diocese will have to present evidence of at least two miracles attributed to him after his death.


  • 如果不能支付律师费,可以公用费用提供帮助

    If he can not afford to pay, he may be granted aid at public expense.


  • 一旦同意向某个国家提供贷款,但如果实行IMF认为错误政策怎么取消的借款资格呢。

    'Once you approve a country, how do you get them disapproved' if they adopt what the IMF considers wrong-headed policies, he said.


  • 如果没有准确射击专业描述,联合战术空中控制员可能提供准确的近距离空中支援所需的座标。

    Without his expert marksmanship and accurate description of the area, the JTAC would not have been able to provide accurate grid locations for close air support.


  • 如果客户怀疑产品提供研究数据证明主张

    If they're skeptical about his products, he provides studies to back up his claims.


  • 坚信如果帮助人民最好现金不是提供一项价值无人体谅的服务

    He is convinced that if you want to help people, it is better to give them cash rather than provide a service, whose value nobody understands.


  • 如果没有接受子女的邀请,就不要提供决定改变意见。”

    Do not offer to fix or change something unless you've been invited to do it ” he said.


  • 如果半途任务移交给团队成员,任务上下文提供一个起点

    If you turn over a task to a team member partway through, your task context provides him or her with a starting point.


  • 还补充说,如果这些著名厨师提供菜谱让人失望用户们就抛弃它们产生挫折感

    Stokes adds that if these recipes from brand-name chefs disappoint, users tend to abandon them, feeling defeated.


  • 医生帮助如果如实反映你的状况的话没法帮你诊断提供建议

    Your doctor is there to help and if you are not honest they can't give you their expert diagnosis and recommendations for treatment.


  • 医生帮助如果如实反映你的状况的话没法帮你诊断提供建议

    Your doctor is there to help and if you are not honest they can't give you their expert diagnosis and recommendations for treatment.


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