• 货轮绕过好望角驶入大西洋

    The freighter rounded the Cape of Good Hope and sailed into the Atlantic.


  • 暴风他们绕过好望角已经减弱了。

    The storms had abated by the time they rounded Cape Horn.


  • 我们昨夜绕过好望角

    Our ship rounded Cape of Good Hope last night.


  • 非洲也许不得不寄希望南非——红海好望角之间的非洲大陆唯一海军规模还好的强国。

    Africa may have to look to South Africa, the continent's sole coastal country between the Red Sea and the Cape with a proper navy.


  • 挪威好望角,从曼谷海参威或骑,足迹遍布征程。

    He went from Norway to the Cape of Good Hope and from Bangkok to Vladivostok, wheeling or walking every inch of the way.


  • 天狼星号油轮2008年11月15日遭劫持,当时油轮航行在450海里以外的肯尼亚沿岸海域,这里一直是从沙特阿拉伯经由好望角美国必经之

    The MV Sirius Star was hijacked on November 15 more than 450 nautical miles off the coast of Kenya as it was en route from Saudi Arabia to the us via the Cape of Good Hope.


  • 有些船只已经开始绕道非洲好望角(单次海运费用上涨五十万美元)躲开索马里附近丁湾

    Some ships have begun taking the long route, around Africa's Cape of Good Hope (cost: up to $500, 000 a sail), to avoid the Gulf of Aden, off Somalia.


  • 黑斑鬣犬好斗好望角眼镜蛇保持距离

    A spotted hyena keeps its distance from an aggressive Cape cobra.


  • 到了上年底,情况已经糟糕马士基(Maersk)这个全球最大轮船公司宣布油轮绕行好望角

    Towards the end of last year, the situation became so bad that Maersk, the world's largest shipping company, announced that its oil tankers would be rerouted via the Cape of Good Hope.


  • 2008年6月14日桑德兰驾船离开了洛杉矶南部琳娜得瑞港,途中在非洲好望角附近海上庆祝了自己十七岁的生日

    He left Marina Del Rey, just south of Los Angeles, on June 14, 2008, and celebrated his 17th birthday at sea while off Africa's Cape of Good Hope.


  • 南纬60度线南极大约2000英里,它环绕地球刚好错过南美洲南端远在好望角新西兰之南。

    This line, running around the globe some 2, 000 miles from the South Pole itself, just misses the lower tip of South America, and is well below the Cape of Good Hope and New Zealand.


  • 只要旅途多花上时间一些额外花销许多空余的油轮可以转道,将海湾石油通过漫长的路途绕过好望角到达欧洲

    There are plenty of spare tankers that could shift Gulf oil the long way to Europe around the Cape of Good hope-putting a couple of weeks and some added expense on the journey.


  • 比如说它们通常定期形成南非好望角海岸及南大样的格凌兰沿岸,并深海上升来营养物为食。

    Red tides, for example, regularly form off the Cape coast of South Africa, fed by nutrients brought up from the deep, and off Kerguelen island in the Southern Ocean.


  • 好望角人民被无法实现承诺束缚住了手脚,没有哪个西方外交官记者捐赠人这个地区提出过稳定长期解决方案

    The people of the Horn are stuck underfoot between failing states, Western diplomats, journalists and donors, none of whom provide long-term sustainable solutions for the region.


  • 更沉重锈蚀斑斑波浪形坍塌的或是留在好望角巨大的混凝土人工做的悬崖,古代金属丝做成的胡子等等。

    Heavier coverings: rusting corrugated iron, broken-down walls, or at Hope cove giant concrete blocks, mimicking the cliffs, whiskered with antique wire.


  • 1488年今天,葡萄牙航海家巴尔托洛梅乌·迪亚士绕过好望角到达莫塞尔港,他成为第一个绕过好望角欧洲航海家。

    1488 - Bartolomeu Dias of Portugal lands in Mossel Bay after rounding the Cape of Good Hope, becoming the first known European to travel so far south.


  • 继续航行到达东印度群岛(印度尼西亚),横跨印度洋到达非洲南端好望角

    From there he proceeded to the East Indies (Indonesia) and across the Indian Ocean to the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa.


  • 伽马著名葡萄牙航海家,在1497至1498年间发现绕过好望角印度航线

    Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese navigator, who discovered the route to India round the Cape of Good Hope between the year of 1497 and 1498.


  • 报道有些船运公司绕过非洲好望角长线,以避免靠近索马里的亚丁湾。

    Some shipping companies are reportedly going the long way around Africa, via the Cape of Good Hope, to avoid piracy in the Gulf of Aden, near Somalia.


  • 最终他们发现非洲大陆一端这个区域被称之为好望角

    They finally found the end of the African continent, the area called the Cape of Good Hope.


  • 人们担忧船东可能开始将易受攻击船舶转道绕行好望角不再与日俱增风险,经行苏伊士运河。

    There are fears ship owners could start diverting vulnerable ships round the Cape of Good Hope rather than brave the increasingly risky route through Suez.


  • 1788年亚瑟飞利浦船长到达悉尼港,带来了巴西好望角买来澳洲第一株葡萄苗。

    In 1788 Captain Arthur Phillip arrived at Sydney Cove he bought along Australia's first grape vines from Brazil and the Cape of Good Hope.


  • 海盗疯狂行动造成国际航运成本特别是保险费用狂涨很多船东为了防止遭海盗袭击只能绕道南非好望角

    Crazy actions of the pirates of international shipping costs, especially soaring insurance costs, many owners in order to prevent attacks by pirates, but to bypass the South African Cape of Good Hope.


  • 海盗疯狂行动造成国际航运成本特别是保险费用狂涨很多船东为了防止遭海盗袭击只能绕道南非好望角

    Crazy actions of the pirates of international shipping costs, especially soaring insurance costs, many owners in order to prevent attacks by pirates, but to bypass the South African Cape of Good Hope.


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