• 尽管大量酒精好像火上浇油

    A lot of alcohol, though, appears to fuel the fire.


  • 重要是很重要的,不要消耗大量酒精一个空洞的

    Most importantly, it is important not to consume large amounts of alcohol on an empty stomach.


  • 酒精中毒由于时间内饮用大量酒精造成非常严重,有时甚至是致命的。

    Alcohol poisoning is a serious - and sometimes deadly - consequence of drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time.


  • 早期报告中持续提出并展示一项预测性假设——高智商群体低智商群体频繁饮用大量酒精

    In an earlier post, I show that, consistent with the prediction of the Hypothesis, more intelligent individuals consume larger quantities of alcohol more frequently than less intelligent individuals.


  • 很多美国人喝鸡尾酒方式消费大量酒精,这种酒是用威士忌、杜松子酒伏特加之类烈性酒调制而成的。

    Well-off Americans consume a lot of alcohol in the form of cocktails—mixtures based on spirits like whisky, gin and vodka.


  • 研究作者调查了12395名学生分析了九种危险行为包括过度使用酒精非法使用毒品大量吸烟、频繁使用媒体逃学

    The study's authors surveyed 12,395 students and analyzed nine risk behaviors, including excessive alcohol use, illegal drug use, heavy smoking, high media use and truancy.


  • 那里居民饮用大量的黑茶通常可以每个每天超过(1.8品脱)的量,同时他们偶尔使用烟草酒精

    Inhabitants there sip large quantities of hot black tea - typically drinking more than a liter (1.8 pints) per day per person - but also have a low incidence of tobacco and alcohol use.


  • 无论是生产酒精用于发电,所有生物体应用都会带来消耗食物风险,同样还需要大量水资源

    All use of biomass-whether for ethanol or electricity-runs the risk of displacing food crops, however, as well as the need for large amounts of water.


  • 选择喝水低糖汽水、不加甜味剂咖啡通常酒精饮料,这也会避免摄入大量热量。

    Choose water, diet soda, or unsweetened tea or coffee instead of regular soft drinks or alcoholic beverages. This will save a lot of calories.


  • 大量暴力犯罪都是酒精作用发生的,一点并非巧合

    It is no coincidence that a large number of violent crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol.


  • 因为科学家们已经发现所谓'啤酒'不是由于大量引用酒精——但是基因有很大关系

    For scientists have discovered that the so-called 'beer belly' is not caused by consuming alcohol - but more to do with genetics.


  • 酒精引起肝硬化主要原因。同时,大量证据表明过度肥胖扮演了同样的角色

    Alcohol is a major cause of liver cirrhosis and there is mounting evidence that excess weight also plays a role.


  • 如果真的庆祝跑步作为一年开始,那么晚上控制自己尽量酒精饮料并且跑步、跑步时以及跑完,都要补充大量水分

    If you really want to celebrate and then start the new year with a run tomorrow, try to limit your alcoholic beverages tonight and drink plenty of water before, during, and after your run.


  • 偶尔有害饮酒每日大量饮酒等一系列酒精消费模式几乎所有国家都造成严重公共卫生安全问题

    A broad range of alcohol consumption patterns, from occasional hazardous drinking to daily heavy drinking, creates significant public health and safety problems in nearly all countries.


  • 大量摄入尼古丁酒精支撑,不停地阅读写作谈论直到逝世

    He continued reading, writing and talking-fuelled by a prodigious intake of nicotine and alcohol-right up to his death.


  • 然而,大脑大量门冬氨酸受体白鼠摄入少量酒精后,记忆力则会增强

    However, rats which did show high Numbers of NMDA receptors exhibited memory improvement when given small amounts of alcohol.


  • 黑色水果大量酒精平滑糖衣少量装饰

    Dark fruit, plenty of alcohol, very smooth icing, with a small amount of decoration.


  • 酒精造成大量残疾

    Alcohol can also cause a significant amount of disability.


  • 大量饮酒(饮用6060克以上纯酒精)有害饮酒模式一个主要特点

    One of the key characteristics of the hazardous pattern of drinking is the presence of heavy drinking occasions, defined as consumptions of 60 or more grams of pure alcohol.


  • 普拉承认自己痴迷酒精已经三十了(他波兰出差学会大量饮用伏特加),为了戒酒,他现在定期瑞典健康农场参加活动。

    A confessed alcoholic for thirty years (Kamprad says he learned to consume copious quantities of vodka during Polish business trips), he now regularly attends Swedish health farms to dry out.


  • 由于酒精令人成瘾能力有些女性怀孕期间不顾忠告仍然大量饮酒。

    Given the addictive power of alcohol, some women still drink heavily during pregnancy despite receiving the right advice.


  • 如果使用更多再生能源不是进口大量原油目的,那么诸如生物酒精之类的燃料当今唯一具备影响力技术

    If the goal is to have more of those gallons come from renewable sources rather than imported oil, fuels like ethanol are the only technologies that are having an impact today.


  • 但是,请你先看以下这个科学事实:对于大量酗酒人,少量摄入致幻剂可以缓解酒精中毒能防止酒瘾复发

    But check out this interesting science: in heavy drinkers, small doses of LSD have been thought to help bypass the rock-bottom stage of alcoholism and prevent relapses.


  • 各方面原因也许是:为了让身材恢复产前的衣而天天吃沙拉造成营养不足,或者每天熬夜哄孩子入睡喝下去大量美味的酒精在作祟?

    The side effect of all those salads you're consuming to slim down to your pre-pregnancy dress size, or those deliciously deserved glasses of wine after baby finally goes to sleep?


  • 需要完全戒酒必须明白大量酒精摄入已经证实提高乳癌患病机率

    You don't need to go tee-total, but it's important to know that booze has been shown to increase the risk of breast cancer.


  • 易得此病的人是飞行大量饮酒的人,因为含酒精的饮料会引起脱水妨碍血液循环

    The most likely victims drink a lot on their flight: alcohol causes dehydration which also interfere with the blood circulation.


  • 大量实验研究证明唾液血液中的酒精浓度几乎相等

    A large number of experimental studies have proved that saliva and blood alcohol concentration was almost equal.


  • 如果喜欢工作以后点小酒,试着将其周末的时候,酒精里面含有大量热量,真的毁坏健康饮食

    If you enjoy a drink after work, try to save it for the weekend; alcohol is filled with calories and can really ruin a healthy diet.


  • 如果喜欢工作以后点小酒,试着将其周末的时候,酒精里面含有大量热量,真的毁坏健康饮食

    If you enjoy a drink after work, try to save it for the weekend; alcohol is filled with calories and can really ruin a healthy diet.


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