• 亮必须在天空中很低的位置——与地平线只有42度。

    The moon has to be very low in the sky—only 42 degrees from the horizon.


  • 亲笑着说:“线的作用不是阻止风筝飞得更高,而是帮助它留在天空中,因为风筝本身不能飞起来。”

    The father smiled and said, "The role of the string was not stopping the kite from flying higher, but helping it stay in the sky, because the kite itself can't fly up."


  • 看到灰色天空柔和地平线边缘,稍稍让释然些。

    I was relieved the sky was gray, softening the edges of the skyline.


  • 那天一个人搭出租车去海岸,眼蓝蓝的天空地平线处那低低的云彩

    That day I took a taxi to the beach and stared at the blue sky and the low clouds on the horizon.


  • 阿富汗天空底特律生产线这些梦想已经变成了现实。

    From the skies of Afghanistan to assembly lines in Detroit, those dreams are already a reality.


  • 太阳剩余阳光已经了照亮地平线云彩恒星银河星系它们自己透露天空上方

    Residual sunlight from a sun already set lit the horizon and clouds while the stars and Milky Way galaxy revealed themselves up above.


  • 下飞机的时候,空气清澈些许但是地平线还是在退缩污染物就像一口大钟罩新德里天空

    The air clears a bit once you've deplaned, but the horizon still contracts, pollution closing off the New Delhi sky like a dome.


  • 看着天空中的云朵,寻找着是否有一线穿过

    I look for a shaft of light through the clouds.


  • 来自天空线彩光正射主教的身上。

    A reflection of that heaven rested on the Bishop.


  • 天空如此清澈看见接近地平线小星星

    It was so clear that I could see tiny stars near the horizon.


  • 如果我们拍摄画面除了天空,还有一些其它的元素(城市景观),使地平线保持水平非常重要

    When shooting a scene that includes not just the sky but also other elements like a cityscape, keeping the horizon line straight is particularly important.


  • 巴基斯坦其邻国印度,放风筝常常天空"斗"风筝,他们金属线或者沾满玻璃碎片的风筝线其他人的风筝从空中击落

    Kite-flying in Pakistan and neighboring India often involves aerial duels in which participants try to bring down each other's kites using string coated in a sticky paste of ground-up glass or metal.


  • 如果拍摄时恰好天空景色乏味无聊的话不要天空部分主宰照片可以地平线位置放在三分之一以上的地方。

    If you have a bland, boring sky - don't let it dominate your shot and place the horizon in the upper third of your shot (however you'll want to make sure your foreground is interesting).


  • 此外还除掉了一些灰尘斑点拉直了地平线天空进行去噪点,锐化前景

    In addition to that I removed some dust spots, straightened the horizon, applied noise reduction to the sky (using Noise Ninja), and sharpened the foreground.


  • 平静天空细瘦新月持续朝着金星靠近,金星明亮厚实的月牙形让山脉中的地平线轮廓分明

    In steady skies the slender Moon is still sliding toward Venus, the bright planet's compact crescent just clearing the mountainous horizon.


  • 但是如果你拍摄时天空各种有趣形状的云团精彩色泽的话,把地平线位置放天空中的精彩凸显出来

    However if the sky is filled with drama and interesting cloud formations and colors - let it shine by placing the horizon lower.


  • 地平线鲜明的尺子一样,有时消失天空使得大海仿佛颠倒过来了似的。

    The horizon is sharp as a ruler or may disappear, the sky inverting the sea.


  • 如果天空重要,要地平线放在底边三分之一处,不然就得将地平线放在离顶边三分之一

    If the sky is important, place the horizon along the bottom third division of the frame.


  • 45时,驾车送到了斯塔顿渡口后我真的很疲倦。看到灰色天空柔和地平线边缘,稍稍让我释然些。

    By 6:45, I was already tired as I drove him to the Staten Island ferry. I was relieved the sky was gray, softening the edges of the skyline.


  • 随着太阳落下地平线,使用animateColor改变天空颜色通过变化月亮星星不透明性使它们渐渐显现出来。

    As the sun sinks over the horizon, animateColor is used to change the sky's color, and the moon and the stars fade in by animating their opacity.


  • 颗行星本月中继续天空拥抱东方地平线奋进号现在按照预定,准备于 6 月1开始最后一次旅程。

    The four planets continue to hug the eastern horizon at dawn throughout the month, while Endeavour is now scheduled to make its final approach to planet Earth on June 1.


  • 这个景象出现新西兰北岛陶波冬季七月天空中,左下右上排成一线金星venus轩辕十四regulus(狮子座leo的第一亮星)、火星Mars土星Saturn (Virgo是室女座)。

    Seen on a July winter night from Lake Taupo on New Zealand's North Island, the line-up features Venus, Regulus (alpha star of Leo), Mars, and Saturn from lower left to upper right.


  • 遥远地平线附近天空开始渐渐变成灰色

    Far away, and down near the horizon, the sky began to turn grey.


  • 如果看到日落地平线——确切是说是太阳最后一丝余辉消失时候,你将看到瞬间的的绿色火焰划过天空

    If you look at the horizon at sunset-exactly as the last sliver of sun disappears-you might see a flash of brilliant green blaze across the sky.


  • 天空休息室伟大的地平线

    High is the sky lounge by the pool with great skyline views.


  • 山包围着,天空展示城市未来构想地平线点亮摩天大楼片和谐灯火黑暗中照耀着。

    Enclosed by mountains and showcasing a futuristic vision of a city in the sky, the horizon is lit up with a symphony of skyscraper lights beaming into the darkness.


  • 第二对角线我们天空拉近。

    And the second diagonal pulls us even more towards the sky.


  • 日晷主要部件刻有刻线晷面组成,随着太阳天空运行,晷针的投影钟表指针一样在晷面上移动,就可以指示时辰

    The main parts of a sundial are an erect stylus and a calibrated disk. As the sun moves in the sky, the shadow of the stylus moves like a clock hand around the disk indicating the hours.


  • 日晷主要部件刻有刻线晷面组成,随着太阳天空运行,晷针的投影钟表指针一样在晷面上移动,就可以指示时辰

    The main parts of a sundial are an erect stylus and a calibrated disk. As the sun moves in the sky, the shadow of the stylus moves like a clock hand around the disk indicating the hours.


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