• 家庭纠葛小说显著特点

    Problems of family relationships feature prominently in her novels.


  • 认为小说女性形象荒诞南方女性文化有关。

    She argues the grotesqueness of the women figures in her novels, is all wrapped up with the culture of southern womanhood.


  • 如今,也就是此后将近200年后小说销售商击败了当今的顶级推销员,每星期可达到35000英镑的收益。

    Now, nearly 200 years later, sales of her novels rival modern bestsellers, reaching 35,000 a week.


  • 篇论文里,主张奥克纳所描写丑陋尤其是小说女人丑陋的形象南部女子气质文化有关。

    And in that essay she argues that o 'connor's grotesqueness, especially the grotesqueness of the women figures in her novels, is all wrapped up with the culture of southern womanhood.


  • 但是的周遭悲伤古怪无处不在,验证了小说里的暗黑国度。正如古奇指出她小说许多荒诞怪异元素有生活原型。

    But her own circumstances, in their sadness and oddness, corroborated her dark fantasies, and, as Gooch shows, many of her stories' outlandish elements were inspired by actual events.


  • 1987年过世的时候,还是个末婚女子六部小说只有已经出版,并且全部匿名的,只挣到了648.65英镑,这就是她小说的全部酬劳。

    When she died as a spinster in 1817, only four of her six novels had been published, all anonymous and she eared a grand total of 648.65 pounds from her books.


  • 小说充满哀伤

    Her novels are infused with sadness.


  • 小说嘲弄上流社会。

    Her novels poke fun at the upper class.


  • 小说受到很高的评价。

    Her novels are very highly regarded.


  • 小说篇幅长短不一

    Her novels vary in length.


  • 小说基本情节一样

    Her novels always have the same basic story.


  • 贫穷小说惯有的主题

    Poverty is a recurrent theme in her novels.


  • 小说今天现实意义

    Her novel is still relevant today.


  • 近年小说渐受欢迎

    Her novels have gained in popularity over recent years.


  • 小说充斥社会变化意识

    A sense of social change is pervasive in her novels.


  • 小说取材日常生活经验

    Her novels are anchored in everyday experience.


  • 小说何时出版?

    When is her new novel coming out?


  • 小说进行重印,封面非常抢眼

    Her novels have just been reissued with eye-catching new covers.


  • 小说往往有关爱情故事的。

    Her novels tend to deal with affairs of the heart.


  • 小说具有中年人的保守,而且枯燥乏味。

    Her novels are middle-aged and boring.


  • 看过出的小说了吗?

    Have you read her new novel?


  • 下面一段摘自小说

    The following extract is taken from her new novel.


  • 小说女王我》的缩写

    This is an abridged version of her new novel "The Queen and I."


  • 人们正急切地期待着最新小说

    Her latest novel is eagerly awaited.


  • 晚会最后朗诵了一最新小说

    The evening ended with a reading from her latest novel.


  • 最新小说夏日午后的完美读物

    Her latest novel is perfect for a lazy summer's afternoon's reading.


  • 以前喜欢小说大部头历史爱情故事

    Her taste in fiction was for chunky historical romances.


  • 长篇小说部已改编电视节目

    Three of her novels have been adapted for television.


  • 长篇小说部已改编电视节目

    Three of her novels have been adapted for television.


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