• 鸽子她们的眼睛警示王子

    The prince is alerted to the trickery by two pigeons who peck out the step sister’s eyes.


  • 她们当然是看到了。觉到她们的眼睛凸透镜那样对准烧灼皮肤

    Of course they did; for I felt their eyes directed like burning-glasses against my scorched skin.


  • 人们引以为傲部位她们眼睛23%的女性认为眼睛她们最好看的身体特征

    The body part women are most proud of is their eyes, with 23 percent feeling that they are their best physical attribute.


  • 学到最重要是和女孩说话看着她们眼睛”,一位年轻IT工程师直视眼睛

    The most important thing I learned is that I look at the girls' eyes when I talk to them, "said one young IT engineer, looking straight at my eyes."


  • 第二问题如果拍摄不到模特自然目光她们的眼睛很快,如果长时间拍摄的话,眼睛会布满血丝

    The second problem is that if you don’t have your subject blink naturally you will dry out their eyes and if you are doing a lengthy shoot the eyes will become blood shot.


  • 第二问题如果拍摄不到模特自然目光她们的眼睛很快,如果长时间拍摄的话,眼睛会布满血丝

    The second problem is that if you don't have your subject blink naturally you will dry out their eyes and if you are doing a lengthy shoot the eyes will become blood shot.


  • 一开始解释道全是电视剧不是真的后来我倒发现最好方法就是盯着她们眼睛她们,“知道不?

    To begin with I tried to explain that the show wasn't real, but then I found a better tactic was to look them in the eye and say "Yeah, you know what?"


  • 今天早上,她们看上去以前丰满了,但是眼睛一点没有笑意

    They looked fuller of lace than ever this morning, but her eyes were not laughing at all.


  • 老实说女子受了这样耻辱还是要照旧下去,恢复精神,就开始兴致勃勃的眼睛她们四周看来看去了。

    Let the truth be told - women do as a rule live through such humiliations, and regain their spirits, and again look about them with an interested eye.


  • 她们瞪大清澈眼睛安静地注视着每个动作

    With their clear wide eyes, they regarded my every move with quiet attentiveness.


  • 她们那一汪秋水般的眼睛自然流露着天真无邪青春闪烁的目光,让好不爱怜

    Their youthful sparkling eyes are like pure autumn water, reflecting spontaneous innocence to make you feel really sympathy and affection for them.


  • 看到我女朋友紧握的手时,眼睛的颜色恢复蓝色接着她又像往常一样了笑树林,只是这次她自己右手了指,那儿出现了另外一个女孩的身影,她们向彼此走去,互相拥抱,手拉着手回头看了看我们,微笑并消失了。

    Her eyes were now blue again as she pointed to our hand holding. Then she smiled and turned and walked back into the woods.


  • 如果想让模特眼睛表情表现最大冲击力她们眼睛放整齐的鼻子垂直。

    If you want maximum impact from your subject's eyes and expression, line them up with her nose.


  • 就算笑容没有问题,她们仍然会为照相时眼睛闭上了感到惋惜,自己的装扮感到尴尬

    Even once the smile is out of the picture, they are likely to lament having their eyes closed or feeling embarrassed by their outfit.


  • 她们表现情绪化表情,松弛眉毛放松眼睛以及相比不那么紧绷嘴部脸颊肌肉

    They exhibit an underexpression of emotion, relaxed brows, relaxed eyes, and less taut mouth and cheek muscles than straight women.


  • 她们同时上台那个人,要不就是傻得要命,要不就是聪明因为她们成这样,我们也只好瞪眼睛目睹奇景了

    Whoeverdecided to put both of them on stage at the same time is eitherincredibly stupid or incredibly smart, because they were both looked soweird that we couldn’t tear our eyes away from the screen.


  • 需要她们漫画书中的人物一样可爱:大大的眼睛长长的头发很年轻

    I want somebody cute like the characters from cartoonsbig eyes, long hair and young.


  • 她们穿束身衣显得苗条她们用化妆掩饰瑕疵她们会戴假发,也会隐形眼镜来改变眼睛颜色。

    Women do change their appearance to look slimmer; they wear girdles to look slimmer; they wear makeup to hide blemishes; they wear wigs and contact lenses to change the color of their eyes.


  • 基洗亚•菲茨杰拉德15个月大女儿有漂亮的金发明亮的眼睛她们喜欢要有着令人羡慕的乳白色皮肤

    Kezia Fitzgerald and her 15-month-old daughter are both blondes with bright blue eyes. They both giggle easily and share a love of peaches.


  • 如果雇主一连抽泣了几小时,就让她们蓝色或是紫色的眼线,这能充了血眼睛看起来白一点。

    The ladies who you work for, after they sob for hourson end, make them use blue or mauve eyeliner to make their bloodshot eyes lookwhiter.


  • 所以最好解决办法鼓励模特目光自然,让她们偶尔睁大眼睛

    So the best approach is just to encourage your subject to blink naturally and remind them occasionally during your shoot.


  • 她们使睁开眼睛去关注世界上各种各样

    The girls have just opened my eyes and made me wanna see all kinds of things in life.


  • 通常模特知道目光她们不会出糟糕的照片所以她们强迫眼睛

    Often a subject is aware of their blinking and they don't want to ruin the photo so they will force their eyes open.


  • 声音她们方向传来,女孩眼睛一样黑暗中凝视

    The sound came from the direction they had traveled from, and the girl's eyes peered into the ink like darkness.


  • 一发现可以帮助人们解释为何眼睛看不见小孩子通常要比正常孩子晚一些才会说话这些孩子的母亲她们婴儿之间往往缺少相互作用。

    He says this helps explain why language occurs more slowly in blind children, whose mothers tend not to interact as much with their babies.


  • 莱蒂·普里德尔眼睛里充满了泪水,她长着一头头发,是她们中间最年轻,她也是普里德尔家族最后的一个花苞当地的谱系上占据着十分重要的地位。

    Tears came into the eyes of Retty Priddle, the pretty red-haired youngest - the last bud of the Paridelles, so important in the county annals.


  • 莱蒂·普里德尔眼睛里充满了泪水,她长着一头头发,是她们中间最年轻,她也是普里德尔家族最后的一个花苞当地的谱系上占据着十分重要的地位。

    Tears came into the eyes of Retty Priddle, the pretty red-haired youngest - the last bud of the Paridelles, so important in the county annals.


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