• 利物浦遇见奥云

    I met Owen when I was in Liverpool.


  • 实际上欧文哈格里夫斯奥云。夏格维斯)转投他们的确是个惊喜,想也想不到会这样。祝他好运,他该得到一个受伤患影响的职业生涯。

    Actually owen hargreaves joining them was a real surprise, didn't see that one at all. Good luck to owen though, deserves injury free run.


  • 他们提出行星的轨道上,定期地进入,扰乱那里很多彗星轨道并且使得其中一些彗星掉落到去往地球的方向上。

    They suggest that during its orbit it would regularly enter the Oort cloud, jostling the orbits of many comets there and causing some to fall toward Earth.


  • 库内表示,要想技术创造环境下取得成功,“技术人员需要多才多艺而且精通公司战略法律责任等广泛商业事务。”

    To thrive in the new environment the cloud is creating, says Cuneo, "tech people need to be versatile and well-versed in broader business issues like corporate strategy and legal liability."


  • 一阵和风把法带到空中他们只有解放自己进入永恒才能领悟到无限幸福里冲入宵。

    A breeze came and lifted Ole and Trufa in the air and they soared with the bliss known only by those who have freed themselves and have joined with eternity.


  • 大部分飞入太阳系彗星似乎来自的外部区域——是自太阳系诞生以来剩余残骸形成的区域。

    Most comets that fly into the inner solar system seem to come from the outer region of the Oort cloud - a region of icy dust and debris left over from the birth of the solar system.


  • 夫忠实地坚持着标准定义。他这番言论暗的正是甲骨文公司

    Benioff, adhering conservatively to that standard definition of the cloud, was taking some vicious swipes at Oracle.


  • 美国宇航局的图示说明如何包围着我们太阳系

    A Nasa graphic which illustrates how the Oort Cloud surrounds our solar system.


  • 蒂姆·莱利首先询问参与座谈的嘉宾他们公司计算上的投入他们对于业务的打算。

    Moderator Tim O'Reilly asked the panelists about their companies' stake in cloud computing and how they thought about it in their specific businesses.


  • 科学家一直以来都在使用美国宇航局红外线太空望远镜WISE研究这个太空望远镜具有探测星体的能力。

    The scientists have been studying the cloud using WISE, Nasa's infra-red space telescope that is capable of detecting dark objects.


  • 哈马、巴黎、西雅图其它地区摄影师天空观察家们野外去捕捉夜晚发光科学家们其为“夜光”(noctilucent cloud)。

    Photographers and other sky watchers in Omaha, Paris, Seattle, and other locations have run outside to capture images of what scientists call noctilucent (”night shining”) clouds.


  • Balakrishna Narasimhan位于加州马特解决方案提供商appirio公司企业战略部高级主管

    Balakrishna Narasimhan is senior director of corporate strategy at Appirio, a cloud solution provider based in San Mateo, California.


  • 建筑师威尔斯普命名为“设计方案赢得项目尽管许多人认为所有设计丑的。

    Despite what many believe was the ugliest of all the proposals, architect Will Alsop entered the winning design for this project and named it "the Cloud".


  • 建筑结构古典式建筑相似,许多白色乳白色尖顶

    The architecture of Cloud City is similar to Alderaanian classical, with many white and cream-colored spires.


  • 塑造大师内•里恩开始相信绝地大师科尔·天行者,那个一起实施苏斯工程的,如此命名的工程发起人,被-内舍尔慈祥地注视着。

    Master Shaper Nei Rin came to believe that the Jedi Master Kol Skywalker, with whom she worked alongside on the Ossus Project, as the initiative was named, was looked kindly upon by Yun-Ne 'shel.


  • ONAIR联手阿里华通数据共同打造中国最大全媒体平台,创先性推出视频核心服务模式

    ONAIR is teamed up with CDV cloud, Ali cloud, HuaTong cloud together to create the Chinese's largest media cloud platform, first introduced in the video as the core of the cloud service model.


  • 抛开作为美国清教徒习惯性思维不说,西·利诺身着黑色丝质身裙登高耸入的高跟鞋,试图法国诱惑文化靠的紧紧的。

    Putting aside her American Puritan reflexes, Ms Sciolino kits herself out in towering heels and a black, silk wrap dress, and tries to get to grips with France's culture of seduction.


  • 图蓝基的著作蘑菇》则另外缺陷

    Mr Ottolenghi's book, "Under a Mushroom Cloud", has a different flaw.


  • 位于纳省坎帕尼·拉庄园意大利最好葡萄酒生产商首屈一指的出口商。产品质优,价廉获奖品牌阿马罗内为代表。

    Campagnola is based in Verona and is Italy's finest producer and leading exporter of affordable wines including their award winning Amarone.


  • 泰山地区阜平期麻岩闪长质片麻岩、长花岗质片麻岩组成,呈西向带状分布形成于角岩相环境,岩石普遍具片麻状构造,局部地区岩石的韧性作用比较强烈。

    The Fuping-time gneiss in the Taishan area, consisting of tonalite gneiss and trondhjemite, formed in NW zonal distribution in the amphibolite -facies temperature and pressure environment.


  • 有媒体记者在白宫记者会上问及此事时,白宫发言人证实当天确实到访白宫且于马巴共进午餐此次午餐并没有安排公众日程上。

    White House spokesperson confirmed that Obama had lunch with Ma but offered no otherdetails of their meeting. The lunch meeting was not listed on the US president's public schedule.


  • 怀疑是木星全球模式改变将富含氨的物质到了SEB之上清澈寒冷区域为在高空形成打下了基础。

    Orton suspects that changes in global wind patterns have brought ammonia-rich material into the clear, cold zone above the SEB, setting the stage for formation of the high-altitude, icy clouds.


  • 为了保护阿杜村社纳克拉免遭骑者”劫掠·索洛正四处招募宇航员,阿扎便是倒霉的应征者之一

    When Han Solo was hiring spacers to protect Onacra, a small Aduban farming community, from marauding Cloud-Riders, Amaiza was one of the down-on-their-luck spacers who answered the call.


  • 达不莱梅俱乐部主管克劳斯·洛夫斯驳斥了有关尤文图斯准备斥巨资引进巴西球星迭戈的传闻。

    Werder Bremen chief Klaus Allofs has discredited reports that Juventus are preparing a mega bid for their star man, Diego.


  • 塞尔吉—克斯率队进攻纳克拉导致者”“星际跳跃者”发生激烈交火

    Serji-X led his crew in an attack against the village, which resulted in a fire-fight between the Cloud-Riders and the star-hoppers.


  • 塞尔吉—克斯率队进攻纳克拉导致者”“星际跳跃者”发生激烈交火

    Serji-X led his crew in an attack against the village, which resulted in a fire-fight between the Cloud-Riders and the star-hoppers.


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