• 其次认为造成男性寿命女性短因素中还非常

    Secondly, more elements, I think, make the female live longer than the male.


  • 其次本人以为,形成男性寿命女性要素良多

    Secondly, I think, causing a short male life expectancy than women are still many factors.


  • 实验生物学杂志》明天在线报道中他们穿高跟鞋女性小腿肌肉纤维穿平底鞋女性13%以上。

    They report online tomorrow in the Journal of Experimental Biology that the muscle fibers of the calves of women who wear high heels are 13% shorter than those of women who wear flats.


  • 与高尿酸血症血症女性患者相比男性患者的年龄要年轻6糖尿病病程(比女性短12个月),且BMI高密度脂蛋白(HDL - C)水平较低WHR甘油三酯(TG)水平较高

    Comparing with female patients with hyperuricemia male patients were 6 yrs younger in age and 12 months shorter in diabetes duration with lower BMI and HDL-C higher WHR and TG.


  • 年龄较大的人群中,女性多数因为男性的寿命倾向些。

    In older age groups women predominate because men tend to die younger.


  • 这里预期寿命只有43岁,并且这里还是世界上仅有女性寿命男性寿命三个国家之一。

    Life expectancy is 43 - and it is one of only three countries in the world where women die earlier than men.


  • 目前俄罗斯男性女性人口总体平均预期寿命为66岁,欧盟国家人口平均预期寿命14岁。

    Russian men and women today have a combined life expectancy of 66, about 14 years below the life expectancy of those in the European Union.


  • 针对女性其他罪行篇幅上则显得出奇,例如作者在描述涅德曼谋杀两位俄罗斯女孩只用了四行文字

    Other crimes against women get curiously brief coverage. Niedermann's murder of the two Russian girls takes only four lines.


  • 埃及, 关于女性头巾的问题已经争论了100,面纱扯下了又戴, 变换之犹如巴黎街头女士的裙子,.

    IN EGYPT’S 100-year-long debate over female head-coverings, the veil has been put off and on as fast as hemlines in Paris have gone up and down.


  • 我们发现女性平均生物钟周期长度要比男性“,一个研究学者,JeanneDuffy说,”平均下来这个分钟左右。”

    "What we found was that the cycle length of the biological clock in women was shorter on average than it was in men," says Jeanne Duffy, a study author. "the average difference was about six minutes."


  • 手术时间操作简单局部麻醉患者减少了治疗费用从而越来越多的女性提供健康保证

    The surgery time is short, the simplicity of operator, only USES the local anesthesia, reduced the treatment expense for the patient, thus let more and more females provide the health guarantee.


  • 研究发现穿裙子上衣女性与选择裤装女性相比,看起来自信、收入更高,而且适应能力也更强。

    Research has revealed women who wear skirts and jackets are viewed as more confident, higher-earning and more flexible than those opting for a trouser suit.


  • 想使自己事业成功岗位上一番成就就要充分发挥女性的优势,扬长避女性本身具备的一些小技巧打动对方,自己铺平前进道路

    If you want to succeed in your career and have achievements in your position, you must make subtle use of feminine skills to smooth a path forward for yourself.


  • 一般女性无名指食指或者同样但是男性的无名指普遍

    In women the ring finger is commonly shorter or the same length as the index finger, while in men the ring finger is generally longer.


  • 电源开关连接器工程搞好需要有一个开关,一对夫妇的2引脚女性页眉正如刚才在这里做了它可以,只是PC风格抛空肩带

    The power switch connector works out well, it needs a switch, a couple of short wires and a 2 pin female header or as I have done here it can just be shorted with a PC style shorting strap.


  • 电源开关连接器工程搞好需要有一个开关,一对夫妇的2引脚女性页眉正如刚才在这里做了它可以,只是PC风格抛空肩带

    The power switch connector works out well, it needs a switch, a couple of short wires and a 2 pin female header or as I have done here it can just be shorted with a PC style shorting strap.


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