• 赫尔维每年平均有67降雪

    On average, snow falls on Helvellyn 67 days per year.


  • 山谷第一

    It was my first day in the Korengal.


  • 两个婴儿死去德辛勋爵给了一封信

    Then, one day after the babies died, Lord Lindsay gave me a letter.


  • ·赫斯特知道自己有一面对这个主题希望自己方式来描述它

    Hollinghurst knew he would one day have to confront the subject, but wanted to do so on his own terms.


  • 丹尼·斯仍然记得四十年前父亲爱荷华州农民,第一次在家160英亩地使用氮肥

    Dennis Lindsay still recalls the day four decades ago when his father, an Iowa farmer, began using nitrogen fertilizer on the family's 160 acres.


  • 第二上班一瓶橙

    The next day, Erin offered her orange juice at work.


  • 下午,基米·带着手提箱阿肯色州个名叫爱尔小镇下了火车

    One afternoon Jimmy Valentine and his suitcase climbed out of a train in Elmore, a little town in Arkansas.


  • 希望有这么会再哪个职位——不管是家庭还是办公场合——适合男性还是女性做。

    Wallin said he hoped a time would come when no one would ask if any positionat home or the office — was right for a man or woman.


  • 星期四阿拉巴马州伯明翰附近龙卷风摧毁了欢乐很多房屋第二间厨房的断壁残垣暴露在外。

    Remains of a kitchen lie exposed on Thursday, a day after a tornado destroyed this house and others in Pleasant Grove, near Birmingham, Alabama.


  • 叔叔谢尔顿达拉斯后有一回到布鲁克拜访来炫耀自己的波洛领带,鲜艳的牛仔絮絮叨叨了很久

    AFTER my uncle Sheldon moved to Dallas, he returned to Brooklyn for a visit flaunting a bolo tie, a splashy pair of cowboy boots and a nascent drawl.


  • 乔治亚州共和党议员菲尔·金格雷一月份其他评论家只不过是站在背后砖头的人”。

    Georgia Republican Representative Phil Gingrey apologized in January a day after suggesting that Limbaugh and other commentators simply "stand back and throw bricks."


  • ·鲍威尔袭击开始退休了约翰。沙里卡什·维利没有确定接替者

    Colin Powell had retired three days before the raid and John Shalikashvili had not yet been confirmed as his replacement.


  • 第二梅德韦杰夫公开要求库德收回自己言论否则就辞职

    The next day Mr Medvedev publicly demanded that Mr Kudrin withdraw his comment, or resign.


  • 两三之后了飞往加利福尼亚州飞机,陪同我的是布鲁斯·新闻秘书迈克高尔丁

    A couple of days later, I was on a plane to California, with Bruce Lindsey and my press secretary, Mike Gauldin.


  • 有一写信画眉山庄作客。

    One day he wrote to Linton inviting him to visit the Grange.


  • 说起斯先生之内求了两次,本就够稀奇了,如今竟会有人应承,实在更稀奇。

    The strangeness of Mr. Collins's making two offers of marriage within three days, was nothing in comparison of his being now accepted.


  • 世界自然基金会保护司司长吉利·污染水域进行考察后如果漏油接近海岸引起全球性危害

    WWF director of conservation Dr Gilly Llewellyn, who conducted a three day expedition through the polluted waters, said if the spill were closer to shore there would be global outrage.


  • 一年一年他们顽强生活战斗荒山野里。

    Day after day and year after year, they fought and lived stubbornly in the wild mountains and forests.


  • 嘲笑希斯·克里夫不修边幅第二来访的时候,希斯·克里夫特意盛装打扮取悦

    She laughs at Heathcliff's unkempt appearance and, the next day when the Lintons visit, he dresses up to impress her.


  • 来自纽约布鲁克的凯利·理查德从未过有一可以网上工作,直到有一好奇心驱使她填写了一张简单在线表格

    Kelly Richards from Brooklyn, NY never thought that she would, until curiosity got the best of her and she filled out a simple online form.


  • 吉号的设计师罗尔夫·沃利克警报系统没有工作船员开心

    Alinghi's principal designer, Rolf Volijk, said there was one day when the alarm did not work, and the crew was very happy.


  • 第三夫人开了水壶水瓶完了重新添满,还要因为相信她快死了

    Mrs Linton, on the third day, unbarred her door, and having finished the water in her pitcher and decanter, desired a renewed supply, and a basin of gruel, for she believed she was dying.


  • 完成的90监禁90康复中心缓刑将开始电影拍摄。在其缓刑期间,其曾酒后驾车违反相关规定。

    Lohan starts filming after finishing her 90-day jail term and 90 days in rehab for breaking drink-driving probation terms.


  • 作者同样也提到从未被证实流言(来说,这也不大可能),据说是,加加确实和勃烈日涅夫碰面了,还把一杯饮料泼到了他的脸上

    The authors then mention a rumor, never proven (and to my mind, most unlikely), that one day Gagarin did have a moment with Brezhnev and he threw a drink in Brezhnev's face.


  • 第二早上睡醒后发现埃坐在床边他一夜未眠些什么。

    The next morning, she woke up to find him sitting up in bed. He had told her he had not slept and asked if she wanted a drink.


  • 第二研究中,赫尔姆斯博士100名学生志愿者观看2001年由凯特·贝金塞尔约翰·库萨克主演的影片《缘份注定》,同时让另外100人观看大卫·导演的一部影片。

    In a second study, Dr Holmes asked around 100 student volunteers to watch Serendipity -the 2001 romantic comedy starring Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack, while 100 watched a David Lynch drama.


  • 但是丑闻揭露第二,也就是周一,塞维社会党的领导人马丁·舒尔茨逼迫辞职

    But on Monday, a day after the scandal broke, Severin was forced out of his position and Martin Schulz, the Socialists' leader, told him to resign from the parliament immediately.


  • 麦凯恩收敛了他们奥巴马攻击麦凯恩暗示辩论给对手好看。

    But in recent days, Mr. McCain and Ms. Palin have scaled back their attacks on Mr. Obama, although Mr. McCain suggested he might aggressively take on Mr. Obama in Wednesday’s debate.


  • 麦凯恩收敛了他们奥巴马攻击麦凯恩暗示辩论给对手好看。

    But in recent days, Mr. McCain and Ms. Palin have scaled back their attacks on Mr. Obama, although Mr. McCain suggested he might aggressively take on Mr. Obama in Wednesday’s debate.


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