• 一位研究如何减少垃圾环境科学家其中包括研究减少垃圾车行驶下来的东西考虑到一点,自然就明白为什么会养成这种奇怪习惯

    His strange habit makes sense when you consider that he's an environmental scientist who studies how to reduce litter, including things that fall off garbage trucks as they drive down the road.


  • 我真的感到奇怪因为明白到底哪里出了,我如何才能改善这种情况。

    It was really strange for me because I could not figure out what was wrong and how I could improve my situation.


  • 非常奇怪如何结束

    I wondered greatly how it would end.


  • 我们如何理解这些奇怪描写

    What do we make of these odd moments of description?


  • 海德格尔理论进行口头论战因而并不奇怪毕竟自由社会如何对待危险观点传统美国立场值得进一步探讨。

    A verbal brawl over Heidegger's theories should not be surprising, though. After all, the classic American position on how liberal societies should treat dangerous ideas is worth more discussion.


  • 几个有些奇怪因为它们演示sed如何工作不是执行任何有用的任务

    The first several are going to be a bit weird because I'm using them to illustrate how sed works rather than to perform any useful task.


  • 之所以使用机器人做家务,就是为了省下时间别的奇怪的是,Roomba,看它如何对付障碍物这种,简直令人欲罢不能

    Domestic robots are supposed to free up time so that you can do other things, but watching how the Roomba deals with obstacles is strangely compelling.


  • 不幸的是,我们确切知道这个基因如何物种中“跳跃”,并不奇怪因为一切都发生在70万年前

    Unfortunately, we don’t know exactly how the gene jump between the species occurred, which is not surprising as it took place perhaps 700 000 years ago.


  • 无论如何都很难解释waor所说的东西(因此人们也没有必要理解奇怪google翻译)。

    Anyway ill try to explain what wzor was saying (so people dont need to decode that weird google translation).


  • 奇怪他们研究结果一开始看起来可能是正确的,而后又似乎显然是正确的,接着注意力转向如何解决这个问题

    Oddly, the results first look as if they can't be right, then later it seems obvious they are right, then attention turns to what can be done about it.


  • ——面试这种奇怪问题,是看看遇到特殊情况的反应有或是看看如何自己不显得狼狈

    Interviewers often ask these oddball questions to see how quickly you can think on your feet and whether you can avoid becoming flustered.


  • 角度上如何理解这个奇怪女士传播节日祝福的?

    How do you feel about this strange woman spreading her holiday cheer in your direction?


  • 奇怪作者没有给出任何这些观念如何转化武术提示仿佛是自的。

    Oddly enough, the author offered no indication about how the ideas should be translated into the martial arts, as if it were all self-evident.


  • 其实并不奇怪因为从来他们授权过,那他们怎么能从别人那里学到如何授权呢?

    That's not really surprising, because no one ever delegated anything to them. How else are they going to learn?


  • 是个奇怪现象忠实支持者盲目投票,不管你文章质量如何

    It's a strange phenomenon, where your loyal followers will support you almost blindly no matter what the quality of your work.


  • 记忆如何头脑潜伏这么多年实在非常奇怪

    It's strange indeed how memories can lie dormant in a man's mind for so many years.


  • 可能感到奇怪不管如何查询返回对象仍然适当子类型对象。

    It may surprise you that the objects returned are still objects of the appropriate subtype, despite how they were queried.


  • 然后又继续接着给她讲如何运作的,他涉及面非常广,各主题分门别类然后一直结束。他女儿这些突然涌入奇怪知识感到肃然起敬。

    He covers a wide and varied assortment of sub topics and by the time he's finished, his daughter is somewhat awestruck with this sudden influx of bizarre new knowledge.


  • 这部短篇小说中,伦敦先生解释了极度严寒如何这个世界变得死气沉沉的,引起了人们奇怪想法

    In the story, Mister London explained how the extreme cold made the world seem dead. It caused strange thoughts.


  • 这并不奇怪无论出于何种理由也不管基金经理判断如何对于投资者而言,内部回报率都一个差劲的指标。

    Not surprisingbut whatever the reason, or the fund manager's judgment, the IRR is a poor guide to the investor.


  • 教程中展示如何创建基于一些奇怪形状优美布局

    In this tutorial I will show you how to create a beauty layout based on some strange shapes.


  • 反正那个采访老兄就是觉得奇怪——纷繁复杂的英语用法中,这个名词意义是如何发生变化的?

    Anyway, the interviewer wondered about how the name later changed in the hurly-burly of English use and he said.


  • 由于奇怪性质如何生活在那里筲箕湾希望避免局势秘密朋友害怕排斥他们联系

    Due to the strange nature of how he came to live there, Kei wanted to keep the situation a secret from his new friends for fear of being ostracized as being too old to associate with them.


  • 没有奇怪地方,仅仅确定了book映射(dw_books)以及如何映射对象属性(isbntitle)。

    None of this is surprising; it just takes the book class and identifies the table to map to (dw_books) and how to map that object's properties (isbn and title).


  • 奇怪,还来不及东张西望,迪格雷便差不多忘了如何那里的。

    The strangest thing was that, almost before he had looked about him, Digory had half forgotten how he had come there.


  • 奇怪卡伦如何想要房子一个花园然而许多丈夫所有工作

    Strange how Karen wanted a house with a garden and yet, like so many husbands, I do all the work.


  • ,非常奇怪的是,目前没有一个人力资源主管升到这么高的,所以我们不能确定如何解决这个问题。

    You see, strangely enough, we've never once had a Human Resources Director make it this far and we're not really.


  • 凯西进入深度恍惚状态描述了声带病情,尤其奇怪的是,他还提出了如何治疗的建议。

    Cayce went into a deep trance and described the condition in his vocal cords, advising, strangely enough, what to do for it.


  • 凯西进入深度恍惚状态描述了声带病情,尤其奇怪的是,他还提出了如何治疗的建议。

    Cayce went into a deep trance and described the condition in his vocal cords, advising, strangely enough, what to do for it.


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