• 日本人现在已经安于后现代主义倦怠这个亚洲前哨现状如同欧洲一样,欧洲危险

    So the Japanese have settled into a postmodernist ennui, an Asian outpost of that European condition, but in a more dangerous part of the world.


  • 修订后的法案的确建立事后反对专利权程序如同欧洲所做的,有些人认为对质疑者来说仍然太过让人恼火。

    It does create a process for opposing a patent afterwards, as in Europe, but some say it will still be too burdensome for the challenger.


  • 不过可以预期男孩不会如同欧洲王室那样拥有多少乐趣,如瑞士韦尔比耶(Verbier滑雪吸食可卡因,十几岁同堂兄妹们一起

    Yet the boy can expect little of the funsnowboarding at Verbier, lines of cocaine, teenage romps with first cousinsenjoyed by European royals.


  • 同意管理者服务业务网络部门中分离出来,如同意大利电信建议,而欧洲管理者希望所有现任者都如此进行的那样

    It agreed with regulators to separate its services business from its network division, as Telecom Italia now proposes-and European regulators would like all incumbents to do.


  • 如同欧洲其他地区一样,英国对衰退担忧也主要集中房屋贷款中出现问题失业率上升小型企业面临困境

    Recession worries here, as in the rest of Europe, center on mortgage difficulties, rising unemployment and the difficulties small businesses face.


  • 俄罗斯北约大使罗戈津俄罗斯北约因为格鲁吉亚所引发紧张关系,就如同第一次世界大战前夕欧洲紧张气氛。

    Russian NATO envoy Rogozin says poor relations between Russia and the alliance over Georgia remind him of tensions in Europe on the eve of World War I.


  • 其次也是更深层要求需要解决如同导致欧洲两次世界大战的问题:亚洲缺少一个可以负责这些问题的正式组织

    That points to a second, deeper need, one that it took Europe two world wars to come close to solving: emerging Asia’s lack of serious institutions to bolster such deals.


  • 这样的制度鼓励法官如同欧洲大陆国家一样问。

    It does not encourage judges to be inquisitorial, as in continental Europe.


  • 如同其它任何条约一样,《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》规定了缔约方,也正式加入该公约各国(以及欧洲联盟)的法律义务

    As with any other treaty, the WHO FCTC confers legal obligations on its Parties - that is, on the countries (and the European Union) that have formally acceded to it.


  • 正当开发国家试图赶走欧洲主权债务拖欠风潮时,巴西经济如同2008年一样火红。

    WHILE the developed world tries to stave off a wave of sovereign debt defaults in Europe, the Brazilian economy is partying like it's 2008.


  • 如同英国酒店酒徒铃声敲响之前拥到吧台酒一样,欧洲银行争先恐后地排队集资

    LIKE drinkers in an English pub who crowd the bar well before the bell is rung for last orders, Europe's Banks are jostling to get to the front of the queue to raise extra capital.


  • 不过欧洲央行行为仅仅会加剧投资者所有欧元区债券---甚至是德国的债券---的担忧如同最终压垮欧元加上根稻草。

    Yet that only reinforces investors’ nervousness about all euro-zone bonds, even Germany’s, and makes an eventual collapse of the currency more likely.


  • 燕麦如同大麦小麦中的杂草一样传遍欧洲亚洲

    Oats spread over europe and asia as weed-like mixtures in barley and wheat .


  • 欧洲到来如同这些疾病1000年间致死的人数美洲压缩150年内发生一样。

    When the Europeans came over, it was as if all the deaths over the millennium caused by these diseases were compressed into 150 years in the Americas.


  • 最有可能结局英国可能发现自己如同一个性格乖张局外人,虽然可以限度进入统一市场,但是对欧洲几乎没有影响力朋友寥寥无几

    The most likely outcome would be that Britain would find itself as a scratchy outsider with somewhat limited access to the single market, almost no influence and few friends.


  • 这个梦想长久阻挠如同欧洲拿破仑时代

    That dream for him, had long been thwarted as he hoped for same within Europe in the days of Napoleon.


  • 如同康熙的,有没有任何一个欧洲王公会允许派遣和尚过去“和谐”他们的国家

    As Kangxi said, would any European prince allow him to send monks to evangelize in their country?


  • 全球化背景诞生成长起来KEEWAY如同一支火炬,在欧洲取得火种,迈向点亮全球道路

    Born and growing under the backdrop of globalization, KEEWAY is a torch, ignited in Europe and on its way to light the world.


  • 2008年里,“欧元区出现严重失衡说法如同例行公事一般,连续几个月出现欧洲央行决定利率高官们每月敲定新闻公报中

    For much of 2008, a stock phrase in the press statement agreed each month by the European Central Bank's rate-setters was "the euro area does not suffer from major imbalances."


  • 如果带着孩子出游,记住欧洲迪斯尼乐园巴黎市中心只有一个小时车程。如同美国迪斯尼乐园一般,有着很多一样游乐项目

    If you are taking your children with you, remember that Euro Disney is just an hour away from the centre of Paris, It offers many of the same attractions as the Disney parks in the USA.


  • 但是深信欧洲团结基础牢固的,足以使我们度过这个困难时期如同以前一样

    But I am convinced that the unity of Europe is rooted in a solid ground, strong enough to survive this period of difficulty, just as it has survived similar periods in the past.


  • 但是深信欧洲团结基础牢固的,足以使我们度过这个困难时期如同以前一样

    But I am convinced that the unity of Europe is rooted in a solid ground, strong enough to survive this period of difficulty, just as it has survived similar periods in the past.


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