• 尽管款汽车上一代产品2英寸,但的行李了20%。

    Although the car is some 2 inches shorter than its predecessor, its boot is 20 percent larger.


  • 然,这意味着他一早就到了学校,拖着沉重的乐器穿过校园,让他身后那些不学音乐的学生们投来同情的目光。

    This meant, of course, that he arrived at school early in the morning, dragging his heavy instrument case across the campus to the pitying looks of the non-musicians he had left behind.


  • 旅行所有衣服

    My big luggage could stow all of your clothes.


  • 于是,每天孩子们出去玩时电视机坐,靠着一啤酒打发时光。

    Then he'd spend each day with a large crate of beer in front of the television while I took the children out.


  • 饥饿醉汉大箱肺投水渠下面隧道

    The hungry drunk plunged a trunk of lungs into the tunnel under the channel.


  • 工具提高自己生产效率防止自己在没用的事情时间——但不是所有人都能抓住要领也许应该注意下你的收件

    There are tons of tools to improve your own productivity and stop wasting time on useless stuff-but not everybody got the memo, as you might notice from your inbox.


  • 为什么还是你们那么时候所有东西——吐司机汽车——都配有一个工具,这样能够立刻进行调试。

    Why, when I was your age, everything you boughtfrom your toaster to your carcame with a repair kit just to get the damn thing working right out of the box.


  • 发明燃料限制氢气总是一项挑战

    Devising a fuel tank to constrain hydrogen has always been a challenge.


  • 一些住家本身就是办公室朝向水面窗户;还有一些则是檐板起来的屋子带有栏花

    Some of the houseboats are offices, with large Windows facing the water; some are little houses covered in clapboard, with window boxes.


  • 小提示:将人像主体安排阳光直射且而亮窗户边,窗户可以起到柔光的效果,不再需要影室专用设备

    Tip: Position a portrait subject near a large, bright window that does not receive direct sunlight. It makes for a no-cost softboxno studio equipment necessary.


  • 展示邮件文件是如何影响服务器性能提供减小数据库收件以及全文索引开销技巧以及其他用户管理员设计人员提供的方法。

    We show how large mail files can affect server performance, and offer tips for reducing database and Inbox size, the cost of full-text indexes, and other ideas for users, administrators, and planners.


  • 朋友们很容易就找到了地址因为躲的地方是第三旁边的发汗为的是在三个星期里赶紧完成他的《麦田里的守望者》。

    Friends apparently found his address, because he hid out in a sweatbox near the Third Avenue el for his three-week push to finish Catcher.


  • 国际军火倒卖者毒枭们对于一美元热爱美国得到了免息货款的好处。

    Those suitcases of dollars so beloved of international arms smugglers and drug kingpins all represent interest-free loans to America.


  • 还要北方佬那儿一大箱地订购法文德文呢!

    And ordering French and German books by the crate from the Yankees!


  • 除了邮件数据库视图——尤其是收件——文档数量太多降低性能

    In addition to the large size of the mail database, the number of documents in a viewparticularly the Inboxcan also degrade performance.


  • 为了缅怀名声前辈章鱼帝上周仙逝章鱼取名保罗全国电视直播,它机器徐徐放进了水族

    The new cephalopod, also named Paul in honor of his world-famous predecessor who passed away last week, was lowered gently into his tank in a ceremony carried live on national television.


  • 避难提供了便利包括了避难用品以及其他应急用品

    Shelterbox provides assistance to afflicted countries by delivering large utility boxes that contain a shelter and other emergency relief tools.


  • 杰克·鲍尔悄悄走酒馆后面,踩着一个金属垃圾爬上铺着沥青平坦屋顶

    Jack Bauer had slipped to the back of the tavern and used a metal Dumpster to get a boost to the flat tar roof.


  • 亚特兰电视台WSB摄像机到了FBI人员进入工厂带着数食品物料离开工厂镜头。

    Atlanta television station WSB's cameras captured FBI agents entering the plant and leaving with boxes and other material.


  • 一个纸板一张巨型贺卡,(例如用来包装纸板)。

    Make a GIANT greeting card out of a big cardboard box, (such as the type used to pack a refrigerator).


  • 给了照片用来拼合其中的海报

    He gave me three tea chests full of photographs to use in the collage for the poster inside.


  • 虽然后备,但后盖较小使得物件很难甚至不可能装卸实用性方面令人失望

    Its short, sloping rear end looks droopy and, in a letdown for practicality, a small trunk lid makes loading large items difficult or impossible even though the trunk itself is huge.


  • 真的需要买一大箱酱油(译者注:原文是一加仑黄酱)或者1000衣服回家吗?

    Do you really need a gallon of mayonnaise, or 1000 clothes hangers?


  • 朱迪阿姨行李身后地板上口气并说道:“我们回来了。”

    Just then Aunt Judith let a suitcase crash down on the floor behind me and sighed a huge sigh and.


  • 旧金山凯悦酒店经理助理马修·汉弗莱9个凯悦酒店工作过,每个客房服务人员充电器

    Matthew Humphreys, an assistant manager at the Grand Hyatt in San Francisco, says he's worked at nine Hyatt hotels and the housekeeping staff in each had a large box of chargers.


  • 自体免疫失调这个术语就像是垃圾一样,其中包含例如狼疮代谢综合症在内堆的症状。这种疾病将身体器官正常功能当作入侵敌人那样对待

    A catchall term for a host of afflictions including Lupus and MS, autoimmune disorders treat the body's organs and normal functions as enemy invaders.


  • 独家报道:距作已有的时间,玩具的主人安迪上了把Woody,Buzz大箱的玩具扔日托中心

    The Scoop: More than 10 years after the last installment, toy-owner Andy goes to college, leaving Woody, Buzz and the toy-box gang to fend for themselves in a day-care center.


  • 独家报道:距作已有的时间,玩具的主人安迪上了把Woody,Buzz大箱的玩具扔日托中心

    The Scoop: More than 10 years after the last installment, toy-owner Andy goes to college, leaving Woody, Buzz and the toy-box gang to fend for themselves in a day-care center.


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