• 做出大量承诺但是却一贯去打破他们或者根本遵守它们人来往一件具有挑战的事。

    Associating with a person who makes a lot of promises but consistently breaks them, or simply doesn't keep them, is challenging.


  • 开始时,需要大量回忆思考,然后需要有勇气,做大量学习实践最后履行你做出的大量承诺

    It'll require a lot of reflection and soul-searching, at first, then a lot of courage and learning and experimentation, and finally a lot of commitment.


  • 由于这种承诺现在任何人都可以通过使用用于集成规范业务语言来获得大量投资收益。

    Because of this commitment, it is now possible for everyone to realize a large return-on-investment by using a canonical business language for integration.


  • 美联储可能短期发布更多的小数目的款项,以观望态度预计未来分批支出,不是承诺某个确定时间购买大量国债

    Rather than promise to buy a large amount of bonds by a certain date, the Fed will probably announce more modest amounts over shorter periods, predicating future instalments on the outlook.


  • 除了大量发行流动资金保持金融市场稳定外,日本银行承诺加倍资产购买计划有助于吸收多余债务

    In addition to a massive release of liquidity to maintain financial market stability, the Bank has promised to double its asset-purchase plan, which will help absorb some of the additional debt.


  • 很不情愿地购买了主权债券承诺只要欧洲大量救援资金到位欧洲央行就会停止买入债券。

    He bought sovereign bonds reluctantly and promised the ECB would stop as soon as Europe's enhanced rescue fund was up and running.


  • UBL很多承诺但是经过研究之后,仍然仅仅触及满足电子商务需求所需要大量文档事务的皮毛。

    UBL has a lot of promise, but after three years of work it still just scratches the surface of the range of document and transaction sets needed to cover electronic business needs.


  • 他们开发成功无形资产”:自信集中健康承诺以及大量其他内在天赋

    They develop theintangibles” of success: confidence, concentration, healthy commitment, and a host of other talents that are on the inside.


  • 承诺引入专业行政机制,将大量非正规企业合法化

    He promises to introduce a professional civil service and legalise the vast mass of informal businesses.


  • 发表报告同时,制药业还进一步承诺捐赠大量药物。

    The launch of the report was accompanied by further commitments from the pharmaceutical industry to donate drugs in massive quantities.


  • 为了满足大量红利承诺,停止业务危机公司资产负债表毫无意义的。

    There is no point in starving a business and endangering a firm’s balance-sheet in order to meet macho dividend commitments.


  • 为了满足大量红利承诺,停止业务危机公司资产负债表毫无意义的。

    There is no point in starving a business and endangering a firm's balance-sheet in order to meet macho dividend commitments.


  • 根除工作消耗大量精力资源承诺

    The eradication effort has taken a huge amount of energy, resources and commitment.


  • 国家2005年夏天通过承诺突然市场倾销大量国有股成功启动股市上涨。

    The state helped start the winning streak in the summer of 2005 by declaring that it would not suddenly dump large blocks of its own shares on the market.


  • 世公司(Mercer,一家人力资源公司)MickThompson估计大量联席CEO安排只是“权宜婚姻”,共同生活做出深层承诺结果

    Mick Thompson of Mercer, a human-resources consultancy, reckons that many dual-CEO arrangements are “marriages of convenience” rather than the result of a deep-seated commitment to cohabitation.


  • 科技承诺似乎无止境的时候,人们不可能不想起1950年代美国大量公共基础设施工程

    It is impossible not to think of the enormous public works projects built in the United States at midcentury, when faith in technology's promise seemed boundless.


  • 其他一些慷慨承诺比如每个家庭都获得大量土地经济学家嗤之以鼻但是轻信民众却欣然接受。

    Other extravagant promises (a plot of land for every family, for instance) are derided by economists, but lapped up by the credulous.


  • 由于一小部分“基石投资人承诺大量购进最终股价以此价格区间上限收盘。

    The price ended up at top of this range, as a small group of “cornerstoneinvestors committed themselves to buying large numbers of shares.


  • 各大企业需求大量美金来发放股票债务;那就要一些人为担保承诺

    Companies needed to raise billions of dollars by issuing shares and bonds; somebody had to underwrite them.


  • 上汽东风汽车这样的本地制造商都承诺环保型汽车进行大量投入

    Local automakers, from SAIC Motor to Dongfeng Motor Group Co, have pledged massive investments in greener vehicles.


  • 示例中,过度承诺大量CPU资源仍然满足用户请求

    In this example, a substantial amount of CPU resources could be over-committed and still meet user demand.


  • 世行的软贷款迅速并且大量补充使富国在苏格兰鹰谷峰会上穷国承诺得到兑现

    Second, the bank's soft-loan kitty must be replenished quickly and generously enough to fulfil the Gleneagles promises that the rich world made to the poor world.


  • 上限几家承诺购买大量股票基石投资者认可。

    The top end of this range was agreed on with a small group of "cornerstone" investors who committed themselves to buying large Numbers of shares.


  • 大量注意力一直致力于承诺之间关系更替

    A great deal of attention has been devoted to the relationship between commitment and turnover.


  • 巴马承诺建立一个绿色能源产业减少这个国家外国石油依赖,这就让所有人都替代能源放在了赢家圈子里尽管最近行业股票被大量抛售

    Obama's promise to create a green-energy industry to help reduce the nation's dependence on foreign oil has alternative energy in everyone's winner's circle, despite recent sell-offs in the sector.


  • 通常网上搜索返回大量结果不过有人建议买方知道地点已经离谱承诺

    Usually a search on the Internet will return a large amount of results, however it is suggested that the buyer be aware of sites that have outrageous promises.


  • 大量时间金钱精力投入到不会对你有任何郑重承诺身上时,注定心碎

    When you invest so much of your time, money, and energy into someone without a serious commitment to speak of, your heart is bound to get shattered.


  • 我们还有大量工作已经指示相关部门继续一切努力兑现我们退伍军人的承诺

    We've still got more work to do – and I've directed my Administration to keep doing everything it can to fulfill our promise to our veterans.


  • 现在他们回报的时候了,我们期望得到他们大量承诺以重振经济

    And now that they 'reback on their feet, we expect extraordinary commitment from them to help rebuild the economy.


  • 现在他们回报的时候了,我们期望得到他们大量承诺以重振经济

    And now that they 'reback on their feet, we expect extraordinary commitment from them to help rebuild the economy.


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