• 一张照片

    This is a photo of hers.


  • 再后来要了一张照片放进的钱夹。

    Afterwards he asked her picture and put it in his wallet too.


  • 看见一张照片被贴在了另一个地方然后她的只手环抱住劳雷尔,她的生活中挤出去。

    I saw one of her photos she posted on another site and both of her arms are around Laurel, squeezing the life out of her.


  • 纽约街头流浪一个十几岁女孩这里有一张照片知道自己名字不知道自己。现在这些疑问可能答案

    A teenage girl who had been wandering the streets of New York for 2 weeks, there is a picture of her, claiming that she didn't know her name, or who she was, may finally get some answers.


  • 丝特尔把母亲一张照片放在厨房壁炉架上的银质相框里。

    Estelle kept a photograph of her mother in a silver frame on the kitchen mantelpiece.


  • 拍完一张照片开始使用手机后,问了一个严肃的问题:“照片发到网上吗?”

    After she snapped a photo and started using her phone, he asked her a serious question, "Are you going to post that online?"


  • 四个人摆起姿势拍一张照片其间劳拉暂停了一下,检查了一下衣服颜色红色,和米歇尔鲜艳的红色衣服对比鲜明。

    The four posed for a picture, with Laura pausing briefly to check her colours - rust - against Michelle's bright red.


  • 其中一张照片戴着太阳镜白色马赛拉蒂车前

    One showed her wearing sunglasses and leaning on the hood of a white Maserati.


  • 小狗成为第一模特而且一张照片表达了她的

    The little puppy was her first model and it was love at first click.


  • 也是安慰好的方式。最近研究表明:与你伴侣肌肤接触或者眼神交流似乎会让女性倾倒,甚至就算是一张关于他一张照片也会有着深厚的影响

    It also relieves pain. (Really.) A recent study showed that the touch or sight of a partner seems to anesthetize women, and even a photograph of their loved one is enough to have an effect.


  • 送给张卡片的正面一张照片照片上是一朵花,它岩石荒芜贫瘠斜面上生长出来。

    On the cover of the card she sent me was a photo of a single flower emerging from a desolate 20)barren slope of rock.


  • 一个正在纺羊毛农妇一张照片居然纯正的英语微笑着对我,“给我多少钱呢?”当然开玩笑。

    I was taking a photo of a country woman spinning wool, when she smiled and said to me, in perfect English: "How much do I get for that?"


  • 杰茜里被救出时绷带一张照片获得普利策奖。 等麦克卢尔渐渐长大并会说话后,接受过为数不多的几次采访。

    One of the images of Jessica’s bandaged face as she was being pulled from the well won a Pulitzer Prize13).


  • 脸上一张照片

    There is a picture on her face.


  • 一张照片上,若有所思地凝视镜头看上去放松很开心——也许是因为妈妈剑桥公爵夫人就是镜头的摄影师。

    In another she gazes thoughtfully at the camera and appears relaxed and happy - perhaps because her mother, the Duchess of Cambridge, was the one behind the lens.


  • 有人回应说,从一张照片可以看出,当时只是找个合适位置来访的客人们照片

    But others pushed back, noting that an additional photo shows she was simply trying to position herself to snap a picture of the visitors with the President.


  • 觉得最后一张照片最有味道那只鸽子不知去向,显得很疯狂可能自己都知道何方

    You can't even see the head of the bird in the last PIC. The bird looks crazy and seems not to know where she is flying to.


  • 最后一张照片夏洛特公主乔治小王子惊人地相像正在把藤椅调皮地回过头来望镜头

    The final photograph shows Charlotte's startling resemblance to George as she clambers on a wicker chair, playfully glancing back towards the camera.


  • 求职简历中附有一张照片

    Her resume has an attached photo.


  • 最后老妇拿出儿子一张照片,一个劲地袖子拂去灰尘

    At last the woman brought out a photograph of their son, dusting it zealously with her long sleeve.


  • 他们举行婚礼的前些天,夫妻俩翻出了家里照片一起欣赏。唐娜无意中发现了自己小时候迪斯尼度假的时候一张照片拿给她的未婚夫看。

    Days before their wedding, the couple was looking at old family photos when Donna came across a picture of herself as a child on vacation at Disney and showed it to her fiance.


  • 这份礼物山德拉王后一张照片,上面名字

    The present was a picture of Queen Alexandra, with her name on it. Merrick cried over it, and put it carefully by the bed in his room.


  • 那儿看到一张照片照片胖乎乎小孩正打开一个珠宝盒,盒子中出了蝴蝶。收藏。

    There Baumbich found a photograph of a chubby toddler opening a treasure chest — out of which flew butterflies.


  • 着急看到父亲刚刚拍下一张照片努力解释为何胶卷进行处理才能看到时,疑惑地大声问,“为什么必须花时间照片出来?”

    She was impatient to see a photo her father had just snapped, and when he tried to explain that the film had to be processed first, she wondered aloud, "Why do we have to wait for the picture?"


  • 着急看到父亲刚刚拍下一张照片努力解释为何胶卷进行处理才能看到时,疑惑地大声问,“为什么必须花时间照片出来?”

    She was impatient to see a photo her father had just snapped, and when he tried to explain that the film had to be processed first, she wondered aloud, "Why do we have to wait for the picture?"


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