• 根据年轻太阳恒星观察我们太阳可能已经失去了最初质量的6%。

    According to observations of young sunlike stars, our Sun may have lost as much as six percent of its initial mass.


  • 格里斯876”小型红色恒星质量太阳三分之一。

    Gliese 876 is a small, red star with about one-third the mass of the sun.


  • 颗行星三个太阳恒星质量我们太阳相似

    This planet has three suns, with the main star similar in mass to our own sun.


  • 有史以来,人类第一观察到了黑洞诞生,它生成自一颗约是太阳质量20恒星超新星爆炸中。

    For the first time ever, a black hole has been seen being born out of a supernova of a star perhaps 20 times the mass of our sun.


  • 这个发现科学家们大为震惊他们曾经认为超过太阳质量150恒星不存在的。

    The discovery has astonished scientists, who thought it was impossible for stars to exceed more than 150 times the mass of the sun.


  • 质量太阳恒星比较比较冷几乎不产生可见光

    Stars with less mass than the sun are smaller and cooler, and hence much fainter in visible light.


  • 理论上讲,那些太阳质量20恒星会发生内爆,然后变为黑洞

    Theoretically, stars that are greater than about 20 times the mass of our sun are thought to implode and become black holes.


  • 这种物质发光远远重于银河系数以亿计恒星使银河系质量达到太阳至二万亿

    While it emits no light, this dark matter far outweighs the Milky Way's hundreds of billions of stars, giving the galaxy a total mass one to two trillion times that of the sun.


  • 是褐矮星相对地球木星质量恒星太阳的对比

    This diagram shows a brown dwarf in relation to Earth, Jupiter, a low-mass star and the sun.


  • 称为星云NGC 6334,太阳质量恒星诞生,年龄不过几百万

    Alternatively known as the Bear Claw Nebula or NGC 6334, stars nearly ten times the mass of our Sun have been born there in only the past few million years.


  • 那些不到8个太阳质量恒星就会扩大巨星最终缩小成白矮星。

    Stars smaller than eight solar masses simply expand into red giants and then dwindle away into white dwarfs.


  • 其中黑洞非常巨大大约是我们太阳质量的1亿并且不断吞噬气体尘埃偶尔还会顺便吃掉个倒霉恒星

    The black hole is huge, about 100 million times the mass of our sun, and is feeding off gas and dust, along with the occasional unlucky star.


  • 他们观察称作Ia超新星---一直质量太阳大小地球老年恒星爆炸

    the science teams observed special types of so-called Ia supernovae - explosions of aged stars that are as heavy as our sun, but with a size of Earth.


  • 明亮的色斑尘埃,它们包含着巨大恒星胎儿这些恒星胎儿长大我们太阳质量10

    The bright smudges are dusty cocoons containing massive embryonic stars, which will grow up to 10 times the mass of our sun.


  • 最初恒星一定拥有巨大质量可能相当于200个太阳或者

    The first stars must have been massive, perhaps 200 times the weight of our Sun or more.


  • 星云也是多数质量恒星家园目前仅有的称出重量”的恒星就在这区域,这颗巨大的恒星是一个被称为A1双星系统的一部分,它的质量大约为太阳的116

    This nebula is also home to the most massive star ever to be "weighed" so far. This behemoth, part of a binary system called A1, is estimated to be roughly 116 times the mass of the sun.


  • 星云看起来就一个巨大,它恒星形成区域几百万年间猫掌星云里诞生的恒星具有10个太阳质量

    Resembling a huge paw print, the Cat's paw Nebula is a star-formation region, with stars of close to 10 solar masses produced there in the past several million years.


  • 片星云也是多数质量恒星家园目前仅有的称出重量”的恒星就在这区域,这颗巨大的恒星是一个被称为A1双星系统一部分,它的质量大约为太阳的116倍。

    This nebula is also home to the most massive star ever to be? Weighed? So far. This behemoth, part of a binary system called A1, is estimated to be roughly 116 times the mass of the sun.


  • 巨星S106IR位于沙漏束腰位置,天文学家估计恒星质量可能我们太阳质量15

    Giant star S106IR lies near the waist of the hourglass. Astronomers estimate the star could be up to 15 times more massive than our sun.


  • 根据它们日蚀研究团队计算出恒星只有太阳质量的20%69%。

    Based on the eclipses, the team calculates that the binary stars are just 20 percent and 69 percent the mass of our sun.


  • 斯皮策探测到我们太阳类似黄色恒星周围尘埃盘中有一种原始生命分子-氰化氢的、质量更少的微红色恒星周围却没有

    Spitzer detected a prebiotic molecule, called hydrogen cyanide, in the disks around yellow stars like our sun, but found none around cooler, less massive, reddish stars.


  • 理论显示形成黑洞恒星最小规模为25太阳质量

    Theory suggests that the black holes which form from stars should have a minimum mass 25 times that of the sun.


  • 爆炸恒星质量接近形成黑洞理论质量极限太阳质量20左右

    The star that exploded that year was just on the edge of the theoretical mass limit for forming black holes, about 20 times the mass of the sun.


  • 斯皮策探测到我们太阳类似黄色恒星周围尘埃盘中有一种原始生命分子-氰化氢,在更的、质量微红色恒星周围却没有。

    Spitzer detected a prebiotic molecule, called hydrogencyanide, in the disks around yellow stars like our sun, but found nonearound cooler, less massive, reddish stars.


  • 所以如果被压缩致密这些质量星云比如太阳质量100,000倍的California星云,则不一定形成新生恒星行星

    So, by not collapsing into denser regions, these massive nebulae, like the 100,000 solar mass California Nebula shown above, don't necessarily start making baby stars and planets.


  • 恒星坍塌将会产生黑洞至少包含三个太阳质量

    Stellar collapse will generate black holes containing at least three solar masses.


  • 蜘蛛星云孕育无数恒星摇篮,其中有些恒星质量我们太阳130

    The Tarantula is a gigantic stellar nursery where thousands of new stars are being born, some as much as 130 times as massive as our own Sun


  • 格里斯876”是一小型红色恒星,其质量太阳三分之一。

    Gliese876is a small red star with about one-third the mass of the sun.


  • 格里斯876”是一小型红色恒星,其质量太阳三分之一。

    Gliese876is a small red star with about one-third the mass of the sun.


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