• 哈佛大学教授·说:“过度互联网使用应该上网时长来定义应该用损失来定义。”

    "Excessive Internet use should be defined not by the number of hours spent online but in terms of losses," said Maressa Orzack, a Harvard University professor.


  • 一命令也使巴马可以全权规范电力行业

    The mandate gives Barack Obama carte Blanche to regulate the power industry.


  • 超级畅销书作者最新系列作品中,故事的焦点集中在混血营地

    Now, in a brand-new series from blockbuster best-selling author Rick Riordan, fans return to the world of Camp Half-Blood.


  • 盖伯尔·奥克有头脑,性格父亲带大成为一个牧羊人以后设法足了多塞特的诺科姆租下自己的农场

    Gabriel Oak was a sensible man of good character, who had been brought up by his father as a shepherd, and then managed to save enough money to rent his own farm on Norcombe Hill, in Dorset.


  • 由于巴马看似不可战胜,诸如印第安纳州州长米奇·丹尼尔斯密西西比州州长巴博,新泽西州州长里斯蒂萨斯州州长·派这些颇追捧的州长并未参加提名选举

    Popular governors such as Mitch Daniels of Indiana, Haley Barbour of Mississippi, Chris Christie of New Jersey and Rick Perry of Texas chose not to run when Mr Obama looked unbeatable.


  • 在巴拉·巴马就职典礼上伊丽莎白·亚历山大朗诵诗歌,艾莎。富兰演唱,小提琴演奏家伊扎·帕尔曼大提琴演奏家马友友共同演奏。

    Barack Obama's inaugural ceremony will include poetry by Elizabeth Alexander and music by singer Aretha Franklin, violinist Itzhak Perlman and cellist Yo-Yo ma.


  • 州长·佩里(Rick Perry)的特别项目走廊,北达拉斯南直安东尼,全程300英里(合480千米),几乎与现在经常塞车的35号公路并行

    Governor Rick Perry's pet project is the Trans-Texas Corridor, running more than 300 miles (480km) from Dallas to San Antonio, more or less parallel to existing, often-congested Interstate 35.


  • 布洛来自新不伦弗雷德里顿市十岁的凯瑟琳·洛拉·格雷,史上年轻的超新星发现者。

    BLOCK: That's 10-year-old Kathryn Aurora Gray of Fredericton, New Brunswick, the youngest person ever to discover a supernova.


  • 伊利诺伊参议员巴马(Barack Obama)写了一封措辞严厉的信。

    Barack Obama, a senator from Illinois, wrote a stern letter.


  • 诺德领主部落达成了一个协议背叛了联盟

    Perenolde of Alterac makes a pact with the Horde and betrays the Alliance.


  • 几天一年中最长的那个午夜,可以听到盖伯尔·奥克诺科姆山上吹笛子

    A few days later, at nearly midnight on the longest night of the year, Gabriel Oak could be heard playing his flute on Nor-combe Hill.


  • 德国不伦科学家上周真实的交通状况展示了叫做\“利妮\”的无人驾驶汽车然而其它路况条件的测试意大利其它地方进行的。

    Scientists at Germany's Braunschweig last week demonstrated a driverless car called "Leonie" in real traffic conditions, while other road tests have been conducted in Italy and elsewhere.


  • 只有一个意见比对自己的意见更加信赖这个人就是盖伯尔·奥克

    There was only one person whose opinion she trusted more than her own, and that person was Gabriel Oak.


  • 如说,骷髅王里日记游戏玩家杀死不死身体的那个地牢掉落,而不是在任何一个这本日记没有关联地方

    Leoric's Journal should be dropping in the same dungeon where you fight his undead corpse, and not somewhere else that doesn't make sense.


  • 尽管精者人数飙升,克瑞斯公司仍感到供不应求

    But despite the rising number of donors, Cryos has a hard time meeting demand.


  • 州长·佩里(Rick Perry)的特别项目德走廊,北达拉斯南直安东尼,全程300英里(合480千米),几乎与现在经常塞车的35号公路并行

    Governor Rick Perry's pet project is the Trans-Texas Corridor, running more than 300 miles from Dallas to San Antonio, more or less parallel to existing, often-congested Interstate 35.


  • 第一积分榜的首位,排他后面的是亨特-马汉PGA亚军巴巴-沃森吉姆-斯蒂夫-史翠达斯汀-约翰逊杰夫-文顿马特-库查尔。

    Mickelson led the points table for the first time followed by Hunter Mahan, PGA runner-up Bubba Watson, Jim Furyk, Steve Stricker, Dustin Johnson, Jeff Overton and Matt Kuchar.


  • 克瑞斯特灌溉设备公司主要制造销售灌溉设备,制造检验瓶子瓶盖

    ORESTIS BOUKOURAS S. A. is active in the production and distribution of irrigation equipment as well as in the production of plastic caps for PET water bottles.


  • 着,突然注意到盖伯尔·已在教堂走来,正同情注视着

    She was still crying when she suddenly noticed Gabriel Oak, who had come up the path on his way to the church, and was watching her sympathetically.


  • 罗兰·艾默里·戈登编剧杰夫·纳奇曼电影网站声明说:”这部电影虚构的“,不过他们补充道,”我们成为那样

    "The movie is fiction," states Roland Emmerich, Mark Gordon and screenwriter Jeffrey Nachmanoff on the movie's website, but add, "we'd like to keep it that way."


  • 最终由费雯丽来饰演斯佳丽·哈拉·盖博饰演·巴特勒这部电影也成为有史以来受欢迎影片之一

    The resulting film starred Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable as Scarlett o 'hara and Rhett Butler, and it quickly became one of the most popular motion pictures of all time.


  • 年老的酒店老板,留着白发长长的胡子僵硬地把头转向盖伯尔。“诺科姆盖伯尔·奥克!”

    The ancient maltster, with his white hair and long white beard, turned his old head stiffly towards Gabriel. 'Gabriel Oak of Norcombe!'


  • 年老的酒店老板,留着白发长长的胡子僵硬地把头转向盖伯尔。“诺科姆盖伯尔·奥克!”

    The ancient maltster, with his white hair and long white beard, turned his old head stiffly towards Gabriel. 'Gabriel Oak of Norcombe!'


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