• 这种持续压力可能导致健康上的问题头痛失眠

    This persistent stress can lead to health problems, such as headaches and insomnia.


  • 高渗性昏迷治疗过程密切观察有无水肿的旱症状头痛恶心呕吐

    Whether there is in the hypertonia stupor course of treatment should observe the hydrocephalus dry time symptom closely, like headache, disgusting, vomit and so on.


  • 身体没有足够的肌肉不能完全放松收缩的肌肉会导致其他缺镁症状头痛高血压

    Without enough magnesium in our bodies, muscles cannot fully relax and contracted muscles may lead to other symptoms of magnesium deficiency such as headaches and high blood pressure.


  • 因为“反安慰剂效应”反安慰无害的,根本没有超声的视频会对人造成伤害,如头痛因为相信有害

    A nocebo is harmless thing, like a video with non-existent hyper sound. that causes harm like a headache because you belive it's harmful.


  • 通常会引起轻微不适皮疹头痛嗜睡

    This usually causes only minor discomfort, such as a skin rash, headache or sleepiness.


  • 脊柱侧弯引起背痛其他健康问题气短坐骨神经痛头痛甚至失眠

    Scoliosis can cause back pain and many other health problems, including shallow breathing, sciatica, headaches, and even insomnia.


  • 针灸可以减轻日常的小症状过敏性鼻炎(包括干草热hayfever)、头痛类风湿关节炎以及坐骨神经痛

    Acupuncture can relieve daily symptoms such as allergic rhinitis (including hay fever), headaches, rheumatoid arthritis and sciatica.


  • 塞拉舒尔这样的研究人员已经开始寻找可能潜存于偏头痛和抑郁症中的确切基因——其信息能够产生两种疾病的疗法

    Researchers like Terwindt and Schur have already begun hunting for the exact genes that may underlie both migraine and depression -information that could lead to novel treatments for both conditions.


  • 有人月内超过10服用可待因曲坦药物或者一月内15天服用扑热息痛布洛处方药,那么就有患上药物滥用性头痛的危险。

    Anyone who takes codeine or triptan-based drugs for more than 10 days a month or other over-the-counter remedies such as paracetamol or ibuprofen for 15 days a month is at risk.


  • 这种方法已经抑郁症治疗正式使用,其他帕金森头痛的治疗中,此方法的测试也在进行。

    The technique has been approved for the treatment of depression, and is being tested against several other conditions, including Parkinson’s disease and migraines.


  • 债主可能成为竞标对手1999年一项拍卖,这导致通用最终公司份资产进行重购,十分头痛

    The creditors are likely to make a rival bid that would, like the other offer, lead to GM’s eventual reacquisition of parts of a firm that it spun-off in 1999.


  • 处方药布洛芬缓释胶囊无法减轻头痛,那么可试试曲坦类药物,或有所帮助。

    If migraine can't be relieved by over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen, triptans can help.


  • 感觉不舒服时,你可以描述症状感觉faint /晕虚弱:weak /虚弱,还有头痛aheadache /头痛Ifeel faint.

    When you feel unwell, you can describe your symptoms, for example feeling faint: faint / faint and weak: weak / weak and having a headache: a headache / a headache: I feel faint.


  • 孕妇诉说先兆子痫可能表现持续严重头痛视力改变上腹心口突然体重大幅度增加,或颜面浮肿

    Women should report possible signs of preeclampsia, such as persistent or severe headache, visual changes, right upper quadrant or epigastric pain, sudden large weight gain, or facial edema.


  • 众所周知使血管扩张的物质酒精可以导致血管性头痛

    It is known that substances that dilate blood vessels, like alcohol, can cause vascular headaches.


  • 其次抗抑郁不仅抑郁症有效而且非常常见的焦虑症有效,并且也对其他方面有效,失眠症慢性头痛

    Second, antidepressants are effective not only for depression, but also for anxiety disorders, which are common as well, and for other problems such as insomnia, chronic pain and migraine headaches.


  • 这种方法已经抑郁症治疗正式使用,其他帕金森头痛的治疗中,此方法的测试也在进行。

    The technique has been approved for the treatment of depression, and is being tested against several other conditions, including Parkinson's disease and migraines.


  • 人类感染猪流感表现症状普通流感症状相似发烧咳嗽咽喉肿痛、身体疼痛头痛发冷易疲劳等

    The symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue .


  • 人类感染猪流感表现症状普通流感症状相似发烧咳嗽咽喉肿痛、身体疼痛头痛发冷易疲劳等

    The symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.


  • 针灸常用的领域在当传统药物无效时,治疗慢性疼痛关节炎、下腰头痛等,常会被用于治疗疲劳焦虑消化问题

    The most common uses are for chronic pain conditions like arthritis, lower back pain and headaches, as well as fatigue , anxiety and digestive problems, often when conventional medicine fails.


  • 这项对抗头痛的战役许多面向荼地进行着,脑部化学研究原本为其他目的研发可能有效控制头痛药物都有。

    The battle rages on many fronts, from research into brain chemistry to drugs developed for other USES that may be effective in controlling migraines.


  • 感染艾滋病病毒(4 ~8周)内可能出现一些急性早期病状淋巴结肿大、皮疹盗汗头痛咳嗽等有的一般感冒差不多

    In a few weeks of HIV infection (4 to 8 weeks) may appear in some of the early acute symptoms, such as the lymph nodes, rash, sweating, headache, coughing, and some general almost cold.


  • 头痛脑部疾病

    Like abdomen dirt, headache mouth painful brain vigorous sickness and so on.


  • 相似症状发烧定期流感随着问题咳嗽咽喉身体疼痛头痛寒颤消除疲劳

    Symptoms are similar to those of regular flu: fever, along with problems such as cough, sore throat, body aches, headaches, chills and fatigue.


  • 还有什么其它食物或饮料绿茶一般健康有益吗?中国人自古知道绿茶的药用价值,绿茶治疗头痛抑郁的各种疾病。

    The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression.


  • 结论伴有持续性头痛减速性损伤、癫痫发作者应加以重视

    Conclusion: If the patinet who have durative headache, decelerating hurt, the paroxysm of epilepsy, we should notice him carefully.


  • 人类感染猪流感表现症状普通流感症状相似发烧、咳嗽咽喉肿痛、身体疼痛头痛发冷易疲劳等

    Thee symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.


  • 人类感染猪流感表现症状普通流感症状相似发烧、咳嗽咽喉肿痛、身体疼痛头痛发冷易疲劳等

    Thee symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.


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