• 就是所说,“这个系统放进有意识大脑里,就会感到恐惧。”

    That is, as LeDoux says, "if you put that system into a brain that has consciousness, then you get the feeling of fear."


  • 耶和华你们救赎以色列圣者此说,你们缘故,已经打发人巴比伦去并且使底人逃民,自己喜乐的船下来

    Thus saith the LORD, your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; For your sake I have sent to Babylon, and have brought down all their nobles, and the Chaldeans, whose cry [is] in the ships.


  • 耶和华你们救赎主以色列圣者此说,你们的缘故已经打发人巴比伦去并且使逃民,自己喜乐的船下来

    Thus saith the LORD, your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; For your sake I have sent to Babylon, and have brought down all their nobles, and the Chaldeans, whose cry is in the ships.


  • 巴特夫妇还是一既往的令人愉快但是他们不得不提前回去的时候,我们一点都惊讶

    The Butlers were their delightful selves, but we were not surprised when they said they'd have to leave earlier than they'd expected.


  • 经常关于非同寻常事件故事围绕着那些后来很伟大人们的出生:,波斯的斯,俄狄浦斯耶酥等等

    It's very common to find stories of the extraordinary events that surround the birth of someone who will later become great: Cyrus of Persia, Oedipus, Jesus, and so on.


  • 更加引起争议的是,利亚身上,具备底线胸襟的商人和平主义者集合到了一起他深信和平,一任何重要之物,可以并且必须标准化

    More contentiously, the bottom-line-minded businessman and the pacifist in Mr Killelea come together in a conviction that peacefulness, like anything important, can and must be calibrated.


  • 一点点公立保险机构影子都没有自由派参议员斯。范格拉斯杰伊·洛克·菲就要跳脚了。

    If there is not even a hint of a public plan, liberals like Senator Russ Feingold and Jay Rockefeller may stomp off.


  • 其他一些学者克拉荷马州立大学罗伯特·拉兹仍坚持体罚能教育小孩子的观点,承认对于一些的孩子来说体罚会产生反作用。

    Other scholars, such as Robert Larzelere of Oklahoma State University, defend the role of smacking in disciplining younger children, though he agrees that it is counter-productive for older ones.


  • 事实上,这位微软巨头慈善家仅仅只是美国商界左撇子巨贾中的位,福特洛克·菲ibm总裁郭士纳左撇子。

    In fact, the Microsoft Titan and philanthropist is one of a surprising number of U.S. business moguls to be left-handed, including Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller and former IBM head Lou Gerstner.


  • 蒙大拿州参议员乔恩·泰斯特州的卫叔议员吹嘘自己长期拥有枪支的生涯表明立场支持第二修正案

    The likes of Jon Tester, a new senator in Montana, and Heath Shuler, a North Carolina congressional freshman, did much bragging about their lifelong gun ownership and support for the second amendment.


  • 运气加上技巧,使得“牌局人生充斥不完全信息马后炮。”李德是说。

    It blends with skill to produce a game that is "much like life, full of incomplete information and second-guessing," says Mr Lederer.


  • 在那里或许有些奇怪化学成分是开普望远镜没看到的。 这个温度太了不能形成,氨云可以反射一部分入射辐射木星便是此。

    That’s too hot for the formation of ammonia clouds that would reflect some of that incoming radiation as they do on Jupiter.


  • 封应聘信随机地签署了貌似黑人姓名、拉奇莎)白人姓名。

    Each fictitious applicant was randomly assigned either a black-sounding name, such as Jamal or Lakisha, or a white one, such as Emily or Greg.


  • 枪杆粗织布枪头重六百舍客

    His spear shaft was like a weaver's rod, and its iron point weighed six hundred shekels.


  • 历史上杰出医学家们希波克拉底(译者注:古希腊名医)、瓦罗、马赛使用天然(译者:没有经过处理的牛奶)来治疗疾病

    Hippocrates, Pilany, Varro, Marcellus and Empiricus the leading physicians of their day all used raw milk in their treatment of diseases.


  • 地区一些名人史蒂夫·怀特最高法院法官约瑟夫·斯托瑞(JosephStory)过从甚密。

    He was a close friend of such Salem area notables as Stephen White and Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story.


  • 还有那些陷入财政困局的公司出产的汽车同样也难以保值,克莱斯百灵萨博9 - 3。

    And autos made by companies that are experiencing financial problems — like Chrysler's Sebring and Saab's 9-3also have trouble retaining value.


  • 事实上这位微软巨头兼慈善家仅仅只是美国商界左撇子巨贾中的位,福特、洛克·菲ibm总裁郭士纳都是左撇子。

    In fact, the Microsofttitan and philanthropist is one of a surprising number of U.S.business moguls to be left-handed, including Henry Ford, John D.Rockefeller and former IBM head Lou Gerstner.


  • 每天5英里今我命,艾尔默·莱昂纳多、詹姆斯··伯克乔治·P.派坎诺斯的冷血犯罪小说,我读得津津有味。

    I walk five miles a day, and lately I’ve been binge-reading, wolfing down hard-boiled crime novels by writers like Elmore Leonard, James Lee Burke and George P. Pelecanos.


  • 航行时,劳伦斯大海岛》中描述过:“巴身后迷人的山顶幽灵般出现在半明半暗的天空下。”

    Of sailing into Palermo, Lawrence wrote in "Sea and Sardinia" : "The fantastic peaks behind Palermo show half-ghostly in a half-dark sky."


  • 伦塞工业学院建筑专业学生们围着一个栩栩的巴台农神庙图像转圈子,仔细研究宏伟建筑屋顶圆柱

    At Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, architectural students move around in an animated image of the Parthenon, examining that noble structure's roof and columns.


  • 有时候作品人想到过去荷兰艺术大师,鲍希哲尔。

    At times, his work brings to mind Dutch artists of the past, such as Hieronymus Bosch and Pieter Breughel the Elder.


  • 包括工程由主动物艺术家的作品,伦勃朗多尔海因里希凯利,温莎迈克凯利许多其他

    Includes works from master animal artists like Rembrandt, Durer, Dore, Heinrich Kley, Winsor McCay and many others.


  • 不过,《简爱》仍然出好片子尤其斯那栩栩生的表演格外精彩

    Still, "Jane Eyre" is a very enjoyable soaper , especially Welles' campy performance.


  • 凤凰车队车手名单一些可识别名称冠军弗兰·克比·拉亚马努埃莱皮罗加上传奇汉斯·约阿希姆卡住

    Phoenix Racing's driver SLATE has a few recognizable names as well, such as multiple le Mans winners Frank Biela and Emanuele Pirro plus the legendary Hans-Joachim Stuck.


  • 四卷故事行文歌,讴歌二十世纪中叶那不女性主义女性友谊

    This four-volume narrative, with all its operatic overtones, is a tribute to feminism and female friendship in mid-20th-century Naples.


  • 事实上,这位微软巨头慈善家仅仅只是美国商界左撇子巨贾中的位,福特洛克·菲ibm总裁郭士纳左撇子。

    In fact, the Microsoft Titan and philanthropist is one of a surprising number of U. S. business moguls to be left-handed, including Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller and former IBM head Lou Gerstner.


  • 事实上,这位微软巨头慈善家仅仅只是美国商界左撇子巨贾中的位,福特洛克·菲ibm总裁郭士纳左撇子。

    In fact, the Microsoft Titan and philanthropist is one of a surprising number of U. S. business moguls to be left-handed, including Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller and former IBM head Lou Gerstner.


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