• 是真正的倾盆大雨——雨小的时候雨伞还能挡挡雨,但如果是大暴雨,它就不能保证你不被淋湿了。

    This is real rain—your umbrella may protect you in a shower, but it won't keep you dry if there is a full rainstorm.


  • 在地上,对大雨暴雨也是这样说。

    For he saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth; likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain of his strength.


  • 周前我们学会了一个新词——暴雨,那时我们被困江西一个县城,滂沱大雨倾盆而至,那是我们赶上连续下雨第三

    A week ago, we discovered a new term, baoyu, whilst stranded in a Jiangxi county town in a torrential downpour, our third consecutive day of constant rain.


  • 据省气象台预报未来36小时内受灾地区出现大雨,局部暴雨天气

    Weather forecasts predict medium to heavy rains or rainstorm could continue in the affected areas in the next 36 hours.


  • 雷暴袭击中国北方带来暴雨造成交通混乱倾盆大雨袭击了北京市郑州市以及内蒙古自治区

    Thunderstorms have struck northern China, bringing heavy rain and causing traffic chaos. Downpours battered the cities of Beijing and Zhengzhou, along with the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.


  • 影响山东半岛辽宁东部吉林东部、上海等地有大雨暴雨

    Under the influence, the storm will bring heavy rains or rainstorm to Shandong Peninsula, eastern Liaoning, eastern Jilin and Shanghai.


  • 之后暴雨就是被卷上天下来,大雨变小后,湖面水位基本上恢复了原来的样子

    After the rainstorm was that the volume of water and the sky-down, smaller rain, the water level in the lake is basically restore the original appearance.


  • 7月21日北京大雨暴雨天气平均降水量170mm1951年以来有完整气象记录最大降水量

    In July 21st, Beijing heavy rain to heavy rain weather, the average rainfall of 170mm, since 1951has complete meteorological record the maximum precipitation.


  • 一般成灾分为历时暴雨历时大雨迭加雨型

    Ordinary type cause damage rainfall consists of short duration storm rainfall, long duration heavy rainfall and two kinds of superposition.


  • 南部地区5月2123日,大部分地区将会多云天气北部地区将会有大雨暴雨

    South China: May 21 to 23, most parts to be overcast, while northern parts will see heavy rain and thunderstorms.


  • 华南春天初夏多雨季节许多日子会见到倾盆大雨或者随着台风而来暴雨

    In south China, spring and early summer is rainy. It would rain cats and dogs for several days. or there are storms followed with typhoons.


  • 北风携着暴雨着一团团硕大浓黑的乌云天空穿过倾盆大雨云团中一泻而下,凶狠地落到大地

    The north wind was blowing a hurricane, driving through the sky big, black, heavy clouds from which the rain poured down on the earth with terrific violence.


  • 在,满楼暑气与闷热山风吹淡,随之而来滂沱暴雨,被闪电雷声驱赶过来狂啸天际的倾盆大雨

    It is the torrential rain after the sultry summer heat in the house is blown away by mountain wind, or the heavy downpour violently roaring over the sky, driven by flash and thunder.


  • 华北汛期降水量的多寡主要其汛期大雨频率暴雨贡献率影响

    The rainfall over North China during rainy seasons is mainly influenced by the heavy rain frequency and the excessively heavy rainfall contribution.


  • 华南春天初夏季节许多日子会见到倾盆大雨或者随着台风而来暴雨

    In south China, Sprin and early Summer are the rainy season, there would be downpour in most of the days, or the storm follow after the typhoon.


  • 夏天可不只是鹅毛大雨,夏天是暴雨甚至雷暴的。交通系统完全瘫痪,积水城市都淹了。

    It's not just raining cats and dogs in the summer days, there's rainstorm and even thunderstorm, traffic is dead, water fills the city.


  • 暴雨狂风预期来。气象预报警告大雨将会带来更多大水泛滥山泥倾泻

    Torrential rain, squalls and wind were expected and the weather forecast warned that downpours would bring more flooding and landslides.


  • 暴雨大雨后,养殖池塘水域环境发生巨大的变化,可能增加对虾发病死亡几率

    Furthermore, the risk of morbidity and mortality in shrimps may increase. The influence of severe weather condition on environment of shrimp pond is sel...


  • 暴雨大雨后,养殖池塘水域环境发生巨大的变化,可能增加对虾发病死亡几率

    Furthermore, the risk of morbidity and mortality in shrimps may increase. The influence of severe weather condition on environment of shrimp pond is sel...


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