• 同时,国内天然批发价半个月之内平均每500- 700,涨幅超过20%。

    Meanwhile, the wholesale prices of natural gas have surged by RMB500-700 per ton, or more than 20%, in 2 weeks.


  • 新西兰天然乳品生产商承认提供奶源公司表示,圣国内欧洲购买乳清奶粉

    New Zealand–based dairy producer Fonterra has acknowledged that it supplies milk powder to Synutra but says the Chinese company also buys milk from domestic sources and whey powder from Europe.


  • 这起事件的范围却延伸到了国外因为关键原料是从海外进口的,包括新西兰天然法国Euroserum进口奶粉

    But the case took on an international dimension as Synutra said it buys key ingredients overseas, including milk powder from New Zealand's Fonterra and from France's Euroserum.


  • 当下拟议中的西北地区麦健士河谷(Mackenzie Valley)天然管道沿途原住民社区坚持如果工程上马的话,他们要成为这项耗资70亿工程的共有人。

    Now aboriginal groups along the path of the proposed Mackenzie Valley natural-gas pipeline in the Northwest Territories stand to become part-owners of the C$7 billion projectif it goes ahead.


  • 此外,中石油表示计划10亿人民币,国有母公司中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)收购208座加油站25座油库

    In a separate move, PetroChina said it planned to buy 208 filling stations and 25 fuel storage sites for Rmb1bn from its parent, the state-owned China National Petroleum Corporation.


  • 举例中国购买了澳大利亚出口产品1/4,去年帮助每户澳洲家庭增收逾万;中国给澳洲带来了诸多收益可观的商业合同最近签署一单900亿澳液化天然气出口协议

    On top of that, many Australian companies have signed profitable commercial contracts with their Chinese counterparts. A recent example is the LNG export agreement worth AU$ 90 billion.


  • 监督监督协调从事钻探石油天然运营服务钻机,或提供石油和天然技术服务工人活动

    Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers engaged in drilling for oil or gas, operating service rigs, or providing oil and gas well services.


  • 开挖边坡天然边坡具有相似破坏形式,表明强度折减有限方法适用于开挖边坡的稳定性分析

    As failure pattern of excavation slope is similar with that of natural slope, it is concluded that the method is appropriate for stability analysis of excavation slope.


  • 研究表明一定浓度范围内络合物荧光强度天然dna的浓度线性关系

    It was found that the fluorescence intensity of this ternary complex has a linear relationship with a certain concentration range of natural DNA.


  • 天然食品中,大脑神经所需要能量蜂蜜含量最高

    In the natural provisions, the energy needed by big cranial nerve kyat the contents is the highest in the honey.


  • 天然工质应用于逆向布莱顿循环理论实验研究基础上提出课题

    On the basis of theoretical and experimental study of the Reverse-Brayton Cycle with binary natural refrigerants, this study was put forward.


  • 通过有限计算虚拟环境中模拟在不同地震震级下,得出天然地基某高层建筑物地基震陷等,试验结果进行分析。

    The seismic settlement of the crude or the structure foundation can be gained by the calculation of the FEM in different earthquake levels, and then the result of the calculation can be analyzed.


  • 本文采用有限方法分析单层对称褶皱作用一个天然倒转褶皱变形过程

    Symmetrical folding of a single layer and folding process of an overfold are analyzed by using the finite element method.


  • 二十八烷醇作为具有抗疲劳活性功能性物质天然存在的长饱和脂肪醇。

    Octacosanol, as an active anti-fatigue functional substance, is a concentrated form of the saturated unique long-chain fatty alcohol exist in the nature.


  • 本文通过丁腈橡胶(nbr - 40)、天然橡胶(NR)、乙丙橡胶(EPDM)等弹性体HDPE共混提高HDPE形状回复能力。

    In this thesis elastomers such as nitrile rubber (NBR-40), natural rubber (NR) and ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) are blended with HDPE to improve the shape recovery properties of HDPE.


  • 结果表明ACMMA接枝天然橡胶湿法滑石粉效果最好,包覆滑石粉填充PP拉伸强度保持较高情况下,冲击强度得到有效的提高。

    Results showed that the effect of talc coated by AC/MMA grafted NR reached its limit, impact strength of coated talc filled PP was improved while its tensile strength was still higher.


  • 方法:用三维有限研究天然中间种植体受力应力分布特点位移规律。

    Methods The stress distribution and displacement of abutment were studied and analyzed by means of three-dimensional finite element when different loading was applied.


  • 橡胶内层材质为天然乙丙橡胶,外层橡胶的材质为氯丁或三乙丙橡胶。

    The rubber inner layer is made of natural gum or ethylene propylene diene rubber, and the rubber outer layer is made of chloroprene rubber or ethylene propylene diene rubber.


  • 有限分析基础上,给出了基于天然地基沉降计算复合地基沉降计算方法相应图表。

    To compute its settlement, a representative segment method is developed and used in settlement analysis of composite foundation under embankment.


  • 本文针对剖分环LKT天然气过滤器快开盲板结构进行了有限结构优化分析设计

    Besides, the structure optimization and design for the split-ring type LKT quick-opening closure is also performed in this article.


  • 天然化工项目批准建设还要投入一百亿

    After approval of the natural gas chemical industry project, more than 10 billion yuan will be further invested in construction.


  • 本研究以上中切牙天然解剖学基础建立三维有限模型

    A three-dimensional finite element model was built by using central maxillary incisor as its anatomical basis.


  • 天然国际奶粉产品供应商

    Fonterra is a supplier of milk powder to Synutra International.


  • 采用有限法计算该滑坡天然地震两种条件稳定性系数分别为1 141 1,可以认为滑坡在两种条件下的稳定性较好。

    The stability coefficients of landside were 1.14 and 1.10 in nature and earthquake conditions by finite-element method, and these results proved that the landside was stable in these two conditions.


  • 欧米茄3孩子成长非常重要不能天然形成必须要日常饮食中才能获得,而且主要来源冷水域里的鱼。

    Omega-3s are very important for your child as the body can't produce these and cany only obtain them from the diet. The main dietary sources of Omega-3s are cold water fish.


  • 分析师认为天然难以兑现2008至2009年度千克物质7承诺。这个数字已经低于2007至2008年度7.90新的水平。

    Analysts say Fonterra will struggle to meet its promised 2008-2009 payout of NZ$7 per kilogram of milk solids, down from NZ$7.90 in 2007-2008.


  • 居民每个大概使用18立方米的天然,现在他们每个费用提高2.7

    Households using an average of 18 cubic meters of gas per month will see their monthly bills rise by 2.7 yuan (0.34 U. S. dollar).


  • 居民每个大概使用18立方米的天然,现在他们每个费用提高2.7

    Households using an average of 18 cubic meters of gas per month will see their monthly bills rise by 2.7 yuan (0.34 U. S. dollar).


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