• 帽子羽毛帽檐很宽,真是件物。

    Her hat was an amazing affair with feathers and a huge brim.


  • 斯塔呜咽着浑身发抖。

    Starkey whimpered, all of a tremble now.


  • 汤姆哽咽低声说:“,你看!”

    Tom choked off and whispered, "Look, Hucky, look!"


  • 埃斯论文中写道多人一种不恰当的方式关注着工作中的错误

    Etheridge wrote in a paper that argued that too many have wrongly focused on the mistakes of her work.


  • 爷爷照料着佩草莓植株

    Grandpa a pig looks after Peppa's strawberry plant.


  • 因为事实上存在两个萨科

    For there are in truth two Sarkozys.


  • 萨科本人不会要求作证因为任职期间享有绝对司法豁免权,这意味着既不被看作为嫌疑人不是证人,也没有作为原告

    Mr Sarkozy himself will not be asked to testify, since he enjoys absolute judicial immunity while in officemeaning that he can be heard neither as suspect, nor as witness, nor as plaintiff.


  • 我们人人都有自己缺点,”夫人哭泣着说道,“说,我们人人有。”

    'we have all our faults,' said Mrs Chick, weeping and shaking her head. 'I daresay we have.


  • 当在开罗或者卡拉大街如此民众令人迷糊混杂着敬畏嫉妒羡慕愤恨的心态看待西方世界时,这一结果也就并非意料之外了。

    It could hardly be otherwise when so many people on the streets of Cairo or Karachi seem to view the Western world with a confusing mix of awe, jealousy, admiration and resentment.


  • 乔·辛格有时有一注视窗外着霍姆堡毡帽,低垂的帽檐遮住了双眼,他的表情好像是在无尽地漫步知道哪里来,也不知道将去向何方。

    Joe Singer sometimes had Mr Kitaj's face; and as he stared from the window, his Homburg low over his eyes, he wore the same expression of endless wandering, with no home before or after.


  • 尽管大多数冷战时代痕迹已经消失了军用道路望塔点缀田园诗般的乡村,使西德的田园风景画里添上爱博士”的笔触

    And although most traces of the cold war era have vanished, military roads and observation towers still dot the idyllic countryside, imbuing pastoral Western European landscapes with a touch of "Dr."


  • 大道房子前院,院子里种着浓荫遮蔽的大树果树

    The house on Beechwood Avenue had a big Front yard with shade trees and fruitetrees.


  • 百花竞斗妍夏日即将逝去,树儿将花朵凋谢树枝举起凝视苍穹就像株大树

    I am like the tree that, at the end of the flowering summer, gazes at the sky with its lifted branches bare of their blossoms.


  • 因为裁员代表着具体行动而且汇丰银行竞争对手更有效的行动,因此希望取悦股东

    The layoffs may please shareholders because they reflect action, any action, which is better than what can be said of some of HSBC's competitors, says Leech.


  • 这个阿根廷球员即将离开同胞法比·奥里奥的合同将到期这意味着主教练罗伊·必须尽快找寻一个新的左后卫

    The Argentinian's imminent departure, combined with fabio aurelio being released after his contract expired, means manager Roy Hodgson's priority is finding a new left-back as soon as possible.


  • 4 - 4平时,伯蒂在自己发球局中发出小时137、133138英里的发球,没有费雷尔任何球的机会,并因此控制着比赛。

    At 4-4, Berdych seized control of the set by firing down 137, 133 and 138 miles per hour serves that gave Ferrer little chance of returning them.


  • 夫人随后离开之前,一直在密切注视着黑眼睛关键性的时刻,困难克制着自己。

    It was with extreme difficulty that Nipper, the black-eyed, who looked on steadfastly, contained herself at this crisis, and until the subsequent departure of Mrs Chick.


  • 贝尔格莱德报刊亭里充斥姆拉被逮捕详情报纸堆得老高但是报纸的销量并没有为此比往日好多少。

    In Belgrade, kiosks are piled high with papers crammed with details about Mr Mladic's arrest, but they are selling no faster than normal.


  • 随便舒梅切尔范德萨通纳或鲁尼、罗布森或维迪,弗格森一直更换麾下战将,不断地改造着球队目标从未游移。

    Take your pick: Peter Schmeichel or Edwin van der Sar, Eric Cantona or Wayne Rooney, Bryan Robson or Nemanja Vidic, Ferguson has constantly reinvented his side, changing the pieces but never the goal.


  • 而且特别招人疼,”玛丽沉思着

    "And he was very sweet," said Mary Hodges wistfully.


  • 特格韦尔告诉加的死因裁判法庭害怕奶牛,因此躲着它们可是喜欢动物不怕它们。

    Tugwell told Cardiff coroner's court that she was nervous of cows and kept away from them but Hinchey, an animal lover, showed no fear of them.


  • 法国博客圈充斥尖刻反萨科评论劳力士表的品味到气势汹汹的保镖犯罪上的强硬政策

    The French blogosphere, too, is filled with caustic anti-Sarkozy commentary, mocking everything from his taste for Rolex watches to his overbearing posse of bodyguards and his tough policies on crime.


  • 或者时代烙印使然,地球上许多问题困扰我们限制了我们其他星球关注的兴趣——只有我们需要它们它们能为我们带来思妙想),我们才感兴趣。

    Or perhaps it’s a symptom of our age, that the problems that bedevil us on Earth limit our interest in other worldsjust when we need them (and the inspiration they offer) most.


  • 我们养殖着自己支付了溢价龙虾的批发价格没有变化不会变化——不然我会破产,”瓦西莉表示

    "We are holding live lobster that we paid a premium for. My wholesale price has not changed and it won't - otherwise I will go under," said Mr Vasiliki.


  • 寻找天王星轨道差异时,英国人约翰·考·亚当斯法国人于尔班·勒威耶分别独立计算着这个未知世界质量位置

    By looking for discrepancies in Uranus's orbit, Englishman John Couch Adams and Frenchman Urbain Le Verrier each independently calculated the unseen world's mass and position.


  • 在地上扭曲着条蛇——奈提莉准备——夸里举起加特林机枪——怪兽向他发起了进攻——,砰,砰!

    It lands, twisting back on itself almost like a snakeZuleika gathers for a leap as — Quaritch raises the gatling gun and — the manticore launches at him and — P-P-P-POOM!


  • 在地上扭曲着条蛇——奈提莉准备——夸里举起加特林机枪——怪兽向他发起了进攻——,砰,砰!

    It lands, twisting back on itself almost like a snakeZuleika gathers for a leap as — Quaritch raises the gatling gun and — the manticore launches at him and — P-P-P-POOM!


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