• 称为法官挑选非常严格,氏族长老要经过为期数星期或数月审议

    The oday, or judge, is chosen carefully, following weeks or months of deliberation byelders of the clan.


  • 提议飞去斯特拉斯堡,从那儿步行或者别的地方,或者阿尔萨斯某处。

    I suggested we fly to Strasbourg and walk up to Saint Odile, or somewhere or other in Alsace. "I know a girl in Strasbourg who can show us the town, " I said.


  • 一旦犯下违法行为,犯罪者首先找到接着后者原告奥代组建法庭

    When an offense is committed, the offendergoes first to his oday, who then forms a court with the oday of the plaintiff.


  • 加州马特希尔斯高中就是其中之一《新闻周刊美国顶级高中年度排名中排第423名——名列全国2%。

    Hillsdale High School in San Mateo, Calif, is one of those, ranking No.423—among the top 2% in the country——on NEWSWEEK's annual ranking of America's top high schools.


  • “可与之相比就是20世纪90有关加密争夺战,”库尔特·萨尔说道,他隐私监督组织电子前沿基金会的法律顾问

    "A comparison point is in the 1990s battles over encryption," said Kurt Opsahl, general counsel of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a privacy watchdog group.


  • 加拉拉一口井20世纪30早期干旱

    The first wells were drilled into the Ogallala during the drought years of the early 1930s.


  • 根据多数人预测巴马需要在150多位至今没有宣布他们选择超级表中,赢得25位支持

    By most estimates, Obama needs the support of about 25 superdelegates out of the more than 150 that have still not announced their preference.


  • 可能后防线上甚至发现。里·费迪南德一定会因为他的出现感到焦虑

    May be the defensive find of a generation or even two for that matter. Rio Ferdinand is bound to be feeling twitchy.


  • 麦凯恩多次直接挑战巴马立场说法迫使对手解释1960年一个激进分子威廉姆斯·艾尔斯的关系

    McCain, who repeatedly went on the offensive to challenge Obama's positions and statements, pressed his rival on his connection to a 1960's radical, William Ayers.


  • 任天堂近日公布了最新的掌机3ds,《超级马里兄弟》创作者宫本正在系统下一虚拟宠物《任天狗+》而努力工作着。

    Nintendo recently unveiled its 3ds handheld, and Super Mario Bros. creator Shigeru Miyamoto is hard at work on the next evolution of virtual pets, Nintendogs + Cats, for the system.


  • 露提印第安表演真实的展现祖母他们的土著文化

    A much more accurate portrayal of my grandmother's people and early indigenous culture was presented at Oconaluftee Indian village.


  • 巴马其他国家如今开始追求伟大发现上抢到了前头

    'Other countries are now beginning to pull ahead in the pursuit of this generation's great discoveries,' Mr. Obama said.


  • 我们失去了埃德温·范德萨,加里·内维尔斯科尔斯现在我们剩下了吉格斯、里·费迪南德

    We lost Edwin van der Sar and Gary Neville, Scholes. It's only really Giggsy, me and Rio [Ferdinand] from that generation.


  • 绿色组织利兹埃利:“对1990年人们的淡漠失望,但是现在有巨大的转变。”

    Liz Elliott, long-standing co-ordinator of green events, said: "I was disappointed by the apathy of the 1990s, but there is certainly a huge turning back."


  • 最近超级似乎更看好巴马 。

    The superdelegates seem to have been leaning towards Mr Obama recently.


  • 巴马硅谷一次演讲反复强调希望在美国下一谷歌,惠普的成长创造有利环境

    In a speech in Silicon Valley, Mr Obama reiterated that he wants to create the conditions in America that would give rise to the next Google and the next Hewlett-Packard.


  • 一位族谱专家日前表示,巴马和莎拉·佩林第10表亲,他们共同祖辈为17世纪牧师约翰·史密斯

    Barack Obamaand Sarah Palin are 10th Cousins through a common ancestor, John Smith, a 17th century pastor, according to genealogists.


  • 17世纪80英国民俗学者约翰·布里曾经报道:“还是许多地方……人们山上燃点篝火:但是内战使所有这些仪式习俗基本上不再流行了。”

    By the 1680s, British folklorist John Aubrey5 reported that "still in many places... they make fires on the hills: but the Civil Warres6 have put all these rites or customs quite out of fashion7."


  • 一个天然版本太空殖民地设想通过杰勒德·尼尔二十世纪七十年的。

    It would be a natural version of the space colonies envision by Gerard o 'neill in the late 1970's.


  • 蒙德海滩坐落在托纳海滩北部,因“速度诞生地”闻名于世。

    Ormond Beach, located just north of Daytona Beach, is known as the "birthplace of speed."


  • 我们这一SputnikMoment “(人造卫星危机),”巴马演讲说道,并且指出美国需要“通过拨款研发水平重新达到空间竞赛时高度”。

    "This is our generation's Sputnik moment," Obama said in his speech, adding that the country needs to "fund a level of research and development we haven't seen since the height of the space race."


  • 罗维尔是美国最大土坝,20世纪50一个活动频繁断层带上,1968年开始蓄水。

    The largest earthen dam in the U.S., it was constructed on an active fault line in the 1950s and filled in 1968.


  • 一担忧源于最近一些反常的数据上升的GDP没有降低失业率,这有违肯定(20世纪60经济学阿瑟肯得出)。

    The case begins with some kinks in recent data. Rising GDP has not led to the fall in unemployment predicted by Okun’s Law, established in the 1960s by Arthur Okun, an economist.


  • 一担忧源于最近一些反常的数据上升的GDP没有降低失业率,这有违肯定(20世纪60经济学阿瑟肯得出)。

    The case begins with some kinks in recent data. Rising GDP has not led to the fall in unemployment predicted by Okun’s Law, established in the 1960s by Arthur Okun, an economist.


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