• 于是大陆游学想法就此诞生了,在接下来的300年里,游学旅行将英国人、德国斯堪的纳维亚人,还有美国人带到了法国意大利他们接触到了那里的艺术文化

    Thus was born the idea of the Grand Tour, a practice which introduced Englishmen, Germans, Scandinavians, and also Americans to the art and culture of France and Italy for the next 300 years.


  • 其余来自英国其他地方欧洲大陆可能是法国德国巴尔干地区,地中海地区。

    The rest of the men came from other parts of Britain and mainland Europe, possibly from France, Germany, the Balkans, or the Mediterranean.


  • 沉醉19世纪欧洲那时德国分散在整个中欧地区,犹太人遍布这个大陆

    He is fascinated by the late 19th century, when Germans were scattered across central Europe, and Jews enriched life all over the continent.


  • 反过来可能解释了为什么那些更大欧洲大陆国家特别是法国德国意大利没有北欧国家那么流动的原因。

    That in turn may explain why the bigger continental European countries, notably France, Germany, Italy, are not as mobile as Nordic ones.


  • 1973年,关于固定汇率布雷顿森林体系崩溃以后德国马克成为欧洲大陆基准货币

    After the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates in 1973 the Deutschmark emerged as the benchmark currency in continental Europe.


  • 卢森堡欧洲大陆西北部内陆小国,与法国德国比利时接壤

    The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a small, landlocked state in the north-west of continental Europe, bordered by France, Germany and Belgium.


  • 它们国际航空集团BA伊比利亚加上美国航空;联合航空,它包括大陆航空德国汉莎加拿大航空;法航-荷航合并了西北航空的达美航空。

    These are: International Airlines Group (BA and Iberia) plus American Airlines; United, including Continental, and Lufthansa and Air Canada; and Air France-KLM with Delta, incorporating Northwest.


  • 德国商报(Handelsblatt)上撰文指出,“爱尔兰芬兰繁荣对于欧洲如此重要以至于欧洲大陆核心区域陷入衰退的风险可以忽视?”

    "Are the booms in Ireland and Finland so important for Europe that the threat of a recession in the heart of the Continent can be overlooked on their account?" he wrote in the newspaper Handelsblatt.


  • 也许如今欧洲最有影响国家首脑如果伊朗发生激烈对抗的时候,从容指挥德国欧洲大陆其他国家打击伊朗(deliver有朝、给予……打击的意思)吗?

    She may be Europe's most powerful leader now, but could she deliver her country (or the rest of the continent) if it came to tough action against Iran?


  • 尽管欧洲国家这次调查中总体表现良好,但法国德国英国欧洲大陆主要工业国分别仅排到第252629位

    Although European nations generally do well in the survey, the continent's major industrial powers of France, Germany and Britain finish 25th, 26th and 29th respectively.


  • 危机主要影响希腊时,法国德国大部分银行危机重重这种情况欧洲大陆厌烦地容忍着

    While the crisis primarily afflicts Greece, where French and German banks have most at stake, this abstention will be wearily tolerated on the continent.


  • 大陆国家(法国德国比利时等国)慷慨福利制度善于帮助人们免于贫困不那么擅长鼓励就业

    Continental countries (France, Germany, Belgium and the like), with their generous welfare systems, are good at helping people avoid poverty, but less good at getting them into work.


  • 可是总体上来说,对于年迈体弱欧洲大陆欧元区保持这样的增长已经体面的了,这要归功于一枝独秀的——2010年世界上增长最快的经济体——德国

    Yet the euro zone as a whole has grown at a decent rate for an ageing continent, thanks to oomph from Germany, the fastest-growing big rich economy in 2010.


  • 这个总部德国根奥拉赫制造商6月28日经营业务德国大陆集团大部分股份移至一家新的控股公司以便更容易获得境外投资者

    The Herzogenaurach, Germany-based manufacturer put its operating business and most of the Continental shares in a new holding company on June 28 to allow easier access for outside investors.


  • 弗勒集团2008年接手德国大陆集团75%股份后,债务累积至120亿欧元

    Schaeffler racked up 12 billion euros of debt from its 2008 takeover of a 75 percent stake of Continental AG.


  • 法国德国都是欧洲大陆重要国家

    France and Germany are the most important countries on the European continent.


  • 事实上如果欧洲大陆比如说法国或者德国,你会发现市中心已经变成行人专用区汽车几乎都被禁止通行了

    In fact, if you go to the Continent, to France or Germany, you find that city centers have been turned into pedestrian precincts and the cars been almost banned.


  • 汽车部件生产商德国大陆集团执行官介绍说:“即便供应充足的情况下,稀土的价格也是非常昂贵的。”

    Even in the best scenario of supply these [rare earth] magnets are very expensive.


  • 德国欧洲大陆一部分。

    Germany is part of Continental Europe.


  • 美国德国分别是普通法系大陆法系典型代表

    The United States and Germany are the typical representatives of common law system and civil law system respectively.


  • 然而对于欧元区这块暮气沉沉的大陆来说,其整体经济增速并不难看,这要感谢生机蓬勃的德国,它2010年里是增长最快发达国家。

    Yet the euro zone as a whole has grown at a decent rate for an ageing continent, thanks to oomph from Germany, the fastest-growing big rich economy in 2010.


  • 日本民事诉讼法规定回避制度参照大陆法系的德国制定

    The challenge system stipulated in the Civil Procedural Law of Japan is formulated in reference to the German Law of Continental Law system.


  • 德国一些欧洲大陆国家传统上实行的就是全能银行金融混业经营制度

    Some continental countries in Europe, for example Germany, take the universal banking system traditionally.


  • 中国法国德国西班牙以及欧洲大部,即所谓大陆法系国家里,优步的这种进入方式比较困难的。

    Such an entry approach is difficult, however, in civil law countries like China, France, Germany, Spain, and much of continental Europe.


  • SABS德国大陆公司上海汽车工业总公司于1995年共同建立的合资企业。

    SABS is a joint venture between Continental AG and Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (Group) founded on 1995.


  • 德国日本大陆法系国家刑法理论关于非法占有目的涵义解释,主要排除权利者意思说、利用处分的意思说、折衷说三种学说

    In Germany and Japan, there are three theories about the definition of the purposes of illegal possession: right-holder exclusion theory, punishment theory and compromise theory.


  • 德国日本大陆法系国家刑法理论关于非法占有目的涵义解释,主要排除权利者意思说、利用处分的意思说、折衷说三种学说

    In Germany and Japan, there are three theories about the definition of the purposes of illegal possession: right-holder exclusion theory, punishment theory and compromise theory.


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