• 告诉如何释放

    Tell me how do I set you free?


  • 但是储存脂肪如何释放改变支持癌症的发生仍然不明

    How stored fats are liberated and remodeled to support cancer pathogenesis, however, remains unknown.


  • 如果确定如何释放压力建议尝试下列技巧

    If you're not sure how to relieve your stress, I would recommend that you try a combination of techniques.


  • 角色扮演部分重点在决定是否何时如何释放额外讯息

    Part of the role play is deciding if, when and how to divulge any additional information.


  • 电影讲述了如何释放压力比如说他的孩子海边游玩一下。

    It also shows how he released his stress, say, by taking a break with his kid in the seaside.


  • 描述如何安全地释放组件包括如何释放组件所占用的所有资源释放内存

    Describes how to safely dispose a component, including how to release any resources that it is holding in order to free memory.


  • 因此我们本次会议中的一个侧重点就是如何释放数据以及如何传统关系数据库简单地做到一点,等等

    So one of the things that we're doing at this event is, how do we unlock the data and do it more easily than traditional relational databases, etc.


  • 分析MCS一51单片机返回指令解决如何释放中断逻辑问题,并给出一些特殊用法实用程序

    This paper analyses the return instruction of MCS-51 and gives the answer to releasing the interrupt. Some special use and program are also given.


  • 如果它们实实在在经济价值那么由监管者琢磨如何释放价值,不是试图通过立法去消灭

    If the economic value is real, then it is up to the regulators to figure out how to unleash that value rather than trying to legislate it out of existence.


  • 如果了一些有违大我(或上帝,最高的神)的选择这位天使引导如何释放它们,以你做出新的选择。

    If you have made choices that were not for your Highest Good, this Angel can show you how to release those choices that you may make new ones.


  • 本文介绍了在使用内存情况下,如何系统内存合理搭配如何释放更多的内存空间程序运行速度变快

    The use of small memory, the memory system and how to make a reasonable match, how to release more memory space and let the program run faster.


  • 近年来有一种新型科学名叫新陈代谢研究分子普通新陈代谢中如何释放化学物质的科学,此次研究对于新陈代谢学来说跨时代的成功

    The study is a landmark success for a new field of science called metabolomics, which looks at how cells release chemicals during normal metabolism.


  • 例如汽车制造商正在尝试使用微型设备,这些设备能够感知何时释放安全气囊以及如何保持引擎刹车有效运转

    Auto manufacturers, for example, are trying to use tiny devices that can sense when to release an airbag and how to keep engines and breaks operating efficiently.


  • 对于人体如何处理释放脂肪对付多少多余的脂肪来说,仍然一些有待解答问题

    There are still unanswered questions over how the body dealswith the released fat, and how much extra it can cope with.


  • 迄今为止,大部分研究工作集中致病菌如何通过释放毒素或者刺激免疫系统的方式影响大脑的。

    So far, most of the work has focused on how pathogenic bugs influence the brain by releasing toxins or stimulating the immune system, Cryan says.


  • 一个问题如何根据对象范围自动释放对象。

    The other issue is how to automatically release objects based on their scopes.


  • 棘手的问题如何处置那些不能起诉,危险度很高不能轻易释放的那些人。

    The knottiest problem will be what to do with those who cannot be prosecuted but cannot sensibly be freed—and are still dangerous.


  • 如果熟悉使用图形用户界面进行应用程序开发的过程,您就能够想象出如何工作的:就如同鼠标的按键按下释放一样

    If you're familiar with developing applications using a graphical user interface, you can imagine how it works: it's similar to mouse buttons that are pressed and released.


  • 绝大多数围绕植物如何自我防卫展开,例如释放毒素或者在附近无关植物吃掉资源集中于它们免疫系统

    Much of it described how plants defended themselves, producing toxins and concentrating resources on their immune systems when unrelated neighboring plants were eaten.


  • 除了针灸草药疗法如何在睡觉能够释放压力冥想

    In addition to acupuncture and herbal therapies, I decided to teach her a stress release meditation that she could do before bedtime to help with her anxiety.


  • 点击每个浏览器图标,你可以看到浏览器窗口一步释放如何改变认为交互式中的有趣的部分

    As you click each browser icon, you can see how the browser window has changed for each release, which I think is the most interesting part of the interactive.


  • 原因在于问题复杂性信息缺乏,我们不清楚纷繁复杂的断层周围压力如何一些地方聚集又在另一些地方释放的。

    That is because of the complexity of the problem and the lack of information about how the stresses around the cat's cradle of neighbouring faults accumulate in some places and are relieved in others.


  • 参阅本期释放用于DB 2工作负载固态硬盘价值”关于如何SSD最大化DB 2性能的讨论

    See "Unleashing the Value of Solid-State Drives for DB2 Workloads" in this issue for a discussion on how to maximize the performance of DB2 with SSDs.


  • 其中的个“幻想”可能来自于太阳能的利用如何存储起来,随后化学作用的形式释放出来,类似植物的光合作用。

    One fantasy is that in the future solar energy will be stored and put to work chemically, much as it is in plants through photosynthesis.


  • 生产商决定如何以及何处释放电影

    The producer will decide how and where to release his film.


  • 生产商决定如何以及何处释放电影

    The producer will decide how and where to release his film.


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