• 当时智慧来自世纪学家托勒密复杂天空体系地球置于所有天体运动中心

    The wisdom of the day was derived from Ptolemy, an astronomer of the second century, whose elaborate system of the sky put Earth at the center of all heavenly motions.


  • 当时智慧来自世纪学家托勒密复杂天空体系地球置于所有天体运动中心

    The wisdom of the day was derived from Ptolemy, an astronomer of the second century, whose elaborate system of the sky put Earth at the center of all heavenly motions.


  • Cobe设计只是为了观测最大结构天文学家们希望看到小的热点,即星系团超星系团局部天体种子

    Cobe is designed to see just the biggest structures, but astronomers would like to see much smaller hot spots as well, the seeds of local objects like clusters and superclusters of galaxies.


  • 天文学家必须黑洞周围可见天体引力影响推断出可见黑洞存在

    Astronomers must infer the existence of black holes, which are invisible, from their gravitational influence on the visible bodies surrounding them.


  • 天体物理学学位使学生有众多职业选择,比如气象台的职位、天文教育行业等。

    A degree in astrophysics equips the student for a variety of careers at observatories, planetaria, and educational institutions.


  • 故事发生1993年3月夜晚苏梅克夫妇加利福尼亚圣迭戈附近天文观测天体直到黎明

    The story dated back to one night in March, 1993, when mr.and mrs.shoemakers went to an observatory near San Diego, California to observe heavenly bodies till dawn.


  • 年前天文成员重新设计馆内展品时,他们冥王星划入伊伯天体的集团中,还不是八大行星在一起。

    A decade ago, when he and the Hayden staff redesigned the planetarium's exhibits, they lumped Pluto with the Kuiper Belt objects rather than with the eight official planets.


  • 这个发现告诉学家,这个天体大概是个超新星,从这个天体吸收光能读数急速散去的热量表示尘埃包围着。

    This told them it was probably a supernova, and the readings for light energy absorbed by the object and heat dissipated by it strongly implied it was surrounded by dust.


  • 搜集海量信息中肯定潜藏着那些想到的东西——前提是天文学家们能支出个招来教会他们电脑查找以前没有天体

    And within the petabytes of information it collects may lurk things nobody has even imaginedassuming astronomers can figure out how to teach their computers to look for objects no one has ever seen.


  • 天体物理天文实验远距离上有严格限制(轴子存在),但是短距离上并没有

    The experiments in astrophysics and astronomy give limits [for the axion's existence] over long distances very stringently, but not for the short distances.


  • 经常问到如何天文学家明星,”大卫天体物理哈佛大学史密森中心的基平声明

    "I often get asked how astronomers weigh stars," David Kipping of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics said in a statement.


  • 地处加纳群岛西班牙天体物理研究所里天文学家2008年8月16日发生日食期间了进行观察。 期间,月球地球阴影中

    The astronomers, at Spain's Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, made their observations on 16 August 2008 during a lunar eclipse — in which the Moon moves into Earth's shadow.


  • 发现详细信息都写本期天文天体物理杂志》上论文

    The finding is detailed in two papers in the current edition of the Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics.


  • 使用月球生产的天文望远镜,在太阳系更遥远地点建立起了天文,它们提供反应宇宙间诸多天体面貌分辨率图像

    Telescopes made on the Moon will enable observatories to be established at distant points in the solar system to provide high-resolution images of objects throughout the universe.


  • 张图片拍摄挪威科瓦罗亚画面展示各种各样的天体天文现象

    This panorama over the island of Kvaloya in Norway showcases a variety of different astronomical objects and phenomena.


  • 这样规模收集天文数据还是一回,普林斯顿天体物理学家罗伯特·厄普顿说,曾负责检查斯隆资料处理,现在忙着设计望远镜

    It's the first attempt to sort astronomical data on this scale, says Princeton astrophysicist Robert Lupton, who oversaw data processing for the SDSS and is helping design the LSST.


  • 美国国家航空航天局表示天文学家使用地面望远镜搜寻太阳系之外行星发现了上百个不同天体

    According to NASA, "Astronomers using ground-based telescopes to hunt for planets outside our solar system, dubbed extrasolar planets, have nabbed more than a hundred alien worlds."


  • 因此天文学家们正在号召民间科学家研究有关的图像从而帮助他们发现与冥王星毗邻的极天体

    Because astronomers are calling on citizen scientists to eyeball images that will help them find the outermost icy bodies in Pluto's neighborhood.


  • 这些天文学家们善于排除可能误以为是近天体人造卫星宇宙射线产生的电火花以及其他掠过天空物体

    The astronomers are skilled at ruling out man-made satellites, electronic sparks from cosmic rays and other streaking objects that could be mistaken for an NEO.


  • 天文学家过去相信一些称为天体音乐东西,他们认为行星恒星划过天幕是如此和谐。

    Astronomers used to believe in something called "the music of the spheres" - they thought that planets and stars created harmonies as they traveled through the skies.


  • 较早红外天文卫星(IRAS)的一次失败搜寻显示5倍木星质量天体距离必须大于10,000天文单位。

    A failed search of older IRAS data suggests that an object of 5 MJ would need to have a distance greater than 10,000 AU.


  • 使得这个天体称为SN 1979C如此特别的事实在于多年以来已经一系列轨道上X射线望远镜所观察研究最近观测是钱德拉X射线天文台所做的。

    What makes this one -- dubbed SN 1979C -- special is that it has been observed over the years with a series of orbiting x-ray telescopes, most lately the Chandra X-Ray Observatory.


  • 由于宇宙正处于膨胀过程中,通过测量一个天体算出远离速度天文学家就可以推测出它的距离。因为越远的天体远离速度就越

    Because the universe is expanding, measuring an object's redshift, and hence its velocity, allows astronomers to deduce its distance, because objects that are farther away are moving more quickly.


  • 路易斯安那大学拉斐特分校天文学家约翰·马泰丹尼尔·特迈尔曾多次发表声明表示,基于周期彗星运行轨道的不规则性,他们发现了天体存在证据

    Astronomers John Matese and Daniel Whitmire of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette repeatedly claimed to have evidence of its existence based on irregularities among long-period comets.


  • 但是天文学家们最终发现行星这样的天体间的相互作用方式与地球重力并不相同。

    But astronomers eventually saw discrepancies in the way larger objects such as planets interacted.


  • 那时聪明才智取自第二世纪学家托勒密;了精心创立太空体系地球置于所有天体运动的中心。

    The wisdom of the day was derived from Ptolemy, an astronomer of the second century, whose elaborate system of the sky put Earth at the center of all heavenly motions. (74) Galileo's.


  • MartinRees全世界最有卓越天体物理学家之一,剑桥大学宇宙天体物理学家,英国皇家天文学家

    Martin Rees, one of the world's most eminent astronomers, is a professor of cosmology and astrophysics at the University of Cambridge and the UK's Astronomer Royal.


  • 这个神秘天体荷兰教师汉尼(Hannyvan Arkel)2007年参加一个在线天文项目(Galaxy Zoo)时发现的。

    The remarkable mystery object was discovered by Dutch schoolteacher Hanny van Arkel in 2007 while participating online in the Galaxy Zoo project.


  • 马萨诸塞州坎布里奇(Cambridge)的史密松天体物理天文控制钱德拉科研飞行

    The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory controls Chandra's science and flight operations from Cambridge, Mass.


  • 马萨诸塞州坎布里奇(Cambridge)的史密松天体物理天文控制钱德拉科研飞行

    The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory controls Chandra's science and flight operations from Cambridge, Mass.


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