• 也是第一奖赛70历史获此中国钢琴家

    He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70 year history of the competition to win this prize.


  • 艾博特2009年美国国内冠军2008年奖赛总决冠军。

    Abbott is 2009 U. S. national champion and 2008 Grand Prix Final champion.


  • 对于那些历史有所了解的人,举办F 1奖赛道的名字有点相似

    To anyone vaguely exposed to car racing history, the tracks where F1 Grand Prix RACES take place are familiar names.


  • F1奖赛执迷不悟倡导黄昏概念。“只是感到遗憾的是说:”周日

    F1 chief executive Ecclestone was unrepentant for championing the twilight concept. "I only regret the rain," he said of Sunday's race.


  • 这个项目关注竞争黄金金字塔赢得了区域奖赛创新是作为金字塔的一部分

    This project was noticed, competed for the Golden Pyramids, and won the Regional Grand Prix and the Innovation Award as part of the Silver Pyramids.


  • 2001年1月1日北京王府井工艺美术大厦举办申奥”民间艺术大奖赛获得最佳制作

    In 2001 New Year at Beijing wangfujing arts building competition, he wins the best design award on Beijing Olympic logo category.


  • 他们欧洲电视音乐大奖赛获得观众选择。在马德里歌友见面会因引起街道大乱而被迫取消。

    They also got the viewers' choice award at the MTV Europe Awards in 1997, and caused a panic in the streets of Madrid during a meet-and-greet affair that eventually had to be canceled.


  • 应该星期五奖赛之前安全委员会召集所有摩托车骑手下午5点,评估在所有大奖赛电路的安全问题

    It should be said that every Friday before a Grand Prix, the safety Commission convenes at 5pm with all the MotoGP riders to evaluate safety issues at all Grand Prix circuits.


  • 职业亮点:2010年温布利大师资格达到5个排名最后32其中包括2005年奖赛,2008年英国锦标2009年世界锦标活动

    Career Highlights: Qualifying for the 2010 Wembley Masters, Reaching the last 32 of five Ranking Events including the 2005 Grand Prix, 2008 UK Championship and 2009 World Championship.


  • 纽博格林道拥有四种不同的路线配置并且历史最重要的举办地:1955年德国奖赛范吉奥1935年大奖赛塔齐奥·诺瓦拉利的夺冠

    It featured four configurations and was home to arguably the two greatest races in history: Fangio’s victory in the 1955 German Grand Prix and Tazio Nuvolari’s GP win in 1935.


  • 纽博格林道拥有四种不同的路线配置并且历史最重要的举办地:1955年德国奖赛范吉奥1935年大奖赛塔齐奥·诺瓦拉利的夺冠

    It featured four configurations and was home to arguably the two greatest races in history: Fangio's victory in the 1955 German Grand Prix and Tazio Nuvolari's GP win in 1935.


  • 来自中国20岁球手在不让对手有任何反击之力情况下持续得到495分,刚好打破约翰金斯2005年奖赛对阵奥沙利文创造的494分的原纪录

    The 20-year-old from China racked up 495 without reply - just beating the previous record of 494 set by John Higgins in the 2005 Grand Prix final against Ronnie O'Sullivan.


  • 这个德国赢取高尔夫最高的过程中刷新了3项、2锦标记录

    The German set three tournament records and equalled two others en route to grabbing golf's richest prize.


  • 写这封信是为了衷心祝贺赢得中国象棋网络挑战一等

    I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations to you on your winning the first prize in the Chinese Chess Network Challenge.


  • 赢得诺贝尔物理学四十多年克尔德诺顿村暨婴儿选美零到六个月年龄组中独占鳌头。

    Some four decades before he won the Nobel Prize in Physics, he came top in the Cold Norton and District Baby Competition, birth-to-six-months class.


  • 本次评期间,意见相左的评委们最终把2006年布克授予基兰•遗失继承》。奇怪米斯的出版商甚至著作送审

    In the week that a divided jury awarded the 2006 prize to Kiran Desai's "the Inheritance of Loss", what is astonishing is that Mr Amis's publishers did not even submit his book for consideration.


  • 2003年,获得伊拉克达姆·侯,2003- 2004年莫斯科获得摄影机

    In 2003, he won Saddam Hussein's Gold Prize (Iraq), and in 2003-2004 he received the Silver Camera award in Moscow.


  • 例如或许会建议狮子队访问南非一项艺术进行官方资助

    He might, for instance, suggest you become an official sponsor of the British Lions tour of South Africa and an arts prize.


  • 拉斯克批评者强调如今使用基于青蒿素组合疗法一个科学接力的产物,经过许多阶段

    Critics of the Lasker citation emphasize that development of the artemisinin-based combination therapy used today resulted from a scientific relay race that went through many stages.


  • 巴黎大学巴塞尔·奥多巴斯坦·努克可荣获物理学他们研究了为什么义大利面条干燥后会以上

    Physics laureates Basile Audoly and Sebastien Neukirch of Paris University were honoured for their insights into why dry spaghetti tends to break into more than two pieces.


  • 年度三国中,南非澳大利亚争夺曼德拉挑战归属。

    The Mandela Challenge Plate is contested by South Africa and Australia during the annual Tri-Nations competition.


  • 恩·赢得了评论界广泛赞誉,2000年更是凭借《救济之舞》荣获惠·布莱特诗歌诗作同时还入选前进诗歌T·S·艾略特

    Burnside has achieved wide critical acclaim, winning the Whitbread Poetry Award in 2000 for the Asylum Dance which was also shortlisted for the Forward and T. s. Eliot prizes.


  • 伦敦出生戴维·德勒赢得了奥斯卡最佳原创剧本——当晚电影《国王的演讲》获得的第一个

    London-born David Seidler won the Best Original Screenplay award - the film's first award of the night.


  • 泰勒·斯维芙特歌手演员琳娜·戈麦斯周日晚的全美青少年选择典上可谓是出尽了风头。 斯维芙特更是包揽了包括象征终身成就的“终极票选”在内的六个

    Taylor Swift and actress/singer Selena Gomez caught major waves at the Teen Choice awards on Sunday, with Swift scooping up six surfboard trophies including one for Ultimate Teen Choice.


  • 2009柏林世界田径锦标上获得男子20公里竞走银牌王浩获得年度最佳新人

    Wang Hao, who won a silver medal at the men's 20 km walk in the 2009 World Championships in Berlin, was named "Best New Athlete."


  • 旧金山巨人队的出场中,邦兹的表现令人赞叹,安打率为0.336,达到其事业最高点,打出46本垒打,打点123个,并且再一次获得最具价值球员,是中的第三次

    He had a stupendous debut season with San Francisco, batting a career-high .336 with 46 homers and 123 R.B.I. and winning another M.V.P. award, his third in four years.


  • 穆托姆博参加过八明星获得了NBA最佳防守球员3289个盖帽名列nba历史总盖帽第二

    Mutombo is an eight-time All-Star who won the NBA's Defensive Player of the Year award four times and stands in second on the NBA's career blocks list with 3, 289.


  • 穆托姆博参加过八明星获得了NBA最佳防守球员3289个盖帽名列nba历史总盖帽第二

    Mutombo is an eight-time All-Star who won the NBA's Defensive Player of the Year award four times and stands in second on the NBA's career blocks list with 3, 289.


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