• 直到我们东西后,才开始学会如何自己事情

    It wasn't until we each went our separate ways that I began to learn how to do things for myself.


  • 如果心理医生,他们教你如何自己处理问题

    If you go to the right therapist they will teach you how to deal with problems yourself.


  • Mozilla公布文档解释如何自己制作Fennec扩展

    Mozilla has published documentation that explains how to build your own Fennec extensions.


  • 有一本有关美容含有电子视频可以演示如何自己制作护肤剂。

    A beauty book contains videos that demonstrate how to make homemade skin-care potions.


  • 之前错误,我不知道如何处理问题如何自己动手。

    Before this I was making mistakes, I didn't know how to deal with problems, how to do things for myself.


  • 为了确定马克宿舍需要什么以及如何自己生活鲍勃做了很多侦查工作

    To find out what Mack would need for his dorm room and how he would fare living on his own, Bob and Lee did some reconnaissance.


  • 本文不是显示如何利用FacebookSDK现有开发,您将了解如何自己轻松地包装sdk,然后再一种快捷方式使用

    Instead of showing you how to take an existing wrapper library for the Facebook SDK, you will learn how to easily wrap the SDK yourself and then use it in a quick way.


  • 毫无悔意地讲述了他如何杀死自己父亲

    He has no compunction about relating how he killed his father.


  • 认为运动员成败取决于他们如何激励自己

    I think athletes sink or swim depending on how they motivate themselves.


  • 病人获得有关如何调节自己饮食的指导。

    Patients are taught how to modify their diet.


  • 固执拒绝告诉自己如何落到这种地步的。

    He stubbornly refused to tell her how he had come to be in such a state.


  • 与其依赖别人分类,不如考虑一下如何定义自己

    Rather than relying on how others classify you, consider how you identify yourself.


  • 首先应该考虑如何自己有能力谋生

    First you should consider how to equip yourself to earn a living.


  • 应该知道如何保护自己免受沙尘暴的侵袭。

    You should know how to protect yourself from dust storms.


  • 可以那些没有生活技能的孩子如何照顾自己

    You can teach the children without life skills how to take care of themselves.


  • 经过大量的练习终于学会了如何平衡自己

    After much practice, you finally learned how to balance yourself.


  • 女孩们学会了焦虑如何自己平静下来。

    The girls learned how to calm themselves when they are anxious.


  • 根据这项研究,重要的我们如何看待自己意志力

    According to the study, what matters most is what we think about our willpower.


  • 涵盖了我们如何组织自己想法,并这些想法呈现观众。

    It includes how we organize our ideas to present to the audience.


  • 自我形象不仅仅如何评价自己包括别人如何看待你。

    Self-image is more than how you picture yourself; it also involves how others see you.


  • 学会了如何自己开办餐饮生意企划书。

    She learned how to write a business plan for the catering business she wanted to launch.


  • 无意告诉如何经营自己事业

    I wouldn't presume to tell you how to run your own business.


  • 他们担心自己到了晚年如何维持生计

    They worry about how they will support themselves in their old age.


  • 不管女性如何试图改善自己境遇障碍看法压制她们。

    No matter what a woman tries to do to improve her situation, there is some barrier or attitude to keep her down.


  • 不知道自己如何弄得如此狼狈不堪。

    She wondered how she had got into this unholy mess.


  • 如何用钱自己

    How I spend my money is my affair.


  • 如何达到自己的目的方面很在行。

    He's an expert at getting his own way.


  • 如何看待自己公司中的位置

    How do you view your position within the company?


  • 老实说下次遇到潜在危险的情况时,知道自己如何反应

    I honestly don't know how I will react the next time I meet a potentially dangerous situation.


  • 总是举例说自己孩子表现如何

    She's always holding up her children as models of good behaviour.


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