• 如果明白后来

    Please see me after class if you don't understand.


  • 如果明白之间的差异那么这个就是虚伪的无理性的合逻辑的。

    If one does not understand the difference, then that person is disingenuous, irrational and illogical.


  • 不明白一个问题的答案,就请医生再解释一遍,直到你明白为止。

    If you don't understand the answer to a question, ask the doctor to explain it again until you do understand.


  • 不明白为什么一直和朋友争吵,问问自己在什么地方与朋友有分歧,而是为什么争吵。

    If you don't understand why you keep arguing with a friend, ask yourself what you disagree on instead of why you're arguing.


  • 你等到这件事从对方的脑海中消失,他们可能不明白你想告诉他们的事情。

    If you wait until the matter disappears from the person's mind, they might not understand what you're trying to tell them.


  • 如果明白发生的事,一个解释就会来到但是没有老师讲话

    If I didn't understand what was happening, an explanation would come. But no teacher spoke.


  • 那么确定一下现在尽力去做了,如果真的明白对他的牺牲,那么结束段关系吧。

    So, ensure that you're doing your best and if he is really not understanding your love and sacrifices, call it quits.


  • 博纳说:“明白昨天白宫什么游戏,大家联合起来对付可是如果他们以为会压服我,那他们自欺欺人了。”

    "I do not know what games were being played at the White House yesterday, ganging up on Boehner, but if they thought they were rolling me, they were kidding themselves, " he said.


  • 如果业务主管人员高层执行官明白建立P MO必要性——认为无用的——那我们怎么说服他们相信价值呢?

    If business executives and sponsors don't understand the need for a PMO — and view it as overheadhow can we convince them of its value?


  • 如果明白什么是归,就读这个句子

    If you still don't know what recursion is, read this sentence.


  • 做为一个正常小孩,能理解这份我就是明白如果上帝为什么如此我?

    I understood that love to a point as a child, but I didn't understand that if God loved me why did He make me like this?


  • 如果有些地方不明白重写标题重排段落

    If something seems confusing, you may need to rewrite the headings or even reorder some paragraphs.


  • 作为结语凯斯说,“如果明白环保宣传究竟源自产品的一种功用,一定要追根溯源。

    Ultimately, says Case, "if you don't understand where a green claim comes from, check it out.


  • 如果不明白模棱两可地方一定清楚他们尤其是有意思冲突的地方,越多明确越少明确更好

    If there is any chance of misunderstandings and ambiguious titles make sure to get rid of them or specifiy explicitly what is meant. Being more specific is usually better than being less specific.


  • 换言之如果段,解读明白文字古代解读理论里,另一段,可能能阐明那段模糊文字的文字。

    In other words, if you have a text that you're not clear about the interpretation of it, it's okay in ancient interpretation theory to go to another text that might shed light on that cloudy text.


  • 如果发现明白公司弱项懂装懂

    If you see a weakness in your business and you don't [understand] it, don't pretend you do.


  • 另外值得一提的是,IntelliJScala插件现在几乎可以理解所有式转换了,所以如果明白到底发生什么control +左键单击能带发生调用的地方。

    In addition, the IntelliJ Scala plugin now understands implicits in nearly all cases, so if you're not sure what's happening control+click will take you to what's actually being called.


  • 如果不明白这个旋转的话,可以黑板上做一次。

    And, in case you have trouble reading the rotated picture, let me redo it on the board.


  • 现在还明白从前为什么要好;如果再有同样情况发生,我相信我还会受到欺骗。

    I do not at all comprehend her reason for wishing to be intimate with me, but if the same circumstances were to happen again, I am sure I should be deceived again.


  • 下面给出19条小贴士,帮培养幽默感或是助你一臂之力,前提思想如果明白好笑之处,你就惹人笑。

    Here are 19 tips for getting - or growing - your sense of humor, based partly on the idea that you can't be funny if you don't understand what funny is.


  • 我们开始真正对象建模之前可能会明白这个注解所以如果现在理解担心

    This note may not be clear to you until we start the actual object modeling, so don't worry it if it doesn't make sense, yet.


  • 过去如果流程数据出错电子商务甚至数月以后才能收到能投递的地址或是电子邮件同时客户不明白他们帐户出了什么问题。

    In the past, if any data errors occur during the process, e-commerce got undeliverable addresses or e-mails days or even months later; meanwhile, customers wondered what happened to their account.


  • 在使用什么设计管你提供什么功能如果访客明白如何AB点,他们你的网站

    Nevermind what design you have, and nevermind which functionality you have to offer - if your visitors don't understand how they can get from point a to point B they won't use your site.


  • 明白如果认识,你刚才怎么呢?

    I don't understand. If you don't know her, then why didn't you say so?


  • 如果还是明白,课后来

    Okay, see me after if you still haven't got it. Okay.


  • 当然寻找关联如果明白这里-第二相关性谬论

    And certainly don't be too proud to ask for the relevance - if you can't see it. okay here's the - this is the second fallacy of relevance.


  • 如果你们努力仍然明白发电,我会给你们一对一指导,因为如果看见容易理解

    If you still don't after putting a lot of effort in, email me and I'll give you a tutorial all on your own because it really is easy to understand once you've seen it.


  • 也是这么他们的,我告诉他们如果明白看看手表时针哪儿哪儿就是顺时针,反过来就是逆时针。

    Yes, so I say to them, I tell them if you do not understand, just have a look watch, clockwise to go where where is clockwise, which in turn is counterclockwise.


  • 也是这么他们的,我告诉他们如果明白看看手表时针哪儿哪儿就是顺时针,反过来就是逆时针。

    Yes, so I say to them, I tell them if you do not understand, just have a look watch, clockwise to go where where is clockwise, which in turn is counterclockwise.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定