• 马特·卡明斯·索尔斯-奥诺形成了这个团队核心

    Matt Cummings and Liko Soules-Ono form the nucleus of the team.


  • 此外最近针对奥尔遗址发现工具研究表明奥尔人获得一些黑曜石起源于特奥蒂瓦坎附近

    Moreover, recent research on obsidian tools found at Olmec sites has shown that some of the obsidian obtained by the Olmecs originated near Teotihuacán.


  • 这项工作詹姆斯·查德威爵士发现中子铺平了道路,尤其是为伊莲娜弗雷德里·约里奥特·居里1934年发现人工放射性奠定了基础。

    This work prepared the way for the discovery of the neutron by Sir James Chadwick and, above all, for the discovery in 1934 by Irène and Frédéric Joliot-Curie of artificial radioactivity.


  • 是位于奥苏格兰大陆之间彭特兰湾发电站,就可以利用海底涡轮机产生10%的全国发电量

    One site alone, the Pentland Firth, between Orkney and mainland Scotland, could produce 10% of the country's electricity with banks of turbines under the sea.


  • 来自埃塞郡科尔切斯特研究员奥尔汉伊斯梅尔发现去年圣诞节10个月大的儿子卡梅伦收到了无数玩具,这让情况变得更糟了。

    Orhan Ismail, a researcher from Colchester, Essex, saw a change for the worse in Cameron, his 10-month-old son, after he was given innumerable toys last Christmas.


  • 已故·冯·布洛,别名洛里奥特嘲弄德国人的自负僵硬感来使精英感到高兴

    The late Vicco von Bülow, alias Loriot, delighted the elite with his mockery of German pretension and stiffness.


  • 这倒不是基奥卡就像邪恶所多玛或者普鲁斯特夏吕斯原本经不住诱惑而定居本顿

    Not that Keokuk was anything like wicked Sodom, or that Proust’s Charlus would have been tempted to settle in Benton Harbor, Mich.


  • 肖特认为更加实际的立即采取努力行动更好

    Oakeshott believes it would be better to be more realistic and take the pain right away.


  • 一方面,同样轻而易举漫不经心地谈论奥尔巴赫、登、利特瓦所有篮球教练的相关情况。

    On the other hand, I could toss around the philosophy of Auerbach, Wooden, and Litwack, basketball coaches all, with equally astonishing ease.


  • 特还补充说,开发这个系统存在巨大的商业动机

    Orcutt added that a strong commercial incentive exists to develop this system.


  • 斯图尔特以及维里特全都卷入一位名叫费奥娜·斯塔桑女子的紊乱爱情纠葛之中。这次谋杀案发生时她才19

    Clarke, Stewart and Mr Everitt had all been involved in a tangled love affair with a woman called Fiona Statham, who was 19 at the time of the murder.


  • 除了梅西唯一值得大书特书人只有皇马主教练若泽·马里奥·多斯桑托斯·穆里尼奥·费利斯,他用不同寻常的方式成为特殊一员”。

    With the exception of Lionel Messi, the only participant to have lived up to the hype is the Read Madrid head coach, José Mário dos Santos Félix Mourinho, otherwise known as "the Special One".


  • 女性应该明白堕胎不会增加遭遇心理疾病风险”,研究的主持者——奥尔·胡斯大学特伦··奥尔森

    "A woman should know that her risk of having a psychiatric episode is not increased" after an abortion, said Trine Munk-Olsen of Aarhus University, who led the study.


  • 地球公正一个非盈利环保律师事务所正在请求阻止租赁蒙大拿奥特·国有土地和劝阻阿煤炭公司开采煤矿用于满足亚洲其它地区需求

    Earthjustice, a nonprofit environmental law firm, is suing to block the lease of state-owned land in Otter Creek, Mont., to Arch Coal for mining to serve demand in Asia and elsewhere.


  • 盖伯瑞尔·奥有头脑,性格父亲带大成为一个牧羊人以后设法足了多塞特的诺科姆租下自己的农场

    Gabriel Oak was a sensible man of good character, who had been brought up by his father as a shepherd, and then managed to save enough money to rent his own farm on Norcombe Hill, in Dorset.


  • 演员弗雷斯特·惠特、爱德华·诺顿这些来自好莱坞时尚领军人物们都成为巴马艺术人文科学专家组成员

    They are among a group of Hollywood and fashion figures, which also includes the actors Forest Whitaker and Edward Norton, who will serve as members of Mr Obama's Committee on Arts and the Humanities.


  • 位于德国达姆施塔特的控制中心爆发热烈掌声探测器地面指挥所负责人奥卡米诺说:“成功了!我们撞上了卓越湖区

    "That's it -- we are in the Lake of Excellence," said spacecraft operations chief Octavio Camino as applause broke out in mission control in Darmstadt, Germany.


  • 雅库茨地方报纸编辑弗拉基米尔.菲奥特洛夫,“那时侯,人们认为人流放到西伯利亚残忍。

    "At the time, people thought it was amazingly cruel to keep people in exile like that, " says Vladimir Fyodorov, the editor of Gazeta Yakutia, the main regional newspaper.


  • 小鼠的研究中,魏因斯托博士艾略奥特博士使用蠕虫预防并且医治自身免疫性疾病

    In studies in mice, Dr. Weinstock and Dr. Elliott have used worms to both prevent and reverse autoimmune disease.


  • 比尔·佩里,约翰·多伊奇米基·坎特,鲍勃·,黑兹尔·奥利里,劳拉·泰森亨利·西斯内罗斯要离开了

    Bill Perry, John Deutch, Mickey Kantor, Bob Reich, Hazel OLeary, Laura Tyson, and Henry Cisneros were all leaving.


  • 奥尔巴尼布法罗伊萨卡纽约市以及罗切斯特萨福汤普金斯制定当地性别表达禁止歧视法案

    Albany, Buffalo, Ithaca, New York City, and Rochester, and the counties of Suffolk and Tompkins have already enacted local GENDA laws.


  • 温莎肖特,资历较浅反对派同盟——保守国家党的成员

    Mr Windsor and Mr Oakeshott, as former members of the conservative National Party, the junior opposition partner, are surprising Allies for Labor.


  • 当天晚些时候,巴马两位朋友马蒂·奈斯比提埃里·惠特一起打高尔夫,两是奥巴马芝加哥邻居

    Later Wednesday, Obama played golf with friends Marty Nesbitt and Eric Whitaker, friends who are neighbors of Obama in Chicago.


  • 巴马特别其中一位名叫贝弗利.埃特的遇难者致意几天才在白宫会见过特。

    Mr. Obama paid particular tribute to one crash victim whom he had met just days ago.


  • 其他角色人选史蒂夫沃兹尼亚——布莱保罗吉亚玛提、凯文•麦奈利、文森特•诺费奥丹尼•特乔。

    Other roles: Steve Wozniak -- Jack Black, Paul Giamatti, Kevin McNally, Vincent D'Onofrio and Danny Trejo.


  • 先生意大利财长朱利·雷蒙蒂倡议将欧洲债券部分主权债务结合起来,或许能安抚市场

    Joint Eurobonds for part of the sovereign debt, 【 called for by Mr Juncker and the Italian finance minister, Giulio Tremonti, 】 might also reassure the markets.


  • 该项目负责人库奥赫特莫•曼查(Cuauhtémoc Mancha):“我们希望看到下一代喝水不是喝饮料(refrescos)。希望他们喜欢新鲜食品,不要加工食品。”

    Within five years, says Cuauhtémoc Mancha, who runs the programme, “we hope to see a new generation that drinks water rather than refrescos and prefers fresh meals to industrial food.


  • 先生意大利财长朱利·雷蒙蒂(Giulio Tremonti)倡议将欧洲债券部分主权债务结合起来,或许能安抚市场

    Joint Eurobonds for part of the sovereign debt, called for by Mr Juncker and the Italian finance minister, Giulio Tremonti, might also reassure the markets.


  • 另一个当地居民,吉福德用辩证的眼光看待伊斯特河核电站。

    But another local, Rick Gifford, looked philosophically at Oyster Creek.


  • 另一个当地居民,吉福德用辩证的眼光看待伊斯特河核电站。

    But another local, Rick Gifford, looked philosophically at Oyster Creek.


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