• 大卫贝克汉姆奥兰多 布鲁姆分列第五、六位,紧随其后的分别为《绯闻女孩》男星爱德维斯特维克、排在音乐排行榜上大热的JLS组合、裘德 洛和伊万格雷格

    David Beckham was fifth, followed by Orlando Bloom, Gossip Girl's Ed Westwick, chart-toppers JLS, Jude Law and Ewan McGregor.


  • 为什么有些女性见到具有阴柔之美的奥兰多·布鲁姆就心跳加速,另一些倾心丹尼尔·克雷格的阳刚之气呢?

    Why do some women's hearts race over the feminine features of Orlando Bloom while others are more attracted to macho men like Daniel Craig?


  • 他家克罗易登我们奥兰多·布鲁姆新年焰火还有圣诞聚会

    He was from Croydon, and we chattered about Orlando Bloom, New Year's fireworks and Christmas parties.


  • 12日,曾出演《指环王英国男星奥兰多·布鲁姆联合国儿童基金会授予儿童亲善大使称号

    British actor Orlando Bloom, star of Lord Of The Rings, was named Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Children's Fund Monday.


  • 出演电视真人简单生活女星希尔顿高居Google资讯搜索热门关键字排行榜榜首,演员奥兰多·布鲁姆屈居第二

    Hilton, who starred in the reality television show "the Simple Life," topped the list of the most frequent Google news searches, with actor Orlando Bloom ranking second.


  • 看起来奥兰多·布鲁姆米兰达·科尔仅确认订婚1个他们走进婚礼的殿堂。

    Looks like just a month after Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr confirmed their engagement, they walked down the aisle.


  • 大卫贝克汉姆奥兰多布鲁姆分列第五、六位,紧随其后的分别为《绯闻女孩》男星爱德维斯特维克、排在音乐排行榜上大热的JLS组合、裘德•洛和伊万•麦格雷格

    David Beckham was fifth, followed by Orlando Bloom, Gossip Girl's Ed Westwick, chart-toppers JLS, Jude Law and Ewan McGregor


  • 一系列T恤卖点是明星鼓励赠言比如奥兰多布鲁姆的“我们同舟共济,共克难关”。

    The T-shirts feature words of encouragement from the celebrities, such as “Through Struggle We Unite and Overcome” from Orlando Bloom.


  • 正如观众所期待奥兰多布鲁姆扮演白金汉公爵一角色,詹姆斯将化身为公爵的大管家

    As expected, Orly will play the villain, Duke of Buckingham, while James will play his servant, Planchet, in the classic tale.


  • 虽然参与拍摄最近一部加勒比海盗电影,但奥兰多·布鲁姆计划回归《死无对证》。

    After skipping out on the most recent "Pirates" movie, Orlando Bloom plans to return for "Dead Men Tell No Tales.


  • 系列中出演奥兰多布鲁姆凯拉奈特莉将不会最新的《加勒比海盗4》中出现,不过他们仍然参加了昨天的首映仪式。

    Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley, who starred in the first three films but were not cast for the latest movie adventure, also attended the premiere.


  • 拍摄安都的那个场景时,奥兰多·布鲁姆约翰·里斯·戴维斯大模大样他们船上走下来。

    While filming the scenes on the River Anduin, Orlando Bloom and John Rhys-Davies were swept out of their boats.


  • 主演过《指环王》、《加勒比海盗男星奥兰多·布鲁姆的带领下,越来越好莱坞明星开始穿回力

    Many Hollywood stars are beginning to wear the Warrior sneakers, including Orlando Bloom, who played in the Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean.


  • 传闻奥兰多布鲁姆卢克伊万斯,但是真的无法相信这不是同一个人

    This is supposedly Orlando Bloom and Luke Evans, but they don't convincingly pass as separate human beings.


  • 米兰达·奥图收到礼物是伊欧文服装丽芙·泰勒收到的亚雯将要死去时穿的衣服,奥兰多·布鲁姆收到的是莱格拉斯的张弓

    Miranda Otto received one of Eowyn's dresses and her sword, Liv Tyler received Arwen's "dying dress", Orlando Bloom got one of Legolas' bows.


  • 奥兰多·布鲁姆只是外型抢眼而已,还是敬业认真演员

    Orlando Bloom is more than just eye candy. He's a dedicated actor.


  • 奥兰多·布鲁姆爬上猛犸象那个场景完了,实际上,布鲁姆沙袋

    Orlando Bloom's big heroic scene atop the Mumakil was shot in just one day. Bloom was filmed on top of a pile of sandbags.


  • 意味着只能个长得不好看内秀在一起,或者只能将就于一个魅力不足但长得奥兰多·布鲁姆似的人。

    This means she'll have to be with someone who is a little less good-looking but appealing mentally, or settle for someone who is less engaging, but looks like Orlando Bloom.


  • 通过上面研究可以看到这个女孩指环王中的“莱格拉斯以及饰演的演员奥兰多布鲁姆尤为兴趣。

    In the search above you can see this one gal is particularly interested in Legolas from "Lord of the Rings" and the actor who portrays him: Orlando Bloom .


  • 俩可迅速的!奥兰多·布鲁姆女友米兰达可儿宣布订婚一个就闪电结婚了

    That was fast. Only a month after their engagement was confirmed Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr have married.


  • 奥兰多·布鲁姆米兰达·可儿自己成为父母而感到喜悦

    Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr are feeling the joys of parenthood.


  • 如果知道电影明星需求,她一定来自坎特伯雷索尼娅,世界最有名的好莱坞演员之一奥兰多·布鲁姆妈妈

    And if anyone knows about film star requirements it must surely be Sonia, from Canterbury, mother to one of the world's most famous Hollywood actors, Orlando Bloom.


  • 事后告诉得到了一个奥兰多·布鲁姆拥抱她真的难以置信

    I told her afterwards that she'd had a hug from Orlando Bloom and she couldn't believe it!


  • 魔戒加勒比海盗》中的出彩表现,奥兰多-布鲁姆一跃成为世界影坛最耀眼新星

    Orlando Bloom shot to fame as an elf in 'The Lord of the Rings, ' was catapulted even higher in 'Pirates of the Caribbean, ' and continues to rise as one of the world's leading male film stars.


  • 奥兰多布鲁姆女友米兰达可儿宣布订婚一个就闪电结婚了

    Only a month after their engagement was confirmed, Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr have married.


  • 摩羯座奥兰多-布鲁姆最初留给影迷的印象举止优雅英俊帅气,实际上成功与其多年刻苦勤奋是分不开的。

    Orlando Bloom is a Capricorn. His grace and good looks are what his fans notice first, but it's his years of study and hard work that have made it possible for him to make it this far.


  • 摩羯座奥兰多-布鲁姆最初留给影迷的印象举止优雅英俊帅气,实际上成功与其多年刻苦勤奋是分不开的。

    Orlando Bloom is a Capricorn. His grace and good looks are what his fans notice first, but it's his years of study and hard work that have made it possible for him to make it this far.


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