• 一次马哈开公司年会时候奥斯伯妹妹妹夫了。

    We were playing in Omaha at annual meeting time and Sharon came in with my sister and her husband.


  • 这个非盈利专案奥斯伯牵头但一直未能有所进展在今年初宣告终止

    The nonprofit effort, headed by Osberg, never gained traction and closed shop earlier this year.


  • 奥斯伯纳对于国家贡献在于,为有关目前紧要问题的争论打下了一个务实的前提。

    He has done his country a service by putting its most urgent debate on a more realistic footing.


  • 英国的众多低收入群体则希望看到更多证据证明斯伯纳所说的“我们坐一条船”所言不假

    All the same many poorer Britons will want further proof of Mr Osborne's claim that "we are all in this together."


  • 财务大臣乔治斯伯财政支付审议中将大学教育国家直接经费投入削减40%似乎正是为了证明凯博观点。

    As if to prove him right, George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer, slashed direct state funding for teaching in universities by 40% in his spending review.


  • 行长今天给财政大臣的中写道按实际需要准备扩张或者控制货币刺激”,这也让财政大臣尼乐意接受银行灵活”政策。

    He wrote in his letter today that policy-makers "stand ready to expand or to reduce the extent of monetary stimulus" as needed, prompting Mr Osborne to reply that he welcomes the bank's "flexibility."


  • 上述结论至少英国沃里克大学马太·拉安德鲁·奥斯瓦尔德得出结论。

    That, at least, is the conclusion of Matthew Rablen and Andrew Oswald of the University of Warwick, in England.


  • 只猕猴,麦克·达夫龙,居住纽约州精神病研究院,特在那里一项兼职工作

    The two monkeys, Macduff and Oberon, are housed at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, where Terrace has a joint appointment.


  • 龙彭格先生编制一个帮助塑造巴马思考写作人名清单,里面包括马克.韦和尼采,梭罗和爱默生,.和拉尔夫.埃利森

    Mr. Kloppenberg compiled a long list of people who he said helped shape Mr. Obama’s thinking and writing, including Weber and Nietzsche, Thoreau and Emerson, Langston Hughes and Ralph Ellison.


  • 西说起到过佛教书籍艾里克我们讲了修建铁路闲闻轶事,蒂夫··劳书中看来的。

    Theo talked about his Buddhist readings, and Alex gave us choice tidbits from the book he was reading, Stephen Ambrose's sweeping history of the building of the transcontinental railroad.


  • 但是奥斯瓦尔德博士认为通过研究处在顶层来对此展开更加精细观察将会更加有趣

    But Dr Rablen and Dr Oswald thought it would be interesting to refine the observation still further, by studying individuals who were all, in a sense, at the top.


  • 德米特里厄·美国杰出癌症专家之一。

    Demetrius Albanes is one of the leading cancer experts in America.


  • 坎特雷基督教大学CanterburyChristChurch UniversityKent奥斯:“这个发现有点让人奇怪因为常常爪子东西拉到面前来玩耍捕猎。”

    Osthaus, of Canterbury Christ Church University, Kent, said: "This finding is somehow surprising as cats regularly use their PAWS and claws to pull things towards them during play and hunting."


  • 5点10尼的私人办公室号码一名秘书起电话,”继续说道,“我, '我卡门·戴尔·利菲'。”

    Ten minutes past five, I called Bernie’s private office number, and a secretary picked up, ” she continued. “I said, ‘This is Carmen Dell’Orefice.’”


  • 火炬设计者为爱德华·巴杰·奥斯格毕。火炬圣火送到伦敦2012年运会开幕式

    The torch, which will carry the Olympic Flame to the London 2012 Games opening ceremony, has been created by design duo Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby.


  • 然而还有第二种而且险恶解释一种形成怀疑商人》(Merchants ofDoubt)主题的解释。该书作者是美国学者内米·埃里克·康韦布鲁姆斯伯出版社于八月出版

    However, there is a second, more sinister explanation, one that forms the focus of Merchants of Doubt, by US academics Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, which is to be published this month by Bloomsbury.


  • 至右分别:出演《大地惊雷》的海莉·坦菲尔德、出演《国王演讲》的海伦娜··卡特、出演《斗士》的艾米·亚当、出演《动物王国》的杰姬·韦弗、出演《斗士》的梅丽莎·

    From left are Hailee Steinfeld for 'True Grit', Helena Bonham Carter for 'The King's Speech', Amy Adams for 'The Fighter', Jacki Weaver for 'Animal Kingdom' and Melissa Leo for 'The Fighter.'


  • 画像保罗·克·斯伯勒(Paul g . oxborough)正式肖像画里融入了喜欢的记忆。

    Figure painter Paul G. Oxborough brought fond memories to this formal portrait.


  • 威兹第一部引人注目电影《小教父》(1983),讲述少年帮派间的事,其他主演包括当时还是新人汤姆克鲁(Tom Cruise)、(Rob Lowe)、马特狄龙(Matt Dillon)米里•埃丝泰威兹(EmilioEstevez)。

    His first notable film was “The Outsiders” (1983), a drama about teenage gangs that starred other newcomers like Tom Cruise, Rob Lowe, Matt Dillon and Emilio Estevez.


  • 邮报发现此项发现运用公众人物身上,备受信赖的新闻主播娜·布鲁坎特雷贾汀·韦尔比大主教确实拥有高高的颧骨和眉毛

    Applying the findings to public figures, the Mail found that trusted individuals such as newsreader Fiona Bruce and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby indeed have high cheekbones and eyebrows.


  • 马克·扎克哈佛大学时的室友,曾加入过巴马竞选团队。

    Hughes, Mark Zuckerberg's Harvard dorm roommate, was an online organizer for the Obama presidential campaign.


  • 而因特酒店别墅法国罗基成员平均较小,分别为55间、31间与6间。

    Internet hotel, a large villa and France, the Rockies and the smaller members of the average number of rooms in Oberg, 55, 31 and 6.


  • 美国律师,因在号称官司中广为人知辩护而闻名,波德·利谋杀案(1924年)科普进一步审判案(1925年)。

    Darrow: American lawyer known for his highly publicized defense of so-called lost causes, such as the Leopold-Loeb murder case (1924) and the Scopes evolution trial (1925).


  • 奥斯滕阿提防守严密 乔希尔冲过来了!

    Orsten Artis all over him. And here comes Hill!


  • 现实中的报道2011年9月19日,正当许多媒体在取笑占据华尔街”运动新闻价值时,美国时事评论员?已经领先一步了。

    The real-life news: On Sept 19, 2011, much of the media perhaps was laughing at the notion of Occupy Wall Street being newsworthy. US political commentator Keith Olbermann, though, was a step ahead.


  • 、合众国诉判例,使米兰达规则趋于保守更加注重保障警察如何有效执法

    Jody Myesha Orso and so on changed Miranda Rule into being conservative and more focusing ensuring the police about how to efficiently execute the law.


  • 伦敦运会火炬设计师爱德华华· 巴杰伊·奥斯戈比设计完成

    Thee Torch was designed by East Londoners Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby.


  • 布哥首府累西腓奥斯瓦尔多·克鲁兹大学医院医生们计划国际医学杂志上出版这份巴西病例详细情况。

    Doctors at the Oswaldo Cruz University Hospital in the state capital Recife plan to publish details of the Brazilian case in an international medical journal.


  • 质量目前英国的总部设在·里,西约克郡,林厄姆提出2005年年底

    Mass Spectrometry Instruments is now based in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, UK, having moved from Altrincham in late 2005.


  • 质量目前英国的总部设在·里,西约克郡,林厄姆提出2005年年底

    Mass Spectrometry Instruments is now based in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, UK, having moved from Altrincham in late 2005.


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