• 完全失控了,世界各地的人们发送了成千上万封电子邮件,分享着他们的旅行故事。

    It was absolutely out of control, thousands of e-mails, people around the world sharing their stories of travel.


  • 尤其是世界新闻报》,那里新闻编辑室已经失控

    Particularly in the news of the World, this was a newsroom out of control.


  • 尽管伊朗世界最大产油国之一,但该国炼油厂年久失修,而且由于慷慨补贴汽油需求失控地步。

    While Iran is one of the world's biggest oil producers its refineries are dilapidated and it suffers from runaway petrol demand because of generous subsidies.


  • 经济衰退时期世界无法容忍如此巨大而复杂成本失控威胁存在

    At a time of economic downturn, the world simply cannot afford to let a threat of this magnitude, complexity, and cost spiral out of control.


  • 说:“巴马一定不能成为卡特第二,当年世界事务失控,卡特看上去完全无能为力。”

    What Obama has to fear is being President Carter where world events just spiral out of control and he seemed just completely helpless.


  • 重要是,他们所代表的是美国世界责任作用扩大,而当今世界似乎以往任何时候都容易失控

    More important, they represent, if anything, an expansion of America's role in the world, our responsibilities and at a time when the world seems more likely than ever to spin out of control.


  • 华纳来说失控全球变暖问题肯定导致出现个对美国更加危险世界。而采取行动缓和气候变化不失为保护美国另一途径

    For Warner, unchecked global warming could create a world that is inherently more dangerous for the U.S. Acting to mitigate climate change was another way of keeping America safe.


  • 一项为期三年调查发现掠夺式捕捞失控,使世界脆弱的生物群落失去食物导致生态灾难

    Pirate fishing is out of control, depriving some the most world's most vulnerable communities of food and leading to ecological catastrophe, a three-year investigation has found.


  • 无论默多克作出何种努力——不管是关闭世界新闻报还是放弃对天空电视台收购——都无法阻止形势进一步失控

    Nothing Mr Murdoch has done-from closing down the News of the World to giving up the bid for bskyb-has stopped the onrush.


  • 如果名罪犯需要任何国家情感失控的话,容易会矛头指向这个来自破碎家庭小女孩后成为世界伟大的人,指指点点,说三道四。

    If a culprit is needed for any national emotional incontinence it's too easy to point the finger at the girl from a broken home who grew up to be the most famous woman in the world.


  • 如果名罪犯需要任何国家情感失控的话,很容易把矛头指向这个来自破碎家庭女孩后成为世界伟大的人,指指点点,说三道四。

    If a culprit is needed for any national emotional incontinence, it's too easy to point the finger at the girl from a broken home who grew up to be the most famous woman in the world.


  • 由此开始,心境波动超越令人愉悦成为彻底狂——一种完完全全失控的、不世界接触远离世界感觉

    From here the swing can move beyond comfortable to outright mania and a feeling of being totally out of control out of touch with and apart from the rest of the world.


  • 世界各国开始纷纷表达对美国国债增速失控的忧虑。

    We are beginning to hear a worldwide chorus ofconcern that the national debt is ballooning out of control.


  • 可能无助世界失控感觉,很容易失去希望

    There may be a feeling of helplessness and the world"s spinning out of control. It"s easy to lose hope.


  • 可能无助世界失控感觉容易失去希望

    There may be a feeling of helplessness and the world's spinning out of control. It's easy to lose hope.


  • 过去年间,长久以来的种族与民族积怨爆发,失控武装分子展开血腥报复外部世界却无从阻止

    For a decade, the outside world was unable to stop rampaging ethno-nationalist militias turning ancient grudges into bloody revenge.


  • 四十六告诉我们:祸莫大于不知足。就是说只一味地贪婪失控没有引导世界处于危险之中。

    Chapter 46 tells us that with greed running wild, and without the guidance of the Dao, the world is in danger.


  • 我们祷告该当如此:“主啊越发失控世界希望聚焦自己身上。”

    Our prayer should be: "Lord, I don't want to be focused only on myself in a world that's spinning out of control."


  • 世界还有年时间减少日益汹涌温室气体排放否则面临气候变化失控导致这个星球上许多地区变得不适宜人类居住的危险。

    The world has just 10 years to reverse surging greenhouse gas emissions or risk runaway climate change that could make many parts of the planet uninhabitable.


  • 世界还有年时间减少日益汹涌温室气体排放否则面临气候变化失控导致这个星球上许多地区变得不适宜人类居住的危险。

    The world has just 10 years to reverse surging greenhouse gas emissions or risk runaway climate change that could make many parts of the planet uninhabitable.


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