• 希腊了不起。他们实现了很多美好的事物。他们是个奇迹

    The Greeks were terrific. They achieved wonderful things. They were a miracle.


  • 我们没有足够资源阻止那些买下我们的份额,除非奇迹发生

    We don't have the resources to stop those people from buying us out unless a miracle happens.


  • 撞车事故竟然没有丧生真是奇迹

    It's a miracle (that) nobody was killed in the crash.


  • 感谢爱尔兰和平奇迹填充这一空间

    I thanked the Irish for filling that space with the miracle of peace.


  • 父母们最终药片当作精密外科手术器械,这种器械可能会孩子智商创造奇迹帮助一些大型机器竞赛中获胜前提它们使用恰当。

    Parents end up treating tablets as precision surgical instruments that might perform miracles for their child's IQ and help him win some great robotics competition but only if they are used just so.


  • 界上最长的跨海大桥——港珠澳大桥被一些认为是“现代世界七大奇迹之一”。

    The world's longest cross-sea bridge—the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is considered as "one of the seven wonders of the modern world" by some people.


  • 正是这些创造了这样伟大的奇迹

    They are the very people who worked such wonders.


  • 对于来说一个奇迹舒马赫一直按照自己的规则行事

    It would be a miracle for a mere mortal but Schumacher has always played by his own rules.


  • 很多时候,如果一个商业午餐没有拿出手机邮件的话,就已经是个奇迹了。

    Getting through a business lunch in which no one pulls out a phone to check their messages now counts as a minor miracle in many quarters.


  • 今天另一个悲剧却家庭带来了期盼已久的奇迹

    Today, someone else's tragedy provided the miracle my family had prayed for.


  • 由于汉江流经有着230万口? 的首都——首尔南韩成功常常被称为“汉江奇迹”。

    South Korea’s success is often called the “miracle on the Han”, after the river that runs through the 23m-strong capital, Seoul.


  • 尽管大多数知道世界奇迹但是没有多少能够说得出他们名字

    Although most people know that a list exists of the Seven World Wonders, only few can name them.


  • 位身材魁梧的老者率领到一座陡峭山峰答应告诉他们生活秘密奇迹

    A burly old man led his own flock up a steep mountain promising them the secret of life and its miracles.


  • 个“奇迹广告展示了副画面,里面是一个以伍德斯托克头饰,精神恍惚年轻标题写着“能回头选择”。

    An advertisement for Miracle- Ear hearing aids shows a picture of a spaced-out youth, coiffured for Woodstock. “Back then you chose not to listen, ” says the caption.


  • 有些比较喜欢水流潺潺宁静而另外一些则喜欢流连于建筑奇迹享受小城的静谧

    While some may love the tranquility of water, others may bury themselves deep in the architectural miracles or the serenity of a small town.


  • 不幸的是年轻通常不能或是不想利用奇迹

    Unfortunately young people are often unable or unwilling to take advantage of this miracle.


  • 其后几年乃至数十年时间里,奇迹扩展到整个地区,在短短一代的时间内,亿万生活命运得到前所未有的改善

    In the coming years and decades, this miracle would spread throughout the region, and in a single generation the lives and fortunes of millions were forever changed for the better.


  • 古希腊列举出散布地中海周围奇迹提供帮助娱乐

    The ancient Greeks had their list of the seven wonders, dotted in and around the Mediterranean, to aid and entertain travellers.


  • 我们只有能够奇迹般地,撞上一系列难以置信偶然,获得大奖。

    Well, we all want to be millionaires, but only one of us miraculously, magically, through a series of completely implausible happenstances, is able to do so.


  • 一部分再现著名童话姑娘沿着小溪步行遇到一只青蛙亲吻丑陋的青蛙奇迹般地变成了一位英俊的年轻

    Its first part staged the well-known fairy-tale story: a girl walks along a stream, happens across a frog, kisses it, and the ugly frog is miraculously transformed into a beautiful young man.


  • 特尔工作真正价值可能在于将又官能——听觉宇宙奇迹联系起来。

    The true value of Whittle's work may be that it connects one more human sense—hearing—to the wonders of the cosmos.


  • 一些是所有愤怒创造出来的奇迹

    Of the prodigy of all wraths, said others.


  • 球员绝不一支球队,并非只有我们很多球员能为球队带来奇迹并且我们需要他们支持,这样我们才能不断做到更好。

    One player doesn't make a team, and we have got a lot of players who can win you a match out of nothing, not just me, and we'll need to do that to make sure we do well.


  • 球员绝不一支球队,并非只有我们很多球员能为球队带来奇迹并且我们需要他们支持,这样我们才能不断做到更好。

    One player doesn't make a team, and we have got a lot of players who can win you a match out of nothing, not just me, and we'll need to do that to make sure we do well.


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