• 推导小波分析奇异信号检测之间关系压力传感器信号进行了奇异值的检测

    The relationship between wavelet analysis and singular signal detecting is deduced, and the example of a pressure sensor singular signal detecting is presented.


  • 通过信号奇异检测信号,提取出检测信号极大进而实现了信号故障测距

    By detecting signal strangeness and reducing signal noise, the paper arrives at the maximum value of the detected signal, thus the fault location of the traveling wave signal is achieved.


  • 工程应用角度出发进行信号分解重构信号奇异检测数据压缩与重构、信号的消等若干方面的研究

    From the Angle of engineering application, the paper studies signals division and reconstruction, signals strangeness detection, data condensation and reconstruction, and signals noise reduction.


  • 文章给出基于分析信号奇异检测理论通过突变信号进行小波分析可以发现结构损伤情况

    The signal singularity detection theory based on wavelets analysis is given. Through the study of those singularity, the damage situation of the structure may be discovered.


  • 研究了信号奇异检测问题

    The problem on signal singularity detection is presented.


  • 基于信号奇异检测理论利用小波分解高频系数是否具有极大值作为区分稳态稳态现象判据

    Based on the theory of signal strangeness detect, the maxima modulus in high frequency of wavelet resolving can be used as a criterion to classify steady and non-steady state phenomena.


  • 分析小波变换物理本质奇异检测原理基础上,研究了小波基和噪声信号奇异检测性能的影响

    Based on analyzing the physical essence and the principle of singularity detection, this paper discusses the effect of wavelet bases and white noise on signal singularity detection.


  • 研究分析机械工程信号处理中的应用提出通过二进小波变换检测信号奇异实用技术

    The application of wavelet theory in signal processing in mechanical engineering field is also discussed and a practical technique for signal singularity detection is proposed.


  • 文中奇异指数求解问题进行了较详细的讨论研究,同时不同小波下的信号奇异检测情况进行了分析和比较。

    The thesis has discussed the calculating of the Lipschitz exponent, and analysised and compared the condition between wavelet bases and singularity detection of signal.


  • 在提出脉冲提取思想基础利用局部放电信号所固有的奇异性特征,将波变换的奇异检测原理应用于提取局部放电脉冲。

    A wavelet domain singularity detection algorithm, based on the theory of pulse extraction, is applied in partial discharge (PD) pulse extraction utilizing the singularity of PD signal.


  • 根据斜拉桥结构振动受损部位振动信号奇异性,利用小波奇异检测理论分析斜拉桥结构在受损时的振动信号判断结构损伤情况。

    Based by singularity of vibration signal of damage position on cable-stayed bridge as vibrating, we can analyze vibration signal when cable-stayed bridge is damaged to estimate structure damage.


  • 为了准确客观地检测爆裂噪声存在提出了基于噪声信号奇异性的光耦器件爆裂噪声检测方法

    In order to detect the presence of burst noise in optocoupler device accurately and objectively, a new method was put forward based on singularity of noise.


  • 本文阐述利用小波分析检测信号奇异特征的原理基础检测信号奇异性进行了提取。

    This paper illustrates principle of the peculiarity of signal test based on wavelet analysis, and extracts the peculiarity of signal test in pile foundation.


  • 声门闭合语音信号中表现出相应的奇异性,图像边缘突变进行等价对比直接变换用于声门闭合奇异型的检测并不得到预期效果

    If the wavelet transform is directly implemented in pitch detection, comparing the glottal closure singularity of speech signal with image grey break, we will not obtain the anticipative result.


  • 测得信号电阻电缆故障分析表明这种方法可减少偏差奇异检测提高了故障定位精度

    Analysis of measured signal of low resistance cable fault shows that: the method reduces deviation of singularity detection and improves precision of fault location.


  • 提出种用于故障信号奇异检测选择方法一按照小波规则性系数选择小波基。

    A method of choosing a wavelet for the detection of singularities of a fault signal is presented. The method is to choose a wavelet by the regularities of the wavelet and the signal.


  • 从而信号中的奇异进行检测明确指出转子动静碰摩时奇异位置奇异度的大小,为汽轮发电机组碰摩识别提供了有效方法。

    Thus this means can be used to inspect the singular points and point out the exact position and size of the singular. The application of wavelets offers a…


  • 从而信号中的奇异进行检测明确指出转子动静碰摩时奇异位置奇异度的大小,为汽轮发电机组碰摩识别提供了有效方法。

    Thus this means can be used to inspect the singular points and point out the exact position and size of the singular. The application of wavelets offers a…


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