• 我们能源系统主要组成部分,燃料生产提炼发电分配,用的昂贵的、使用寿命长的装置

    The major components of our energy systems, such as fuel production, refining, electrical generation and distribution, are costly installation that have lengthy life span.


  • 剩下时间里,尽管癌症风险临终时增加,它必须其他因素剩余寿命平衡

    But for the remainder, the risk of cancer, while increased at the end of life, must be balanced with other factors like remaining life expectancy.


  • 各种干预措施感染药物可以增加人口平均存活时间只有那些减缓人体衰老速度方法才能延长最长寿命

    Various interventions, such as infection-fighting drugs, can increase a population's average survival time, but only approaches that slow the body's rate of aging will increase the maximum lifespan.


  • 剩下时间里,尽管癌症风险临终时增加,它必须其他因素平衡剩余预期寿命

    For the remainder, the risk of cancer, while increased at the end of life, must be balanced with other factors like remaining life expectancy.


  • 老年医学专家已经发现环境因素财富教育寿命长度影响我们的时候就消退了,基因的影响却在增加

    Gerontologists have found that the influence of environmental factors such as wealth or education on lifespan fades as we age, while that of genes increases.


  • 原子可以减少大气中气体以及温室气体甲烷寿命

    Chlorine atoms can reduce the lifetime of atmospheric mercury gas, as well as greenhouse gases such as methane.


  • 长的寿命大量需求垃圾玩具小窝

    Cats have a long life expectancy and a lot of needs, from litter and toys to a carrier.


  • 研究人员分析了其他影响寿命变量食谱环境代谢等,但大脑大小成为最有意义预测指标。

    The researchers analyzed other variables that could affect longevity like diet, environment, metabolic rates and found that the most significant predictor was brain size.


  • 而今天人类能活65岁,有些国家日本加拿大,平均寿命超过了80岁;非洲以外的地区,鲜有儿童死亡

    Today people live to 65 and, in countries such as Japan and Canada, over 80; outside Africa, a child's death is mercifully rare.


  • 这些建议得到广泛应用使负担地区更多的人群获得长的寿命更健康的生活

    Their widespread adoption will enable many more people in high-burden areas to live longer and healthier lives.


  • 当然,↓一个其他方面出色的投影,↓特殊灯泡寿命其他方面,↓不存在维修要求-

    Of course, it is an outstanding projector in other areas, too - such as its exceptional lamp life and otherwise-nonexistent maintenance requirements.


  • 关于产品,我们持续更新更多参数信息,电池寿命

    We will also update this story when we get more specs, battery life etc.


  • 平均寿命增加速度必然放慢因为人们难以根治慢性疾病癌症,心脏病糖尿病

    And that the rate of increase is bound to slow down because people now die mostly of chronic diseases-cancer, heart problems, diabetes-which are harder to fix.


  • 这点之外,老人需要年青人照顾,尽管先进国家英国技术可对老人提供某些帮助。 20世纪之后,大多数发达国家人的平均寿命已经有了很大的提高(30年以上)。

    Beyond a certain point, the old will need younger people to look after them – although technology is likely to provide some help in advanced countries such as the UK.


  • 但是这种设备一些缺点生产能力、设备寿命

    However it has some disadvantages, such as low productivity and short service life of the equipment.


  • 疾病会缩短寿命加以控制也可能导致严重并发症截肢中风肾衰竭

    The disease shortens lives and, if not managed, can cause severe complications such as amputations, strokes or kidney failure.


  • 部分金属钴、镍、高温熔化状态可以元件造成侵蚀影响元件寿命

    Some metals such as cobalt nickel chrome and so on can corrade the element in high temperature melting state and affect the service life of element.


  • 医学技术遗传工程其他顽症,这样能减轻病人痛苦,延长人寿命

    Medical technology, such as genetic engineering, helps combat cancer and other killer diseases, and hence alleviate the suffering of patients, and add years to life expectancy.


  • 超出指定范围造成德国阳光蓄电池损坏容量降低寿命缩短

    Such as beyond the specified range will cause Germany sun battery damage, reduced capacity and shorten the life.


  • 某些情况下进行复杂应力条件疲劳损伤分布分析,疲劳失效寿命应力水平连续分布模型有意义

    In some cases, the continuous distribution model of fatigue failure life and stress amplitude level is more valuable in analyzing the damage of ponogena under complicated stress.


  • 这种方法许多方面得到应用结构设计强度分析寿命估算断裂安全分析

    It has been found applications in many aspects, such as structure design, strength analysis, life estimate, and fracture safety analysis, etc.


  • 基于工程实践中关于可靠性信息失效率的验前信息,给出了可靠性参数可靠性、可靠寿命验后分布

    Based on a prior information on the reliability or on the hazard rate, the posterior distributions of reliability parameters, such as reliability, reliable life, are derived.


  • 装备更新概念入手简要介绍了几种装备更新的分析方法最低费用MAPI法、经济寿命法等。

    Started with the conception of equipment renewal, several equipment renewal methods are introduced briefly, including lowest-fee method, MAPI method and economic lifetime method.


  • 电信网管系统可以服务网络寿命周期各个环节业务开通、经营调整容量质量提高

    A telecom network management system is applicable to all the stages in the network life cycle such as service provisioning, operational adjustment, capacity and quality improvement, etc.


  • 备注尺寸重量包括外露部分(电源),荧光灯寿命因使用环境不同而改变。

    Remarks: Dimension or weight not included the expose parts (such as: power adaptor), fluorescent ring lamp's life can be influenced by the environmental temperature.


  • 这种牌号合金代用某些常用变形模具材料工具钢,钨钴合金,模具寿命明显提高。

    When this new material is used as cold dies instead of the usual materials, such as tool steels or tungsten carbide, the life of these is longer.


  • 研究表明,燃料电池运行参数温度湿度提高燃料电池性能寿命至关重要作用

    The recent research shows the parameter such as temperature and humidity have the crucial effect for improving the performance and running life of the Fuel Cells.


  • 综述局部腐蚀应力腐蚀破裂腐蚀作用下设备寿命预测技术的进展。

    Advances in life prediction technology for structures suffering localized corrosion such as pitting and stress corrosion cracking are surveyed and discussed.


  • 综述局部腐蚀应力腐蚀破裂腐蚀作用下设备寿命预测技术的进展。

    Advances in life prediction technology for structures suffering localized corrosion such as pitting and stress corrosion cracking are surveyed and discussed.


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