• 欢庆外孙女和格斯·奥拉德婚礼时,他们终于相互理解

    They eventually came to understand each other, in time to celebrate the wedding of their granddaughter to Ghes Orade.


  • 拉德前锋斯顿·巴尔内斯入场球获得头球。

    Bradley Forward Auston Barnes takes the header on the inbounds pass.


  • 菲茨杰拉德说:“做了一些调查发现两三天是各种文化公认幸运日。”索普家乡比较的新泽西州桑迪胡克城结婚

    "I did some research and saw that there were two or three days that every culture agrees on as lucky days," said Fitzgerald, who will wed in Sandy Hook, N.J., near her and Allsopp's hometown.


  • 天才微雕艺术家威拉德·维冈在个24克拉金针针眼雕出巴马一家

    Talented Willard Wigan has carved Mr Obama and his family into the eye of a 24-carat gold needle.


  • 近日,大批记者游客都蜂拥来到意大利小镇拉格·里因为有传闻说布拉德·皮特和安吉丽娜·朱莉朋友乔治·克鲁尼湖边别墅举行婚礼

    Journalists and tourists swarmed to the small Italian town of Laglio last week after rumors circulated that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie would wed at Pal George Clooney's lakeside estate.


  • 法拉表示明年将会加入联邦自由派反对拉德女士引入碳排放计划

    Mr O’Farrell says he will join the federal Liberals and oppose Ms Gillard’s plan to introduce a carbon tax next year.


  • 还有拉德利·惠特福德,扮演自私但是本性善良的乔希·赖曼,里副手的忠诚毫不亚于

    And then there's Bradley Whitford, as the egotistical but good-natured Josh Lyman, Leo's deputy, who is as everybit as loyalistic as Leo.


  • 拉德正在洛杉矶即将举办首次美国展览说:“最心爱作品当然巴马全家的雕像。”

    Speaking in Los Angeles, as he was about to launch his first American exhibition, Willard revealed: 'My favourite piece has to be President Barack Obama and his family.


  • 然而正是巴马关于希望演讲引起了拉德·马托斯这样新罕布什尔州选民的共鸣。

    But it is Obama's message of hope that resonates with New Hampshire voters like Jared Matos.


  • 美国太平洋战区司令部司令罗伯特·威拉德巴马先生随行记者说。

    Willard, commander of the United States Pacific command, told reporters traveling with Mr. Obama.


  • 届时,里·费迪南作为队长登场,利物浦中场史蒂文·拉德将担任副队。

    They will be lead out in that match by Ferdinand, with Liverpool midfielder Steven Gerrard moving to vice-captain.


  • 信守原则巴马应该改判波拉德刑期

    With these principles in mind, Obama should commute Pollard's sentence to time served.


  • 保守派专栏作家乔治·威尔更是写到,当年英国首相迪斯雷利其前任拉德斯通的评价巴马身上再合适不过了,“陶醉自己的‘裹脚布’中不能自拔。”

    George Will, a conservative columnist, notes that Disraeli's gibe about Gladstone might well apply to Mr Obama-he is "inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity".


  • 单口相声演员克里斯·洛克则把巴马拉德·皮特相提并论,CNN说:“布拉德·皮特身上就没有笑料,你还能说什么呢?”

    Chris Rock, a stand-up comic, likens Mr Obama to Brad Pitt. "There's no Brad Pitt jokes," he told CNN.


  • 阿什利·科尔拉德·内切腾出的空间内如无人之境,因为马里·曼季茹基奇的活动区域过于狭窄了。

    Ashley Cole was free to move into space vacated by Gerrard as Mario Mandzukic played too narrow.


  • 天才微雕艺术家威拉德·维冈在个24克拉金针针眼雕出巴马一家

    Talented Willard Wigan has carved Mr Obama and his family into the eye of a 24-carat gold needle


  • 拉德正在洛杉矶即将举办首次美国展览说:“最心爱作品当然巴马全家的雕像。”

    Speaking in Los Angeles, as he was about to launch his first American exhibition, Willard revealed: 'My favourite piece has to be President Barack Obama and his family


  • 还有拉德·尼尔 GerardO'Neill,他巡回全国煽动推销一个疯狂到极点计划:建造可以容纳达百万人自给自足的太空殖民地

    There was Gerard O'Neill, who barnstormed the country whipping up enthusiasm for one of the zaniest schemes of all: the launching of self-contained space colonies for the millions.


  • 拉德维尔论述认知神经学家安东尼·达马西(AntonioDamasio)著名案例,即腹内前额皮质(ventromedial prefrontal cortex)的损伤导致行为能力的丧失,但智力没有受到损害。

    Gladwell discusses the famous cases of cognitive neuroscientist Antonio Damasio where damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex caused nonfunctional behavior without impairing intelligence.


  • 榜单如今已迈入第70个年头。巴马影星拉德皮特詹姆斯邦德扮演者丹尼尔克雷格、金融家阿帕德·布森,以及艺术家塞•托姆布雷携手入围“全球十佳着装男性”。

    Obama joined actors Brad Pitt and James Bond star Daniel Craig, financier Arpad Busson, and artist Cy Twombly on the list of the world's 10 best-dressed men


  • 从离拉德诺耶不远的地方经过,回到莫斯科但是一回没有斯托夫家里去。

    Several times he had been in Moscow, and in travelling had passed not far from Otradnoe, but he had not once been at the Rostovs'.


  • 因为上月丹麦比赛中拉德缺席情况下已经选做了队长那么兰帕德肯定不会高兴因为这样看起来就好像抛弃了一样。

    Having been asked to captain the team in the absence of Ferdinand and Steven Gerrard in Denmark last month, Frank Lampard is unlikely to be too happy that he was deemed to have failed his audition.


  • 然而,乔治·布什助手拉德读仪使巴马看上去机器人

    Yet Bradley A. Blakeman, a former aide to President George W. Bush, said the teleprompter made Mr. Obama look robotic.


  • 拉德、阿北罗阿类里已被排除周日足总杯第三的比赛名单之外。

    Steven Gerrard, Alvaro Arbeloa and Fabio Aurelio have all been ruled out of Sunday's FA Cup third round clash at Luton Town.


  • 邀请函发送给了700位宾客包括亚里士多德·纳西斯(杰奎琳·肯尼迪)、希尔顿酒店开发商拉德·希尔顿电影明星大卫·尼文、加里·格兰特格洛丽亚·斯森和艾娃·加德纳

    Invitations were sent out to 700 guests including Aristotle Onassis (later Mr Jackie Kennedy), hotel developer Conrad Hilton and film stars David Niven, Cary Grant, Gloria Swanson and Ava Gardner.


  • 邀请函发送给了700位宾客包括亚里士多德·纳西斯(杰奎琳·肯尼迪)、希尔顿酒店开发商拉德·希尔顿电影明星大卫·尼文、加里·格兰特格洛丽亚·斯森和艾娃·加德纳

    Invitations were sent out to 700 guests including Aristotle Onassis (later Mr Jackie Kennedy), hotel developer Conrad Hilton and film stars David Niven, Cary Grant, Gloria Swanson and Ava Gardner.


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