• 一些研究人员假设腺苷大量位点累积结合导致睡眠开始

    Some researchers have hypothesized that it is the cumulative binding of adenosine to a large number of sites that causes the onset of sleep.


  • 大量使用媒体设备会缩短睡眠时间,从而干扰睡眠

    Heavy media use interferes with sleep by reducing sleep duration.


  • 少年每天需要8-10个小时的睡眠,因为他们需要大量能量来长成成年人的身体。

    Teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep a day because they need lots of energy to grow into their adult bodies.


  • 大量使用“查理”(译注:可卡因俗称)的常常神经质、易怒变得偏执如果因为使用药品睡眠不好,你同样会感到困惑

    People who like a lot of 'Charlie' are often nervy, excitable and can get paranoid. If you're not sleeping well because of this drug, you can also feel very confused.


  • 通过大量亲身实践一些专家帮助,现在能够有效控制睡眠不仅仅入睡而是真正的酣然入梦。

    Through a lot of experimentation and a bit of help from some very cool experts, I was able to take charge of my sleep and learn how to not just sleep, but find true rest.


  • 近年来,睡眠不足肥胖之间关系引起大量关注

    The relationship between insufficient sleep and obesity has attracted much attention in recent years.


  • 不仅使增加大量体重而且会破坏睡眠也许能导致无意中吃进有毒物质过敏食物

    It not only can make you gain serious amounts of weight and disrupt your sleep, it may also cause you to inadvertently eat toxic substances or foods to which you're allergic.


  • 如果这样的话,大量科学研究(结果)支持睡眠有助于巩固记忆这个观点至少某种特定的记忆。

    As it happens, a wide range of scientific studies support the idea that sleep is necessary for helping to "consolidate" memory, or at least certain types of memory.


  • 同时该研究显示:“我们调查结果表明没有必要大量增加睡眠时间每晚多20分钟似乎有助于降低体重指数。”

    Findings suggest that major extensions of sleep time may not be necessary, as an extra 20 minutes of sleep per night seems to be associated with a lower body mass index, "it added." we.


  • 大量研究已经发现缬草改善深度睡眠,提高入睡速度睡眠整体质量

    Numerous studies have found that valerian improves deep sleep, speed of falling asleep, and overall quality of sleep.


  • 研究表明,大量社交媒体应用造成包括网瘾睡眠减少在内其他问题

    Other problems that can often result from extensive social media use include Internet addiction and sleep deprivation, the researchers note.


  • 健康饮食—需大量摄入水果蔬菜,运动和每天7个小时睡眠,这些可以使身体更不容易细菌入侵

    A healthy diet -with a generous intake of fruit and vegetables -exercise and 7 hours of sleep daily, can make your body less vulnerable to germs.


  • 健康饮食大量摄入水果蔬菜运动每天7个小时睡眠这些可以使身体更不容易被细菌入侵。

    A healthy diet - with a generous intake of fruit and vegetables - exercise and 7 hours of sleep daily, can make your body less vulnerable to germs.


  • 记忆而言,相较于睡眠体育锻炼是个灰色地带似乎大量的有力的证据证明匀称的体态良好认识能力有联系的。

    Physical exercise is a somewhat grayer area than sleep when it comes to memory, but there seems to be a reasonable body of evidence suggesting that physical fitness and cognitive fitness are linked.


  • 大脑运转需要大量能量缺乏食物睡眠的SERE受训者中葡萄糖能有效增强神经敏锐度

    The brain needs a large amount of energy to function, and in the food and sleep-deprived SERE trainees, the glucose proved effective at boosting their mental acuity.


  • 火鸡蛋白质可以合成大量酪氨酸,酪氨酸可以生成多巴胺去甲肾上腺素,并且身心的放松睡眠都有很大帮助。

    This protein is a great source of tyrosine amino acid, which produces dopamine and noradrenaline and is great for relaxation and sleeping.


  • 结结实实睡个好也许听起来像是减肥最好诀窍但是大量研究指出充足睡眠减肥很重要

    Laying up for a solid night's sleep might not sound like the best recipe for weight loss, but loads of research has pointed to the importance of sufficient shut-eye to losing weight.


  • 那些睡眠浅又容易被惊醒人们也许会激活脑中大量形波而受益研究者至今尚未清楚到底通过什么样的办法去激发脑中的梭形波。

    Light sleepers may benefit from boosting the number of spindles in their brains, though the researchers acknowledge they are still unclear how the boost could be achieved.


  • 睡眠模式中,电力负荷大大减少节省大量精力

    In Sleep mode, the power load reduce considerably, saving a lot of energy.


  • 婴儿需要大量睡眠以及国家行动方案一个关键部分

    Babies need lots of sleep, and naps are a critical part of this.


  • 极少睡眠获取大量能量

    To get from too little sleep much energy.


  • 补充说为了获得关于睡眠呼吸暂停青光眼联系确定答案需要大量年龄体重一致对照组的临床试验

    Larger clinical trials with age - and weight-matched controls are required to obtain a definitive answer about the association between sleep apnea and glaucoma, he added.


  • 喜欢吃动物肝脏的人通常会睡眠问题应该猜到了,动物肝脏中含有大量胺。 。

    If you're a big liver fan, you might find yourself with some sleep issues. This is because of, you guessed it, its high levels of tyramine.


  • 甘薯除了含有大量复合蛋白质可以促进健康睡眠之外,含有大量

    In addition to containing high Numbers of complex proteins that promote healthy sleep sweet potatoes also have large amounts of potassium.


  • 大量研究显示缺乏睡眠肥胖慢性疾病相关,且这种关联与体力活动等其他因素无关

    Many studies suggest that lack of sleep, independent of other factors like physical activity, is associated with obesity and chronic disease.


  • 大量研究显示缺乏睡眠肥胖慢性疾病相关,且这种关联与体力活动等其他因素无关

    Many studies suggest that lack of sleep, independent of other factors like physical activity, is associated with obesity and chronic disease.


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