• 系统提供了增强操作能力,能其他AWACS平台战斗地面站舰船卫星等进行互操作。

    The system offers increased interoperability with other AWACS platforms as well as with fighter aircraft, ground stations, ships and satellites.


  • 张惊人美丽的深景照片显示两个庞大星系引力战斗难分难解,一过去的十亿

    This stunning vista shows these two mammoth galaxies locked in gravitational combat, as they have been for the past billion years.


  • 那些复杂系统(空客380F - 22,后者是世界上最高级战斗)服务、拥有数十亿代码软件就是这样编写出来的。

    This is how software with billions of lines of code have been written for complex systems like the Airbus 380 or the F-22, the most advanced fighter plane in the world.


  • 现在正在南非举行世界杯正是荼的战斗阶段,今年夏天最热门也最流行赛事。 现在这项极魅力的赛事即将进入决赛阶段。

    The world cup in South Africa continues to be one of the hottest events of the summer and the fascination for this event continues strong as we approach the finals.


  • 然而1946年,大陆漂移说战斗进行得

    By 1946, however, the battle over continental drift was in full swing.


  • 还有通用电气动力工厂提供的能源产品燃气涡轮机英特尔公司的电脑芯片洛克希德马丁公司公司的战斗

    Then there are energy products like gas turbines for power plants made by General Electric, computer chips from Intel and fighter jets from Lockheed Martin.


  • 美国以前的攻击类似,可以携带鹞式飞机()海军陆战队垂直降落的F - 35 B联合攻击战斗

    Like previous assault ships, America can carry Harrier jump jets (pictured) and, eventually, the Marines' vertical-landing F-35B Joint Strike Fighter.


  • 意味着,美国将购买不那么简短却足够廉价装备F-35战斗不是F-22这样华而不实的高精尖端武器

    This means trading off“exquisite” top-end equipment, such as the F-22 fighter, for less capable but cheaper stuff, like the F-35 joint-strike fighter being made with several other allies.


  • AL - 31f发动机曾经使用非常可靠俄罗斯战斗SU -27SU - 30SU - 33上

    The AL-31F engine has been used by some of the most successful Russian fighters such as the Su-27, Su-30 and Su-33.


  • 同时,里面的一些激励着人生就是不停战斗青春就是大雨即使感冒了盼望回头淋一次。

    At the same time, some words have inspired me, for example, life is a constant battle, youth is a heavy rain, even cold, also look forward to experiencing it.


  • 之前为了这些改变战斗过,所有人所知努力遇到障碍。

    I have fought for these changes before and, as everyone knows, my efforts have been blocked.


  • 这些防御武器设计用来对抗大型目标的威胁主力舰的攻击,但它们过于笨重,无法咬住同盟星际战斗机那样快速移动的飞船。

    These defenses were designed against large scale threats, such as capital ship attacks, and were too ponderous to track fast-moving vessels such as Alliance starfighters.


  • 随着故事展开发现令人振奋功能网上摆动,墙壁抓取战斗行动

    As the story unfolds, you will discover exciting new abilities such as web-swinging, wall-crawling and fighting moves.


  • 摆脱幼稚走向了成熟,不再藏到父母宽大羽翼避风躲雨,而是高傲海燕渴望暴风雨敢于战斗

    We become mature from naive, never keeping ourselves out of wind and rain under shading of parents. We are like supercilious storm petrels, aspiring for the storm, bold in fighting.


  • 这种能力使得掠夺者支援战斗帮助保护较慢飞船战列舰

    This ability makes the Predator an excellent support fighter to help defend slower capital ships, such as the Battlecruiser.


  • 没有工厂外面,矗立着许多锈迹斑斑的战斗电影场景布景一般。

    He doesn't say, although the rusting fighter planes sit outside the factory, like relics from a movie set.


  • 英国皇家空军空袭德国战斗描写得栩栩生。

    The details of RAF bombing missions over Germany are scrupulous.


  • 也可以进行独自旅行,建立一个 社会意识商务然后转变那些有远大抱负企业家大军战斗口号

    You can take a personal journey, like starting a socially conscious business, and turn it into a rallying cry for an army of aspiring entrepreneurs.


  • 意味着,美国将购买不那么简短却足够廉价装备F-35战斗不是F-22这样华而不实的高精尖端武器

    This means trading off"exquisite" top-end equipment, such as the F-22 fighter, for less capable but cheaper stuff, like the F-35 joint-strike fighter being made with several other allies.


  • 很久以前游戏就模拟真实生活情境,以便培养当时重要活动的实用技巧,打猎战斗等。

    Long ago, games simulated real-life situations and developed skills useful in hunting and warfare, important activities at that time.


  • 一部讲述乱世之中太阳耀眼而且男人们战斗物语!

    This is a story about being in a troubled world as bright as the sun, the men and dreamy battle Story!


  • 先前的小说胜负未决的战斗》,早期劳工斗争一个解读。记述本书说:“达到超然的视角。”

    A previous novel, in Dubious battle, was an examination of earlier Labour battles, but he wrote of that book: "I wanted to achieve a kind of detached perspective."


  • 先前的小说胜负未决的战斗》,早期劳工斗争一个解读。记述本书说:“达到超然的视角。”

    A previous novel, in Dubious battle, was an examination of earlier Labour battles, but he wrote of that book: "I wanted to achieve a kind of detached perspective."


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