• 者,如今日(之),由衷之太息

    The sea, as today, will breathe from its depths.


  • 丹麦正在试图证明水下罗蒙诺索脊分出一部分丹麦领土格陵兰岛延伸

    Denmark is trying to prove that a detached part of the underwater Lomonosov ridge is an extension of Greenland, which is Danish territory.


  • 本文用韦伯-夏夫海特林积分表示半无限空间的分量,进而应用场匹配计算了波导电磁场分布特性

    A new method is presented to calculate the field distribution in the channel guide-using Weber-Schafheitlin integral and field matching method. Some numerical results are given for several cases.


  • 这里显示勒拿河三角洲,是美国地球资源卫星7号2000年拍摄的彩色图片覆盖了拉普捷Laptev Sea)超过一万一千平方英里的区域。

    The Lena’s delta, shown here in a false-color image taken by the Landsat 7 satellite in 2000, covers more than 11,000 square miles on the Laptev Sea.


  • 他们很连贯政策使整个事项得以完成”,.勒--一个合伙人说。

    They have coherent policies that enable them to get things done,” says Jeffrey Heller, a partner.


  • 他们很连贯政策使整个事项得以完成”,·勒——一个合伙人说。

    "They have coherent policies that enable them to get things done," says Jeffrey Heller, a partner.


  • 今天花花公子品牌,和57年以来一样屹立不倒”休•先生声称

    "The brand resonates today as clearly as at any time in its 57-year history," claimed Mr Hefner.


  • 建造鲁戴克市为了拦截来自须德泛滥,结果产生了爱塞美尔湖巨大淡水湖

    The Afsluitdijk was constructed in part to dam off the Zuiderzee inlet of the North Sea, turning it into the massive freshwater lake of the IJsselmeer.


  • 同时被捕位电影工作者默德·拉素罗今天判处徒刑

    Muhammad Rasoulof, one of the film-makers arrested at the same time, was also sentenced to six years in jail today.


  • :“如果很多朋友刻薄并没有好处。”

    If you have a lot of friends but they’re all mean to you, that won’t be beneficial, ” Heffner says.


  • 回到班霍大街院子里那个木匠问了大楼所有人姓名此人住基希姆。

    I went back to Bahnhofstrasse, asked at the carpenter's shop in the yard for the name of the owner of the building, and got a name and address in Kirchheim.


  • 据说纳起初并不以为意。直到几天,陶伦斯身着色丁布件式紧身衣、戴毛茸茸的尾巴俏皮的兔耳朵出现他面前时,纳这才茅塞顿开。

    Hefner reportedly rejected the idea until Taurins walked in a few days later, wearing a satin one-piece, a fluffy tail and bunny ears.


  • 该河蜿蜒向北奔流1047千米(651英里),穿过克拉科华沙波兰主要城市由格但斯克进入波罗的

    The river winds its way northward for 1,047 kilometers (651 miles), through major cities such as Krakow and Warsaw, to Gdansk Bay on the Baltic Sea.


  • 实际上根据国际罗伯·公司调查显示,84%的执行主管都声称简历1 ~2处的小拼写错误都会一位求职者失去资格

    In fact, 84 percent of executives said it takes just one or two typos on a resume to disqualify a candidate from consideration, according to a survey by Robert Half International.


  • 最近·纳以1800万美元将自己位于加州汉姆比紧挨花花公子大厦私人住宅卖给25岁的实业家成交价比出价低了36%左右。

    Hugh Hefner recently sold his personal residence in Holmby Hills, California, next door to the Playboy mansion, to a 25-year-old entrepreneur for $18m—some 36% below the asking price.


  • 休•先生每股开价6.15美元,那么花花公子企业仅仅价值2.07亿美元,比1999年的峰值10亿美元大幅降低。 那年一度成为热门网络公司股票

    Mr Hefner’s offer of $6.15 a share values Playboy Enterprises at a mere $207m, down from about $1 billion in its prime in 1999, when it briefly posed as a hot dotcom stock.


  • 来自阿尔协会the Alzheimer's Society)的克莱·巴拉德教授(Clive Ballard)表示:'需要做的工作还有许多,其中弄清楚阿尔茨默氏症这种老年病的内在联系。'

    Professor Clive Ballard, of the Alzheimer's Society, said: 'A lot more work is needed to see how this links to later life diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.'


  • 小说背景苏联接管波罗诸国的1939-40年间,而今年又是《莫洛托-里宾特洛普条约》(即《苏德互不侵犯条约》)签订70周年纪念,因此这本小说是火热。

    It is mainly set during the Soviet takeover of the Baltics in 1939-40, so this year's anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact makes it highly topical.


  • 花花公司的DOMAINfest全球会议于2月1日至3日酒店举行;同时还在胡·纳(花花公子创始人)在烘贝Holmby Hills)的住所内举行募款活动

    The DOMAINfest Global Conference took place Feb. 1-3 with events at several hotels and a fundraiser at the Holmby Hills estate where Playboy founder Hugh Hefner resides.


  • 伯纳德·兹霍医生如果荒岛上,我就适应仅有的陪伴只有自己椰果

    Dr Bernard Hazelhof said if I was on a desert island then I would have to get used to my own company - just me and the coconuts.


  • 自我否认风格王尔德有何不同?纳博可呢?与亨伯特呢?

    The Style of Self-cancelling Assertion: How does Heller Differ from Wilde? From Nabokov? From Humbert?


  • 年前哈里斯解除了婚约新年前夕86宣誓结婚

    She broke off the engagement a year ago but exchanged vows with the 86-year-old Hef. on New Year's eve.


  • 事实上乔布斯身边聚拢了一批人才:菲尔·席勒,约尼·,彼得·奥本,蒂姆·库克,还有零售负责人罗恩·约翰逊

    In reality, Jobs has surrounded himself with talent: Phil Schiller, Jony Ive, Peter Oppenheimer, Tim Cook, the former head of stores Ron Johnson.


  • 所罗门庙宇建筑师姆阿比也是如此。

    So too was Hiram Abiff, architect of the Temple of Solomon.


  • 双子模型中,运用HP变换付里叶变换玻戈留波变换,将简单亚铁磁体森伯交换作用哈密顿对角化。

    In the two-sublattice model, the Heisenberg exchange interaction Hamiltonian of the simple ferrimagnetic crystal can be made diagonalization by the use of HP, Fourier and Bogoliubov transformation.


  • 花花公子美国男性杂志创办伊利诺伊州芝加哥,创办人休纳及其合作者现已成为花花公子企业集团,延伸至各种媒体形式

    Playboy is an American men's magazine, founded in Chicago, Illinois by Hugh Hefner and his associates, which has grown into Playboy Enterprises, Inc., reaching into every form of media.


  • 布兰德穆勒公司制造出首辆一般大众用的动力车辆

    The company Hildebrand and Wolfmueller made the first two - wheel motorized vehicle available to the general public.


  • 这个短语可能w《谢拉山脉传奇》,韦斯顿出版社1900年出版一本书类似方法使用过。

    The phrase would be used in a similar way in Jeff W. Hayes' Tales of the Sierras, another Western published in 1900.


  • 刚刚宣布和比60的“头号女友订婚不久,证明了事业仍旧雄风不减。

    FRESH from announcing his engagement to a "Number one Girlfriend" 60 years his junior, Hugh Hefner proved he can still get the girl in business, too.


  • 布雷斯古的一座岛,离此不远

    Blefuscu is an island across the sea. It is not very far away.


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