• 美国人猛击银行大门索取他们金钱起长达街道的队伍寻求面包

    Americans are not banging at the doors of Banks demanding their money, nor queuing around the block for soup and bread.


  • 这种办法再加手写的感谢便条可能给别人留下很深印象未来后续工作大门随之开启当然,这是应该的。

    This, combined with a handwritten thank-you note, will make the best possible impression and leave the door open for future follow-up-which you should do, of course!


  • 杰克母亲仿佛没听到这话,,“每年都回来即使德州安了家还是那样,他回来就干活,整个星期在忙,大门啊,收庄稼啊,什么都干。

    Jack's mother ignored this, said, "He used a come home every year, even after he was married and down in Texas, and help his daddy on the ranch for a week fix the gates and mow and all.


  • 女孩感到自己无法抗拒诱惑,这领域不仅仅局限于造型时尚设计专业,同时些普通女孩们敞开大门

    Girls can find it hard to ignore this allure and the field is opening up to normal girls, not only style or fashion design majors.


  • 下面的丹麦挥了挥手,捎带了德国北部部分,然后他来到座闪闪发光大门

    He waves at Denmark below, and parts of northern Germany, and then eventually he arrives at a shining gateway.


  • 因为机场都存在可能通往国际航空系统大门,而安检疏漏会影响到他国安全。

    Because every airport offers a potential entry point into the global system, every nation faces the threat from gaps in aviation security throughout the world.


  • 园林大门窗户雕刻各种形状环境带来了生气,增添雅趣

    The doors of the garden, like the windows, are also carved in different shapes to bring more vigorness and elegance to the surroundings.


  • 园林大门窗户雕刻各种形状环境带来了生气,增添了雅趣

    The doors to the gardens, like the Windows, are also carved in many different shapes, to bring more vividness and elegance to the surroundings.


  • 正和“姑娘”谈着熟悉主教听惯了问题就是关于大门的门闩问题。

    She was haranguing Mademoiselle Baptistine on a subject which was familiar to her and to which the Bishop was also accustomed. The question concerned the lock upon the entrance door.


  • 试图打开主要运输公司生意大门时,花了试图说服新公司能够承接数百万美元项目

    When trying to get in the door for an enterprise deal with a major transportation company, I spent nearly a month trying to convince 'em that a startup could handle a multi-million dollar project.


  • SAT迎来考生,可惜看到结果却是:考生走出考试中心大门时,个个东倒西歪,十分狼狈,样子简直就像刚刚马拉松比赛。 当然,早先各种愉快的评论销声匿迹了。

    Then the first students to take SAT: The Sequel were seen stumbling out of the testing centers as if they had just run a marathon, and all the happy talk ended.


  • Erica(虚构角色)的,不过那个时刻恰恰扎克伯格引进了生意大门

    Erica (a fictional character) is right but at that moment she puts Zuckerberg in business.


  • 个伙计来到大门

    The cook and shopman came out to the gate.


  • 天傍晚跟着他们到了看见他们大门进去以后,接着他跟了进去看门的大模大样

    One evening, after he had followed them to their dwelling, and had seen them disappear through the carriage gate, he entered in their train and said boldly to the porter.


  • 深港这样计划旨在敞开大门同时能保持国家自由化速度控制

    Programs like the Stock Connect are aimed at opening the door wider - but also at retaining state control over the pace of liberalization.


  • 枫叶阅读种习惯。孩子们王国里推开扇扇大门自己打开无限的快乐

    In Maple Leaf, reading is part of our life. Our kids open a variety of doors in books, and they switch on the happiness as well.


  • 勇敢迎接逆境即使不能实现最初梦想打开扇梦想的大门

    Brave to meet the adversity, even if the initial dream can not be achieved, it will open the door to another dream.


  • 现在大门球员关闭了,但同时名队员打开了扇门,现在马库斯阿加霍瓦学会独当面的时候了。

    As one door shuts for one person, it opens for another, so it's up to lads like Marcus and Aghahowa to stake a claim.


  • 中国人样,许多外国人大门上贴对联,祈求好运

    Like Chinese, many foreigners put couplets, Chinese characters wishing for good fortune, on their front doors.


  • 大门网站新浪网上,网友评论大同小异这反映今年占据中国网络的激烈的民族主义情绪。

    Most of the comments on another portal, sina. com, followed a similar tone, reflecting the strident nationalism that has dominated Chinese cyberspace this year.


  • 随后,父女起走出大门紧跟他们后面,走了出来。

    Then they walked out the door, and I followed, close behind them.


  • 是的大门照旧用大红色不介意,因为我向以身为新加坡人为荣,热爱新加坡的国旗

    Yes, my red door shall remain red! I am, after all, a proud Singaporean and I love the Singapore flag!


  • 实际上自从出演《越狱》后,演艺的大门已被轻松打开得到了邀请。

    In fact doors open more easily since I'm in prison break and I get more offers.


  • 跑龙套的把“死尸”演绎“活灵活现”,还有什么角色演不好?田启文的敬业精神感动周星驰同时自己敲开了成功大门

    No roles couldn't be handled by someone who could play a corpse that well. His dedication to his work not only moved Stephen Chow, but also offered him a path to success.


  • 所以如果到了安息觉醒发现身边有着大门时,我希望卡特那儿的担保人,我送来能到达墙面绳索。

    So one day, when I go to some final resting place, and I happen to wake up next to a certain wall with a gate, I hope that Carter's there to vouch for me and show me the ropes on the other side.


  • 在攀岩挂上快挂意味增加安全筹码,这受到更多“观众”关注,随着攀岩竞赛的兴起,攀岩的大门更多“门外汉敞开

    Clipping bolts meant increasing the margins of safety which appealed to a much larger audience and with the advent of competitions the gates were wide open to 'outsiders'.


  • 这样你们打开进入我的大门并且,你们结束另外折磨人类千万年的,限制性负面思维方式

    Through this action you are opening a portal to your Higher Mind, and you are also bringing to an end another limiting negative thought form that has plagued humanity for eons.


  • 这样你们打开进入我的大门并且,你们结束另外折磨人类千万年的,限制性负面思维方式

    Through this action you are opening a portal to your Higher Mind, and you are also bringing to an end another limiting negative thought form that has plagued humanity for eons.


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