• 野营当地居民接触途径因为葡萄牙人本身就是热情露营者

    Camping is a great way to meet the locals as the Portuguese themselves are enthusiastic campers.


  • 有一接待员很重要因为他们经常客户第一接触

    A good receptionist is important because they are usually the first point of contact for clients.


  • 这个简单想法毒药一样一样,我们应该避免接触

    This simple idea is that sugar is as goodor as bad—as poison and should be avoided.


  • 所有常用的积极肢体语言可以帮助留下一个印象微笑目光接触,身体前身体方向

    All the usual positive body language can help make a good impression: smiling, eye contact, forward lean and body orientation.


  • 剪裁布料在一起,在一端涂上一些接触胶合剂,让T尾部。 把T两端中间可以做出笔的地方

    Take both material pieces, lay them out together, apply some contact cement to one end of the strap and lay it glue up in the T. Fold the T ends to the glued center to make the pencil holders.


  • 一个的环境潜移默化影响5月24日接触很多其中一些变成你的朋友精神方面进入新的境域

    A sweet social influence will crank up on May 24 and bring you in contact with many new people. Some will become new friends, and those will lead you into fresh new places of the heart and mind.


  • 调查问卷非常保持接触增加参与度以及吸收成员办法

    Surveys are a good way to stay in touch, increase participation, and bring in new members.


  • 现在上酒了,那怎么和当地人接触呢?

    So now you have a drink, but what about meeting the locals?


  • 选择一个旅店童话般的海滩亲密接触

    Stay close to this fabulous beach with one of these great hotels.


  • 如果没有接触到负责网站沟通推广那么分析报告一个理由督促接触他们。

    If you have not connected yet with the people who do communications or outreach for your site, an analytics report is a good reason to do so now.


  • 接收信号地区使用电话会减少接触因为信号,电话传输功率会减小

    Using the phone in areas of good reception also decreases exposure as it allows the phone to transmit at reduced power.


  • 通过科学家了解握手也是需要视觉接触保持一个自然微笑适当语言传递

    The handshake must also be executed with eye contact kept throughout and a good natural smile with an appropriate verbal statement, according to the scientist.


  • 例如待遇平均水平就业前景并且还能接触尖端科技

    For example: good pay, better than average job prospects and the chance to work with cutting edge technology.


  • 如果一个想法没有被纳入到计划安排中,那么如果真的价值的话,它最终包含到计划安排并且将能够接触用户需求

    If a good idea falls off the backlog, it will return if it is a really good idea and you are in touch with your customer needs.


  • 目光接触杀伤力巨大所以眼神必须在热烈微妙之间掌握分寸,重要的,而且,这也是把目光直接接触的时间限定在一秒钟之间的原因

    Eye contact is extraordinarily powerful, so it's important to walk the line between intensity and subtlety, which is why we usually restrict direct eye contact to only a second or two.


  • 自由作家身份不起一个医师不过工作的原因可以接触一些国内顶尖心理健康方面的专家

    As a freelance writer, I couldn't afford a good therapist, but my job did give me access to some of the country's best mental-health professionals.


  • ,明显,我们接触一些铜管乐器,木管乐器,管弦乐队最主要部分,显而易见,弦乐器

    Okay. So obviously we've now seen a little bit of the brass family and the woodwind family, and the other principal section of the orchestra would obviously be the string family.


  • 接触奖励行为防范阻止的行为。

    Engagement is designed to reward good behaviour and hedging to deter bad.


  • 由于电极探测电流非常弱仪器皮肤需要非常接触

    This is because the current the electrodes detect is weak, and a really good contact needs to be made between apparatus and skin.


  • 通常高管人员秘书待遇、形象光鲜,还有机会直接接触各个行业的精英。

    Usually secretaries of senior mangers could have fat salaries, attractive appearances and direct channels to reach all kinds of elites in many industries.


  • 轻松解了题并非因为物理而是接触过了大量问题问题有了解题思路。

    I solved it easily, not because I was better than him at physics but because I'd been exposed to such an enormous variety of problems that my mind just saw the solution.


  • 如果以前对数据挖掘接触不多,那么这个非常解决方案将能满足您的全部所需

    If you weren't doing any mining before, the pretty-good solution is all you need.


  • 可以找到兼职工作体验生活接触社会一个方法

    I can find a part time job to experience the life, which is a good way of contacting society.


  • 找到兼职工作体验生活一个接触社会方法

    I can find a part time job to experience the life, which is a good way of contacting society.


  • 的手臂。骑士风度,是一个主动接触方法

    Offer her your arm. It's chivalrous and also a good way to initiate contact.


  • 可是同志至少虎子这么认为没有小可不会认真接触款游戏

    Small but good comrades, at least gained brother so that there is no small can seriously I would not touch this game.


  • 我们能否连接整个世界能够接触种思想、每一个人和每一个机会

    Can we connect the world so you have access to every idea, person and opportunity?


  • 最基本知道如何在开始客人接触时就留下一个印象将会导游成功队团创造先机。

    To know that makes it essential to help create a favorable impression and initial touch that will give the tour guide every chance of a successful tour.


  • 最基本知道如何在开始客人接触时就留下一个印象将会导游成功队团创造先机。

    To know that makes it essential to help create a favorable impression and initial touch that will give the tour guide every chance of a successful tour.


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