• 牛仔风格和伯克近似,带着吉他时代广场巡回演出,行头几乎已经将身体暴露无遗。

    Her shtick is similar to that of Burck's - strolling the streets of Times Square with her guitar, clad in an outfit that, well, leaves little to the imagination.


  • 战后德国时代》周刊第一编辑CountessMarion donhoff,不过现在只有旅游跟读者来信版块才是运作的。

    Die Zeit had the first female editor in post-war Germany, Countess Marion donhoff, but only its travel and letters sections are now run by women.


  • 时代周刊编辑GiovannidiLorenzo也承认如果任命为某主要版块(或者),发出一个很好的信号

    Giovanni di Lorenzo, Die Zeit's editor, agrees that it would send a good signal if a woman were appointed to head a key section (or as his successor).


  • 10强选手有4人来自成都唱区赛区时代强势表现得以延续。

    Four of the finalists came from Chengdu, where many stars in the show's former and more popular edition "Super Girls" came from.


  • 英国伟大小说家奥斯创作中着力描绘了她那个时代中产阶级爱情婚姻

    Jane Austen, the great woman novelist in Britain, described the love and marriage of the middle class women of her time.


  • 时代系列讲述四个大学生上海沉迷约会时尚购物的故事。

    The Tiny Times series follows the exploits of four female undergrads in Shanghai obsessed with dating, fashion, and shopping.


  • 感染我们谈到如今这个时代儿育的时候,各种各样的感染疾病可以说司空见惯。

    Infections. When it comes to raising a baby in this day and age, infections of various types can be rather commonplace.


  • 茶花不是悲剧而是社会造就的一个时代悲剧。

    But "La Deme Aux Camelias" is not a person's tragedy is a time tragedy which the society accomplishes.


  • 这三位性所处的时代生活状况斗争方式不同

    Their living times, life conditions and struggle forms are different.


  • 社会转型全球化语境,“剩时代已经悄悄来临性别冲突再次成为后现代社会人们热论焦点话题

    In the context of globalization and social transition, the age of Shelved ladies has been coming quietly, and the gender conflict becomes a focus topic of post-modern society.


  • 1945年庆祝二战结束纽约时代广场美国水手亲吻**,当时这个场景拍摄了下来,而被后人称为经典之吻,而周二,该**的家人宣称这名**已经去世,享年91

    A nurse famously photographed being kissed by an American sailor in New York's Times Square in 1945 to celebrate the end of World War Two has died at the age of 91, her family said on Tuesday.


  • 事实上这个国家神仙血统最后几个凡人之一(据她,与时代还有两位,一位公爵夫人,一位是魔法师。)

    The truth is, she was one of the last mortals in this country who had fairy blood in her. (She said there had been two others in her time.


  • 因为那位将陪伴每一青春时代朋友就要了。

    Because the friend that accompanies every women's youth is about to come.


  • 结果显示,当代大学生消费水平、消费结构比较合理,消费态度上也紧跟时代潮流

    The result showed that female college students had a reasonable level, structure and attitude of consumption compatible with The Times.


  • 布莱克·莱夫利时代已经开始了流言《科洛弗档案》中扮演主角后,莱夫利已经跻身一拨即将崭露头角新星行列。

    The Blake Lively Era has begun. As the star of Gossip Girl and Cloverfield1), Lively joins the ranks of the next wave of up-and-coming starlets2).


  • 白毛这样红色经典任何时代传播包含着当时历史文化紧密相连的理想主义英雄主义

    "White-Haired Lady", this kind of "red Classics", while spreading at any age, it all contains a kind of idealism and heroism closely linked to history and culture at that time.


  • 通过不同时代艺术家作品中的意识分析主要阐述了近现代当代艺术家群体的不同艺术风格

    Through analysis which realizes to the different time's feminine artist work's female, mainly elaborated near modern and the contemporary female artist community's different artistic style.


  • 惠安结婚服饰时代不同样式一样知道,它这个婚俗是不是也是时代不同也不一样。

    Huian woman married to a different era costumes, it's not the same style, it did not know that it is also the customs are different in different times.


  • 《 大卫·科波菲尔艾格尼斯、《荒凉山庄》中艾斯特杜丽》中 的艾米主人公都是典型 的维多利亚时代 的家庭天使

    For most part, the three female figures, Agnes in David Copperfield, Esther in Bleak House and Amy in Little Dorrit, are the emblems of the typical Victorian "angel in the house".


  • 第五部分中,笔者针对我国企业家人格特点,结合当今社会要求,提出“塑造理想企业家人格”的时代命题

    In part five, the author assigned a topic on how to optimize the personality of female entrepreneur according to the self and social request.


  • 乔治·桑德(1804—1876),法国小说家巴尔扎克时代具风情、最另类的小说家。

    Amantine (Paris, 1 July 1804 —8 June 1876), best known by her pseudonym George Sand, was a French novelist and memoirist.


  • 青年时代脚印踏遍欧美成为我国第一修建学家

    Youth footprint traveled to Europe and America, become China "s first generation of female archeologists."


  • 虽然世嘉一直自己的次时代新作有很大期待战场武神,一方面,世嘉看来也对自己过去的经典十分有兴趣

    On one hand Sega has been moving forward with new franchises like Valkyria Chronicles and Sands of Destruction. On the other, well at least in the USA, Sega seems interested in their past.


  • 北京晚报》报道,网络模特近来成为许多大学生兼职首选,并且一跃成为了“互联网时代新36行”中的首选新型行业。

    Modeling for online shops has become the part-time job of choice for college girls, the Beijing Evening News reported.


  • 北京晚报》报道,网络模特近来成为许多大学生兼职首选,并且一跃成为了“互联网时代新36行”中的首选新型行业。

    Modeling for online shops has become the part-time job of choice for college girls, the Beijing Evening News reported.


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