• 日丽的日子,我们终于可以骑着我们自行车公园公园里高尔夫球俱乐部用早餐

    Such a beautiful day! We finally got to ride our bikes to the park and have breakfast in the Golf Club inside the park.


  • 3的Sonisphere音乐节之后2尾工作中,可口可乐公司共回收5易拉罐,600公斤瓶子450公斤饮料盖子

    Over the three-day festival, plus two days for setting up at cleaning up afterwards, Coca-Cola collected five tonnes of cans, 600kg of bottles and 450kg of LIDS that will all be recycled.


  • 第二亮了万里无云,朗气

    The next day dawned cloudless and fair.


  • 因为皮肤循环,也就是细胞抵达皮肤表层时间,需要30左右,所以要想看到肤质、光泽度透度明显改观应该坚持使用新品至少一个

    "One skin cycle takes 30 days (for new cells to reach the top layer of skin), so in order to see a real difference in texture, tone, and clarity, you need to use it for more than a month," she says.


  • 随着日子过去风暴时刮时停,不时会出现朗气气象。盖勒夫妇意识到只有抛弃卡车沿返回,才是他们最佳逃生希望

    As the days passed, and the cycle of storm and clearing continued, the Garners realized that their best hope of survival was to abandon the truck and walk back the way they'd come.


  • 六个高科技创业公司展示没有一家说得他们解决问题。

    The other day I went to a presentation of six high tech startups and not one of them had a clear idea for what pain they were proposing to solve.


  • 就算是津最大企业炼钢厂,2007年起发过工资了,每个工人只能领到定额食物

    Even a major enterprise like the city’s metal refinery has not paid salaries since 2007, she and others said, though workers there collect 10 days worth of food rations each month.


  • 所以大鱼大肉欧美人民,每人粮食需要耗费5,000的,而粥小菜的非洲和亚洲人,一粮食的用水只有2,000公升

    The meaty diet of Americans and Europeans requires around 5,000 litres of water a day to produce.


  • 生意。 有六个高科技创业公司的展示没有一家能说得他们解决了啥问题。

    went to a presentation of six high tech startups and not one of


  • 谈谈这些是的感受吧。

    Today to talk about me these days for ares is feeling.


  • 请记住需要多少工作蛋白是从粮食其他来源然后蔓延其余平衡蛋白

    But remember, you need to work out how much protein is taken from food and other sources, and then spread the remaining whey protein balance over the day.


  • 场三几十出科节目组合而成。

    A three-day Qingjiao is made up of dozens of programs.


  • 祝福祖国蓝山更绿水更经济繁荣人民更幸福国力强盛

    Bless the motherland tomorrow, day Lanshan more green water cleaner, more prosperous economy people happier, more powerful national strength.


  • 夜里一反常规喝了咖啡于是无法入睡

    One night he drank some black coffee, contrary to his usual habit, and was unable to sleep.


  • 祝福祖国更蓝更绿经济繁荣人民幸福国力强盛

    Blessing of the motherland tomorrow, the sky bluer, the mountains greener, the water clearer, more prosperous economy, people are more happy, more powerful national strength.


  • 觉得,比更大师傅平易近人情话!

    I think, is also greater than the day is the day, the greater is the master of the house so amiable and easy of approach!


  • 文明城市我们携手创建文明城市,共建和谐家园

    Civilized city make it more blue, the water cleaner, more show, people mountain more beautiful, let us work hand in hand to create civilized city, build a harmonious home!


  • 可以燕麦奶昔,提前补充乳蛋白质能使精力充沛。

    You can get wheyprotein in the form of a shake and this is something you can make ahead of time and take with you as yougo throughout your day.


  • 字面上的意思就是“”()明亮”(),这个中国节日早春冬至106

    Literally meaning "clear" (Qing) and "bright" (Ming), this Chinese festival falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice.


  • 第二赢钱悉数,将一部分分给了街头一个乞丐。

    The next day she picked up her winnings, gave part to a man on the street.


  • 中国柬埔寨快递5两次包送货上门广州市内免费提货)。

    China to Cambodia express 5 days of the tax package bag clearance package twice door-to-door (guangzhou local free delivery).


  • “神开始而且大家猜测一大早怎么看起来这样漂亮

    Product Description: Start your day the "perk-me-up" way, and keep them guessing how you look so pretty this early in the morning.


  • 节俭资源环境爱护一代一代人持之以恒地进行下去我们的祖国山更绿更蓝。

    Resource conservation and environmental protection must continue from generation to generation to make our mountains greener, waters cleaner and skies bluer.


  • 经过的7后,很多朋友需要节后自己肠胃

    Many people need to adjust their digestive system again after eating and drinking in a long 7-day holiday.


  • 功效:瞬间渗透营养流失干性肌肤奇迹般抚去岁月痕迹,重现弹性致、的无痕美肌,即使劳累依然神采奕奕。

    Function: Quickly and smooth the mark of time miraculously, resume elastic, firming, smooth flawless skin, make you still beaming and buoyant even if tired one day.


  • 进口货物速度最快完成第二送货

    The clearance of imported goods can also be the fastest in the day completed, the next day delivery.


  • 我们保证一周,一24小时无论货物进口在哪儿,无论承运人是谁,您出入美国加拿大墨西哥的所有货物都会顺利得到有效管理

    Seven days per week, 24 hours per day, regardless of the port of entry or carrier, we ensure that your shipments in and out of the U. S., Canada or Mexico are being cleared and managed efficiently.


  • 使我们城市更蓝水更我们大量工作

    We should make a lot of work before we can make the sky bluer and the water cleaner in our city.


  • ,江月近人。

    The low sky emerges with the trees in the wilderness.


  • ,江月近人。

    The low sky emerges with the trees in the wilderness.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定