• 先生离开第二祖母就宣布要来拜访

    Mr. Sesemann had hardly left, when the grandmother's visit was announced for the following day.


  • 快亮时候,威尔回到家里,身上满了蜡烛油,粘满了泥土几乎是精疲力竭

    The old Welshman came home toward daylight, spattered with candle-grease, smeared with clay, and almost worn out.


  • 第二土地主人杰弗里·爵士参观灯塔便想起了这一点。

    I was reminded of this the next day when local landowner Sir Geoffrey Newman arrived to give me a tour of the lighthouse.


  • 著名心理学家埃文·波尔表示,其中反映问题就是决策疲劳”,在经过漫长的决策后,对决策的质量产生负面影响的心理现象

    The problem is "decision fatigue", a psychological phenomenon that takes a toll on the quality of your choices after a long day of decision making, says Evan Polman, a leading psychologist.


  • 发现自己212早晨,在自己床上醒来而且必须重新体验生命中的最后次。

    Sam wakes up in her bed to find it's the morning of Feb. 12, and she must relive the last day of her life over.


  • 如果戈特博士真的评估一对夫妇是否一起,会邀请他们岛上静修处进行一个长的评估:持续而不是秒钟

    When Dr. Gottman really wants to assess whether a couple will stay together, he invites them to his island retreat for a much longer evaluation: two days, not two seconds.


  • 她现在从事的事情: 这些,威尔斯进行她的生物化学博士的研究项目,研究酶的进化——就是不同蛋白质如何获得不同反应特异性,这是第五年了。

    evolutionthat is, how different proteins achieve specificity for different reactions.


  • 一点后来见识到了第二,这片土地主人杰弗里·爵士参观灯塔

    I was reminded of this the next day, when local landowner Sir Geoffrey Newman arrived to give me a tour of the lighthouse.


  • 我们需要来自工业优势资源促进经济增长”偌德罗·德尔森宣布前一演讲说到

    "We need other industrial strengths and sources of revenue to grow faster," said Lord Mandelson in a speech the day before the launch.


  • 工艺商店里杂志上看到了一关于的文章,她在那里买下了一些软陶工艺品。

    One day while in a craft store, Seaman saw an article about polymer clay in a magazine and bought some on the spot.


  • 不久兰吉就要结束自己来华的一年自己希望回来之间交流桥梁

    Langerman will soon finish his year in China, but he says he hopes to return one day and be a bridge between the two countries.


  • 记忆里,安妮·斯菲尔德·沙利文老师一生重要的日子。

    The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me.


  • 来自美国其它41个国家600多人参加了这次为期4会议表彰其他公民外交官所做的贡献,同时商讨一些关心问题

    More than 600 people from across the United Sates and 41 other nations attended the group's four-day gathering, to honor her and other citizen diplomats and talk about issues of concern.


  • 早上晕倒地后,上门出诊全科医生对乙酰氨基酚地西泮药方让她在下周一手术

    The general practitioner (GP) who called at Mandi’s home after she collapsed one morning prescribed paracetamol and diazepam; and asked Mandi to come to the surgery the following Monday.


  • 早上晕倒地后,上门出诊全科医生对乙酰氨基酚地西泮药方让她在下周一手术

    The general practitioner (GP) who called at Mandi's home after she collapsed one morning prescribed paracetamol and diazepam; and asked Mandi to come to the surgery the following Monday.


  • 第二早上斯蒂尔坐在布朗床边,手里拿着一些牛皮纸、一块生牛排一瓶苏打水

    Next morning Steelman was sitting beside brown's bed with a saucer of vinegar, some brown paper, a raw beef-steak, and a bottle of soda.


  • 无意中听到那三岁的克利斯·弹钢琴。

    Melchior by chance one day heard his three-year-old Christophe playing at the piano.


  • 宣布获奖时,斯坦于68时罹胰腺癌去世已有

    The announcement came three days after Steinman died of pancreatic cancer at age 68.


  • 即使屠夫杰里米·,逃亡见到他们也承认'这时无法伤感他们好运

    Even the slaughterman, Jeremy Newman, who sighted them five days after the breakout, admitted: 'You can't be sentimental in this, but I say good luck to them.


  • 在录制完最新一期节目半夜才回到卡拉克森还继续粗略剪辑节目第二早上8点给威尔打电话讨论事宜。

    Arriving home at midnight after a recent Top Gear Live event, Clarkson worked on a rough edit of the new series and called Wilman with his notes at 8am the next day.


  • 他们机场,在齐腰深的洪水退去之前,他们不会返回

    She says they have been living in the airport for two days and will not return until the waste-deep waters recede.


  • 仅仅小时伦敦温布利大球场足总杯决赛1:0击败斯托克城,这个北方都会带来了美妙的

    And just two hours later, City capped a big day for the northern metropolis by beating Stoke City 1-0 in the FA Cup final at London's Wembley Stadium.


  • 乌玛·瑟饰演的哈顿人的范德格拉夫心烦意乱的——不孩子们,却发表了博客

    Uma Thurman’s stressed Manhattanite has a Van der Graaf hair day, ignores her children and taps out a blog.


  • 乌玛·瑟饰演的哈顿人的范德·格拉夫心烦意乱的——不孩子们,却发表了博客

    Uma Thurman's stressed Manhattanite has a Van der Graaf hair day, ignores her children and taps out a blog.


  • 事后第二齐默尔未婚夫发现公寓中被刺伤身亡。

    Later that day, Zimmermann's fiance found her stabbed and beaten to death in her apartment.


  • ,一个名叫赫尔跌入海中

    One day, one of the men called Herman, fell into the sea!


  • 告诉通报会,过去年里收到资金彼得冰川附近测量海洋气温

    Muenchow told the briefing that over the last seven years he had only received funding to measure ocean temperatures near the Petermann Glacier for a total of three days.


  • 贝尔泰利高档连锁商场内•马库斯董事长见面之前正是普拉达2010年秋冬男装

    The day before Bertelli's meeting with Neiman was the day of Prada's fall-winter 2010 menswear show.


  • 贝尔泰利高档连锁商场内•马库斯董事长见面之前正是普拉达2010年秋冬男装

    The day before Bertelli's meeting with Neiman was the day of Prada's fall-winter 2010 menswear show.


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