• 企图毁谤前夫品格

    She attempts to blacken her ex-husband's character.


  • 一位离婚朋友过去6年里一直在牵着的那条满嘴口水的金色猎犬到处闲逛,仿佛它可以做到前夫没有做到的事情。

    One divorced friend has spent the last six years lounging around too intimately with a slobbering golden retriever who is as devoted to her as her ex was not.


  • 提及前夫有点令人难堪失言

    Mentioning her ex-husband was a bit of a clanger.


  • 前夫过去动不动就打

    Her ex-husband used to slap her around.


  • 前夫两个孩子

    She has two children by a previous marriage.


  • 即使这本书真的成为畅销书贝当女士不能拿走全部收益据说前夫计划法庭要求获得一半收益

    Even if it does become a best-seller, however, Ms Betancourt may not reap all the rewards: her ex-husband is reportedly planning to Sue for half the proceeds.


  • 前夫认为可能只是一个可是坚持鸠山由纪夫先生不会如此不屑一顾

    Her first husband suggested that it was probably just a dream - but Mr. Hatoyama, she insisted, would not be so dismissive.


  • 1994年,苏珊·史密斯驱车驶入池塘淹死两个年幼儿子。 有牧师指责前夫未能尽到父亲的责任。

    The ex-husband of Susan Smith, who drowned two young sons in 1994 by sending her car into a pond, was criticized by a pastor for not taking enough of a role in the boys' lives.


  • 一个女人交给加固卧室钥匙离婚期间现在的前夫当时这个房子里,所以夜里必须自己建立足够的障碍保护。

    One woman handed me the key to her reinforced bedroom door - during the divorce her now-ex-husband was still living in the house, and she had to barricade herself in at night.


  • 听说过故事纽约继承人前夫抢走了儿子中东某个地方。

    I heard one story about the son of a New York heiress who was snatched by his father and taken somewhere in the Middle East.


  • 父亲曾经女人有过段情,前夫个“爱尔兰旅人”——就是那种了给你家车道刷标记的报酬,携款逃出的那种

    My father had an affair with a woman once married to an Irish Traveler—one of those guys who takes money to seal your driveway, but then skips town.


  • 虽然知道前夫此刻至少觉得好像有人正在设法帮助玲子了

    She did not know if her ex-husband was alive or dead, but at least, it seemed, someone was trying to help Reiko.


  • 纯平一直都是小夜子的朋友前夫,他们是大一时相好的。

    Junpei has been friends with Sayoko, and her ex-husband Takatsuki, since his first year in college.


  • 周一施瓦辛格发表这份声明之前,《洛杉矶时报采访了这名女员工提到孩子自己前夫所生。

    The former staff said in an interview with The Times before Schwarzenegger published his statement about the affair that the child was her ex-husband’s.


  • 回到父亲监护,并在夏天和前夫商讨了孩子的抚养权问题。

    She returned under her father's shelter and, by summer, settled custody with her ex.


  • 父亲一位浸信会传教士前夫基督教徒所以明白某些教会多么厌恶同性恋

    Her father was a Baptist preacher, and her former husband was a member of the church of Christ, so she knew how unwelcoming some churches could be for gays.


  • 前夫2006年离开了,并遗弃一个现在已经7岁儿子

    She said her husband left her in 2006, abandoning also a son, now 7.


  • 如果最终成为第一获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖女性(并击败前夫詹姆斯·卡梅隆),也是一件挺美好的事。

    If theshower of prizes ends with her becoming the first woman to win an Oscar as bestdirector (over her ex-husband, James Cameron), that'd be OK too.


  • 那位妇女憎恨前夫

    The woman hated her former husband.


  • 打发前夫不可在妇人玷污之后再娶妻,因为这耶和华憎恶的。

    Then her first husband, who divorced her, is not allowed to marry her again after she has been defiled. That would be detestable in the eyes of the LORD.


  • 引用一个从开始结束只用了六的离婚和解案来说明他对一协调方案的看好:整个过程非常文明友好,细节商量完了的时候,当事人宣称要给“即将成为前夫”丈夫一顿晚餐因为看起来消瘦了许多。

    The process was so civilised that when the details were finalised, his client announced that she was cooking supper for her soon-to-be-ex-husband that weekend, as he was looking thin.


  • 引用一个从开始结束只用了六的离婚和解案来说明他对一协调方案的看好:整个过程非常文明友好,细节商量完了的时候,当事人宣称要给“即将成为前夫”丈夫一顿晚餐因为看起来消瘦了许多。

    The process was so civilised that when the details were finalised, his client announced that she was cooking supper for her soon-to-be-ex-husband that weekend, as he was looking thin.


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