• 工厂位于印度南部奈市,有员工8000

    The facility, near Chennai in south India, caters to local and export markets and employs 8, 000 people.


  • 印度名“”正在施展魔法你醒

    The Snake Man of Chennai in India turns on the charm with a little trick to clear the head.


  • 夏威夷一个小家庭黄色色调正好与房主普利茅斯葡萄收获期匹配。

    The yellow hues of a small home in Lanai City, Hawaii, are matched by its owner's vintage Plymouth.


  • 毕业之后,来到80英里之外的奈市在这里他完成了大学学业得到历史学士学位。

    After school, he moved to Chennai, 130 kilometers, or 80 miles, away, where he went to college and got a B.A. in history.


  • 禁止石棉网络成员玛霍米塔·表示,2009年全年,仅有54名石棉取得赔偿

    Through 2009, only 54 asbestos workers had received compensation from the agency, says Madhumita Dutta from the Ban Asbestos Network in Chennai.


  • 位于岛中心具有十分有趣地标其中包括可爱的儿童剧院以及旅馆是在二十世纪二十年代建立

    In the center of the island, Lanai City features thoroughly and lovingly restored landmarks, including the lovely Lanai Playhouse and Theater and the charming Hotel Lanai, both dating from the 1920's.


  • 一个地图制作工具证明网络用户影响比较大,它允许印度居民空白的地图上填写那个地区主要道路街道有趣地方

    One tool, map Maker, has proved a particular hit with web users, allowing residents in the Indian city of Chennai to fill out a blank map of the area with key roads, streets and points of interest.


  • 尽管印度也做一阵子广告配乐但是电影配乐成了比重事业在金奈市他的工作室,他却美国有线电视新闻的记者说,他不想为电影配乐

    While he had stints writing advertising jingles in India, composing for films has been his life's work so far, yet from his studio in Chennai he admitted to CNN he didn't want to score films.


  • Doordarshan电视台报导,就火箭离陈大约80公里(50英里)处Sriharikota发射站升空不久,它在烟雾火光爆炸了。

    The rocket exploded in a plume of smoke and fire moments after taking off from the Sriharikota launch site, some 80 kilometres (50 miles) from the city of Chennai, according to Doordarshan TV.


  • 2006年,北卡罗来纳州达勒姆杜克大学的阿尼尔·波提、约瑟夫·文斯及其同事受到广泛关注

    ANIL POTTI, Joseph Nevins and their colleagues at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, garnered widespread attention in 2006.


  • 纽约医学中心外科肿瘤学ElisaPort博士,“大多数乳腺癌治疗就是一系列决策。”

    But, says Elisa Port, M.D., a surgical oncologist at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, "a huge part of breast-cancer treatment is the decision-making."


  • 接下来小时,牧师握著方向盘闷闷不乐孩子则是不断扩大彰声比起迪士好处

    For the next few hours Peter sat behind the steering wheel and smoldered as his children expanded on all the advantages of Junction City over Disney World.


  • 斯美国伊利诺斯州东北部村落是芝加哥河沿岸芝加哥的一个工业郊区人口28284。

    A village of northeast illinois, an industrial suburb of Chicago on the Chicago river. population, 28284.


  • 北卡州德杜克大学研究人员为了了解加法这样能力进化了多少,他们关注了和人类有点远亲关系的--猕猴

    To see how far back more advanced capabilities such as addition might go, researchers at Duke University in Durham, N. C. , focused on somewhat distant relatives of humansrhesus monkeys.


  • 接下来小时,牧师握着方向盘闷闷不乐孩子则是不断扩大彰声比起迪士好处

    For the next few hours Peter sat behind the steering wheel and smoldered as his children expanded on all the advantages of Junction City over Disney World.


  • 早班结束,位于巴黎边上的欧苏布瓦标致汽车厂工人们十字转门里蜂涌而出。

    THE end of the early shift, and workers at the Peugeot car factory at Aulnay-sous-Bois, near Paris, are streaming out through the turnstiles.


  • 我们总部位于美国伊利诺斯尔斯在芝加哥附近。

    We are headquartered in Niles, Illinois, USA, just outside of Chicago.


  • 罗伯特维尔罗伯特维尔,一个生活纽约幸存者如果这里还有其他人……任何人

    Robert Neville: My name is Robert Neville. I am a survivor living in New York City. If there is anybody out there…anybody.


  • 罗伯特·维尔叫罗伯特·维尔,我一个生活纽约幸存者,如果这里还有其他人……任何人。

    Robert Neville: I am a survivor living in New York City... I can provide food. I can provide shelter.


  • 罗伯特?维尔纽约一个幸存者……我能够提供食物藏身之处,我能够提供给你需要的安全

    Robert Neville: I am a survivor living in New York City…I can provide food. I can provide shelter. I can provide security.


  • 罗伯特?维尔纽约一个幸存者……我能够提供食物藏身之处,我能够提供给你需要的安全

    Robert Neville: I am a survivor living in New York City…I can provide food. I can provide shelter. I can provide security.


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