• 1867年出生波兰,原名玛丽亚·斯克洛斯卡,以放射性研究闻名两次获得诺贝尔

    Born Maria Sklodowska in Poland in 1867, she is famous for her work on radioactivity, and was twice a winner of the Nobel Prize.


  • 2001年,佐罗这个发明而获得爱迪生专利设计的涡轮机已经美国的鲁西德能源公司进行商业生产了。

    In 2001 Mr Gorlov won the Edison patent award for his invention, and his turbines have now been commercialised by Lucid Energy Technologies, an American company.


  • 诺贝尔大会份声明中说:“我们真诚决定把诺贝尔授予拉尔·斯坦曼,是建立我们认为他本人在世前提上。”

    "The decision to award the Nobel Prize to Ralph Steinman was made in good faith, based on the assumption that the Nobel Laureate was alive," the assembly explained in a statement.


  • 甚至自己头发弄乱,弗吉尼亚伍尔?” (1966年)中饰演嚎啕大哭的玛莎试图引诱伯顿饰演的乔治这部电影声名远播,为她赢得第二座奥斯卡

    She brought it even to the dishevelled, bawling Martha baiting Burton's George in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" (1966), a film that epitomised her louder life and won her her second Oscar.


  • 林毅代表中国经济学界最高荣誉的“孙冶方经济科学”,而且专业领域内顶级刊物美国经济评论》上发表论文。

    He has twice won his country's top economic honour, the Sun Yefang award, and he has published in the leading journal of his profession, the American economic Review.


  • 如果今年提名最佳男主角,那么这场竞赛非常有趣因为另外一位有望演员也是这种类型。他就是主演《疯狂》的杰·布里奇斯

    If he's nominated, the best-actor race could be particularly interesting, because another likely frontrunner, Jeff Bridges of "Crazy Heart," is that sort of actor too.


  • 这部小说获得了1988年的布克于1997年拍摄成凯特·布兰切特拉尔·费恩斯主演的电影。

    The novel won the 1988 Booker prize and was filmed in 1997 with Cate Blanchett and Ralph Fiennes.


  • ·布里奇斯凭借疯狂扮演乡村乐歌手获得最佳剧情类男演员最佳喜剧类男演员则由《福尔摩斯》的小罗伯特·唐尼获得。

    Jeff Bridges took the award for best actor in a drama for his role as a country singer in "Crazy Heart," while Robert Downey Jr. won best actor in a comedy for "Sherlock Holmes."


  • 但是特(GerardtHooft)两位数学家结论正确的——宁愿选择决定论而不是自由意志。霍特是荷兰utrecht大学物理学家,获1999年诺贝尔物理学

    But Gerard 't Hooft of the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, who won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1999, says the pair's conclusions are legitimate - but he chooses determinism over free will.


  • 我们是基于诺贝尔桂冠者仍然活着假设,诚恳由衷的决定拉尔·斯坦曼颁发诺贝尔

    The decision to award the Nobel Prize to Ralph Steinman was made in good faith, based on the assumption that the Nobel Laureate was alive.


  • 来自英国斯特克利海边退休眼科护士MichaelStringer,凭借放大了两百而拍摄的硅藻照片,赢得了2008年尼康微观摄影大赛一等

    Retired ophthalmic nurse Michael Stringer from Westcliff-on-Sea in the UK won first prize in the 2008 Nikon Small World competition with this 200x magnified image of diatoms (a type of marine algae).


  • 研究免疫系统美国科学家布鲁斯·博伊特勒,法国科学家科学家朱尔斯·物理学公布(2011年9月30日)去世加拿大科学家拉尔·斯坦分享了诺贝尔生理学和医学

    Immune system researchers Bruce Beutler of the U.S. and Frenchman Jules Hoffmann shared the medicine prize Monday with Canadian-born Ralph Steinman, who died three days before the announcement.


  • 俄国物理学家提出微波放大器激光产生高强度辐射能原理,并为此于1964年获得诺贝尔

    Basov: Russian physicist. He Shared a 1964 Nobel Prize for developing the maser and laser principle of producing high-intensity radiation.


  • 麻省理工学院物理学教授•克特勒位同事平分2001年诺贝尔物理学他用自己那份金买了栋房子,剩下的则用作孩子教育资金

    Wolfgang Ketterle at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who Shared the 2001 physics prize with two colleagues, put his share towards a house and his children's education.


  • 美国学者托马斯·萨金特克里斯多·西获得2011年诺贝尔经济

    US academics Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims have won the 2011 Nobel economics prize.


  • 平山郁南京城墙不解之缘为赢得中日“文化交流贡献”。

    The relationship between Hirayama Ikuo and the city wall of Nanjing has won him the "Awards of Excellent Contribution to Sino-Japanese Contribution".


  • 的《新诗诗选》霍汤-密林出版社出版2005年金斯莱·塔诗歌

    His New and Selected Poems was published by Houghton Mifflin and won the 2005 Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award.


  • 西多2010年金10候选之一,当选者脚印留在摩纳哥冠军大道上。

    MILAN – Clarence Seedorf is one of the ten candidates for the Golden Foot 2010 Award: the winner will leave his footprint on the Champions Promenade of the Principality of Monaco.


  • 诺贝尔得主马丁·埃文斯爵士,卡迪大学哺乳动物遗传学教授评为2007年摩根·斯坦利英国伟人’的其中一位英国伟人’。

    Nobel laureate Sir Martin Evans, Professor of Mammalian Genetics at the University has been recognised as a 'Great Briton' in the 2007 Morgan Stanley 'Great Britons Awards'.


  • 作品四次获得雨果阿西莫克拉克称为科幻大师”。

    He won four Hugo Awards for his novels, and along with Asimov and Clarke was known as one of "The Big Three of Science Fiction."


  • 作品四次获得雨果阿西莫克拉克称为科幻大师”。

    He won four Hugo Awards for his novels, and along with Asimov and Clarke was known as one of "The Big Three of Science Fiction."


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