• 大多数天文学认为星系中心大量物质一个黑洞引力导致气体旋转

    Most astronomers believe that the large concentration of mass at the galaxy's center is a black hole whose gravity is causing the gas to whirl.


  • 文学家们认为,“地球宇宙中心”这种说法是非常直观合情合理以至于当他们发现地心不符现象时,也会想办法找理由解释

    It was so intuitive, so sensible that the Earth was the center of the universe that astronomers found ways to explain those seemingly inconsistent phenomena within the geocentric view.


  • 当时智慧来自世纪文学托勒密复杂天空体系地球置于所有天体运动中心

    The wisdom of the day was derived from Ptolemy, an astronomer of the second century, whose elaborate system of the sky put Earth at the center of all heavenly motions.


  • 当时智慧来自世纪文学托勒密复杂天空体系地球置于所有天体运动中心

    The wisdom of the day was derived from Ptolemy, an astronomer of the second century, whose elaborate system of the sky put Earth at the center of all heavenly motions.


  • 据中国古代天文学,紫微星被其它28个星星环绕,这意味着它是天空的中心

    According to ancient Chinese astronomy, the ziwei star was surrounded by 28 other stars, meaning it was the heart of the sky.


  • 这种红外热成像技术已经使用多年应用多种领域天文学法律实施,到军事,”普拉姆岛动物疾病中心研究主管路易斯·罗德里格斯说

    This IRT technology has been used for years and has applications for a variety of fields, from astronomy to law enforcement to the military,” says PIADC research leader Luis Rodriguez.


  • 自从克劳迪亚斯·托米勒公元世纪发表天文学大成》以来,几乎所有宇宙学家都深信地球处于宇宙中心,而太阳、行星和其他恒星被认为绕着地球一天转一回。

    Ever since Claudius Ptolemy published the "Almagest" in the second century AD, almost all astronomers had believed that the Earth lay at the centre of the universe.


  • “星本身就让人兴奋,值得研究事物,因为的星体分布的密度非常。”美国宇航局斯皮策科学中心文学KartikSheth记者会上

    "The ring itself is a fascinating object worthy of study because it is forming stars at a very high rate," Kartik Sheth, an astronomer at NASA's Spitzer Science Center, said in a press release.


  • 如果这种想法正确我们银河系中心轰隆天文学一个新的方式检验那里情况

    If this kind of thinking is correct, the rumblings at the centre of our galaxy will give astronomers a new way to examine conditions there.


  • 经常问到如何天文学明星,”大卫天体物理哈佛大学史密森中心的基平声明

    "I often get asked how astronomers weigh stars," David Kipping of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics said in a statement.


  • 天文学认为这个星云大部分辐射来自单个灼热闪耀的大型星体,即图片中心的星体。

    Astronomers think most of the radiation in this nebula comes from the single hot and brilliant massive star just above the center of the image.


  • 其中光环------那个的环围绕银河系中心------可能是最近另外一个银河系碰撞形成的,天文学家们

    One of the rings, a large one encircling the galactic center, may have formed during a recent collision with another galaxy, astronomers say.


  • 发现证实天文学小组先前获得观察:银河系两条主要螺旋,是普通中心带有星系结构

    The findings confirm an earlier observation by a team of astronomers, making a strong case that the Milky Way has two major spiral arms, a common structure for galaxies with bars.


  • 接下来天文学家们检测了近期发生星系碰撞微妙标志例如扭曲碟状中心或者拖着尾巴恒星

    Next, the astronomers checked the galaxies for the subtle signs of a recent galactic collision, such as a warped disk or a trailing tail of stars.


  • 感谢德国天文学我们现在知道我们银河系中心那个黑洞精确尺寸

    Thanks to German astronomers, we now have the most accurate measurements yet of the giant black hole that sits at the centre of our galaxy.


  • 今天节目组采访了SETI研究中心总监天文学吉尔塔特

    You’re listening to Jill Tarter, astronomer and director of the Center for SETI Research.


  • 银河系中心挤满星星;而事实上这样拥挤天文学认为100,000左右就会有一颗星星跳入黑洞中。

    The centre of the Milky Way is crowded with stars; so crowded, in fact, that astronomers think that one must plunge into this black hole every 100, 000 years or so.


  • 因此,米什洛夫同样来自联邦大学天文学家易瑞娜·阿卡洛娃,用电脑制作了恒星们围绕银河系中心运行的模拟场景

    So Mishurov and astronomer Irina Acharova, also of the Southern Federal University, ran computer simulations that modeled a cluster of stars orbiting the galaxy's center.


  • NASA艾姆斯研究中心杰克·李索尔参加了波士顿举行美国天文会议

    Jack Lissauer of NASA's Ames Research Center at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Boston.


  • 亚利桑那州立大学天文学保罗·戴维斯怪异寂静》中说:“在看来条“中心法则其实可信的。”

    "In my opinion," Arizona State University astronomer Paul Davies writes in his book The Eerie Silence, "this' central dogma 'simply isn't credible."


  • 2005年,文学报告,距银河系中心二十万光年处,有一颗恒星在以非常快的速度移动

    In 2005 astronomers reported an extraordinarily fast-moving star some 200,000 light-years from the galactic center.


  • 那时聪明才智取自第二世纪文学托勒密;了精心创立太空体系地球置于所有天体运动的中心

    The wisdom of the day was derived from Ptolemy, an astronomer of the second century, whose elaborate system of the sky put Earth at the center of all heavenly motions. (74) Galileo's.


  • 2005年,天文学报告,距银河系中心二十万光年处,有一颗恒星非常快的速度移动

    In 2005 astronomers reported an extraordinarily fast-moving star some 200, 000 light-years from the galactic center.


  • 强烈X射线爆炸引起天文学家们注意,它发生地球大约7亿光年的星系中心附近

    A powerful X-ray blast drew the attention of astronomers to the event, located near the center of a galaxy about 700 million light-years from Earth.


  • 文学家通过这次观测,进一步精确地球星系中心距离,为27000光年

    The observations have also allowed astronomers to pinpoint the Earth's distance from the centre of the galaxy with greater precision, measuring it at 27, 000 light years.


  • 天文学家们以前曾经看到过其他类似的X射线爆炸但是从未能够确定爆炸发生星系中心,也就是黑洞潜伏地方

    Astronomers % have seen other similar X-ray blasts before, but never were able to pinpoint them at the center of a galaxy, where black holes lurk.


  • 早期天文学认为我们星球宇宙中心

    Early astronomers thought that our planet was the centre of the universe.


  • 哥白尼波兰天文学认为地球不是宇宙中心,相反地球其他星球都围绕太阳旋转

    Copernicus was a Polish astronomer who believed that the earth and the other planets orbit about the sun and that earth is not at the center of the universe.


  • 天文学家们以前曾经看到过其他类似的X射线爆炸但是从未能够确定爆炸发生星系中心,也就是黑洞潜伏地方

    Astronomers have seen other similar X-ray blasts before, but never were able to pinpoint them at the center of a galaxy, where black holes lurk.


  • 天文学家们以前曾经看到过其他类似的X射线爆炸但是从未能够确定爆炸发生星系中心,也就是黑洞潜伏地方

    Astronomers have seen other similar X-ray blasts before, but never were able to pinpoint them at the center of a galaxy, where black holes lurk.


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