• 马克关系变得乏味了

    Her relationship with Mark has become stale.


  • 时常他们的关系一丝疑虑。

    She had niggling doubts about their relationship.


  • 身陷段没有爱情关系中。

    She is in a loveless relationship.


  • 一直设法他们的关系增添一点情趣

    She kept trying to inject a little fun into their relationship.


  • 觉得自己一个自由女人并不家庭关系的限制。

    She thought of herself as a free woman, untrammelled by family relationships.


  • 回避了关于他们之间关系所有问题

    She parried all questions about their relationship.


  • 父母关系正常

    Things aren't right between her parents.


  • 懂得客户建立密切和谐关系重要性

    She understood the importance of establishing a close rapport with clients.


  • 年龄关系获准不予作证

    She was excused from giving evidence because of her age.


  • 父亲关系亲密

    She is very close to her father.


  • 老板暧昧关系

    She is having an affair with her boss.


  • 出戏成功与否个人重大利害关系

    She has a personal stake in the success of the play.


  • 工作计算机有些关系

    Her job has something to do with computers.


  • 似乎所有大人物都关系好。

    She seems to be well in with all the right people.


  • 医院大多数工作人员关系融洽

    She was on friendly terms with most of the hospital staff.


  • 妈妈真的很难过因为指责另一个男人暧昧关系

    My mom was really upset because he was accusing her of having an affair with another man.


  • 从来拿不准关系如何—一会儿跟你亲热,一会儿也不大跟你说。

    You never know where you stand with her—one minute she's friendly, the next she'll hardly speak to you.


  • 儿子再次被捕脱离了关系

    When her son was arrested again she washed her hands of him.


  • 家人嫁给外国人而与断绝关系

    Her family disowned her for marrying a foreigner.


  • 被迫与熟悉的一切切断关系

    She had been cut adrift from everything she had known.


  • 朋友名叫安吉拉自愿参与我的问答节目,所以我机会一些关于约会亲密关系”的问题

    One of my friends, Angela, volunteered to do a "Q and A" session where I got a chance to ask her some questions regarding "dating and relationship" issues.


  • 另外一个观察中,发现手机成为家庭关系紧张根源

    During a separate observation, she saw that phones became a source of tension in the family.


  • 他们认为那些听起来像是因果关系说法是基于相关数据的,并且没有充分考虑其他潜在因果因素

    They argued that her causal-sounding claims rested on correlational data, and that she had not adequately accounted for other potential causal factors.


  • 那以后每个工作日早上都会离开教堂去另外9老人参加内容丰富慈善活动、旅行游戏还有重要的——友好的伙伴关系

    Every weekday morning since then, she has left her home to meet nine other old people in a church for a rich program of charity work, trips, games, andmost important of all—friendly companionship.


  • 补充说,教师背景多大关系而是培训有关

    She added that it's not so much about the teacher's background, but about training.


  • 阳光明媚一周里本·韦瑟斯塔夫的关系更加亲密了。

    During that week of sunshine, she became more intimate with Ben Weatherstaff.


  • 骨骼细节证明了与人类的密切关系

    The details of her skeleton proclaim her human affinity.


  • 我们有很多共同点,应该要改善我们的关系。”补充道。

    "We have so much in common and we should improve our relations," she added.


  • 我们有很多共同点,应该要改善我们的关系。”补充道。

    "We have so much in common and we should improve our relations," she added.


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